Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Waiting Game

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“Liebe you need to wake up,” Marco murmured kissing Aoife softly, he hated to wake her now but they had to get up; he wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep himself but it wasn’t possible.

Aoife wrinkled her nose cuddling closer to Marco, she didn’t want to get up and she was sure that whatever it was couldn’t be that important; she wrapped her arm around Marco’s waist making him sigh.

“Aoife… your sister is in labour,” Marco muttered feeling bad for waking her up for this, he had to go to the hospital and he wanted to tell Aoife instead of leaving a note; he wasn’t sure if she wanted to come to the hospital with him.

Aoife kept her eyes closed as his words registered in her mind, she had known that this day was coming but it didn’t make it any easier; she held onto Marco as he whispered reassuring words.

“I have to go liebe… I need to have a swab done for the paternity test,” Marco whispered not wanting to upset her, it had to be done and he wasn’t going to let this change things; he still wanted little to do with Belle after everything that had happened.

Aoife opened her eyes and peeked at Marco, she wished he didn’t have to go but she knew that he had to; they needed to find out if the baby was Marco’s so that he could decide what he was going to do next.

There was no doubt in Aoife’s mind that if the baby was his that Marco would step up, she wouldn’t stop him if he did but it would make the situation awkward.

Pushing back the covers, Aoife climbed out of bed making Marco look at her; he watched his wife as she slowly started to get dressed causing him to frown.

“You don’t have to come with me,” Marco said gently, he knew how hard this was going to be and he feared that Belle would do something that could cause him to lose her.

Aoife shook her head, there was no way that she was going to let Marco go through this on his own; she was going to support him no matter what happened today.


“Good you’re here,” Irene said spotting Marco walking into the hospital with Aoife, she was surprised to see her other daughter and hadn’t expected her to show up now that Belle was having her baby.

It had been months since Irene had seen Aoife, she had feared that her younger daughter would never speak to her again and she hoped that it would change when Belle had her baby.

“Of course I am,” Marco muttered blocking Irene’s view of Aoife, he had no interested in playing nice with the woman that had turned her back on his wife in favour of her sister.

Aoife laced her fingers with Marco’s, she didn’t need him to protect her and she doubted that they would be here long; they had been told that Belle’s labour was pretty advanced when they had called from the car to see how things were going.

Irene was silent not sure what to say, she wanted things to go back to normal and she hoped that Aoife could put all of this behind her; she eyed the bump knowing her second grandchild lay inside.

“Belle wants to see you Marco,” Irene murmured turning her attention back to the footballer, her eldest had expressed her want for Marco and David to be in the room when she gave birth and she was sure the footballer would want to be there.

Marco nodded his head before he turned to kiss Aoife, he wouldn’t be gone long and he had no intentions of sticking around Belle; he would pop in to see her now and then wait until the baby was born to see her again.

It wasn’t going to be easy and Marco wasn’t going to get sucked in, in a couple of days he would know for sure if the baby was his and that’s what mattered.

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