Chapter Fourteen: It Could Be

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“How are you?” Belle asked softly looking at her younger twin sister, she was glad that she got the chance to talk to Aoife even if she wasn’t pleased that Marco was hanging around.

The last thing that Belle wanted to do was hanging around the man that she had hurt and she knew that things weren’t going to be simple; she had come back in hopes of convincing Aoife that she didn’t need to go through with this.

Belle wasn’t about to let her sister sacrifice herself for their parents, it wasn’t fair and she knew that if Aoife left with her then they would be able to put all this mess behind them; they could be a family again and let their parents deal with their own problems.

“Why are you here Belle?” Aoife replied crossing her arms, it had been a long evening and she wanted to get some sleep; she had no interest in what Belle had to say, she wished her sister hadn’t shown up at all.

Marco moved to sit down next to Aoife, he had no idea what to make of Belle coming back; he had hoped the wedding would go off without a hitch and he had started to move on with his life.

“You don’t have to do this Fifi,” Belle murmured wondering how their parents had convinced her sister to marry Marco, she didn’t want to see her sister hurt and she wanted to protect her.

Aoife laced her fingers with Marco’s, she stared at Belle trying to calm her thoughts; she was so angry with her sister for thinking that she could pretend everything was alright.

“Please Aoife… you could come and live in Hamburg with us,” Belle pleaded softly, she peeked at David knowing that she couldn’t just leave her sister to this fate; if it hadn’t been for Lindsey then she wouldn’t have learnt what was going on.

David wrapped his arms around Belle and held her close, he was a little wary of her being so close to Marco; it was only going to end in tears if he asked the right questions.

“I’m not going anywhere Belle… I am going to marry Marco,” Aoife replied calmly, she knew that if she let her anger control her then she would confront her sister for the mess that she had left behind.

Marco eyed the couple before him, he could very clearly see Belle was pregnant and it made him a little curious about how far along she was; he talk a deep breath not wanting to think of the possibility.

“Let mama and papa handle this mess it’s their debt,” Belle persuaded gently, she pulled away from David and stepped closer to her sister; she couldn’t let this happen and she feared what would become of Aoife if she agreed.

Aoife glared at Belle, she couldn’t believe that her sister was trying that on her; she was going to marry Marco as long as he would have her, she wasn’t going to change her mind.

“You caused the debt Belle,” Aoife snapped angrily, she couldn’t believe that Belle had ran away from all of this and was acting like nothing had happened; she had turned her back on the entire family.

Marco and David looked between the sisters wondering what Aoife was talking about, they both knew that the twins’ parents owed Marco’s parents money but not why they had been forced to borrow that much from them.

“They told you… it was an accident,” Belle murmured a little upset that her parents were telling people why they had been forced to borrow money from Thomas and Manuela; she was ashamed about what had happened but at the time she had been so sure about the investment.

“They’re bankrupt… on the verge of losing the bakery and all you can say is it was an accident,” Aoife hissed getting to her feet, she wanted to slap her sister silly for what she was saying.

Marco stared at Belle, he had once loved the woman before him but now staring at her he had no idea who she was; the Belle he had known would have stuck around to help those who needed it.

“I couldn’t make myself in happy anymore,” Belle whispered looking at her sister, she had left Dortmund for her own sake and she wasn’t going to make herself miserable to fix the problem.

Belle had started a new in Hamburg and she was so happy with David, they were even talking about getting married after the baby had been born; she was ready to settle down and no one would change her mind.

“I’m not telling you that you should have married Marco, I’m saying you should have stuck around to help them pay of the debt,” Aoife hissed starting to get annoyed, she glared at Belle wondering why she couldn’t see that she was at fault for what had happened to their parents.

Marco nodded his head in agreement with what she was saying, he had no interest in Belle now that he had Aoife; he was truly happy but Belle needed to see that she had caused a lot of damage by doing what she had.

“You’re the one who advised them to make the investment and lost their money,” Aoife pointed out, she took a deep breath to calm herself and wonder if her sister even realised how serious this all was; she had left behind a mess that no one could fix.

Marco wrapped his arms around Aoife and held her close, he could see that she was getting upset and he didn’t want her to cry; he peeked at Belle who looked far from please he was comforting her sister.

“I think you should leave,” Marco murmured hugging Aoife while he tried to calm her down, he didn’t want Belle at the wedding and he wished that she would leave.

Belle stared at Marco and Aoife, her stomach twisting at the sight of them and she knew it wasn’t meant to be like this; they were only together because of the debt and she was sure that a marriage between them wouldn’t last.

David moved to take Belle’s hand, they had done what they had come to do and Aoife seemed content enough to marry Marco; he could see that the couple had been happy even if his girlfriend couldn’t see it herself.

“I’m not leaving without Aoife,” Belle stated stubbornly, she pulled away from David and walked towards her sister and Marco; she wanted Aoife to be happy and it wasn’t going to happen if she married the footballer.

Aoife wasn’t built for the life of a celebrity and Belle could only see her sister getting hurt, she deserved a quiet life and Belle was determined to give it to her.

“Please Belle… just leave,” Aoife whispered not looking at her sister, she wanted to be happy and she had been before Belle had come back into her life; she wanted very little to do with her twin right now.

Belle looked at her sister hurt, she wished Aoife would stop pushing her away; she wanted her sister back and she knew that when her baby was born that Aoife was going to be a wonderful aunt to him or her.

“Belle just leave,” Marco muttered staring at Belle, he was happy she had broken off their engagement and he was happy now that he had Aoife in his life; he was never meant for Belle but for her sister.

Belle frowned and shook her head, she took a deep breath knowing that David was going to be upset with her next move but she had to do this if Aoife was going to marry Marco.

“I wish I could… there is something I need to tell you,” Belle mused softly, if her sister was going to marry Marco then she didn’t see the harm in revealing her little secret.

David stared at his girlfriend concerned as he realised what she was about to do, they had agreed that they wouldn’t tell Marco since it would only hurt people.

“I’m pregnant and there is a small chance it could be yours,” Belle announced softly, she smiled weakly as Aoife and Marco stared at her; she had a small hope that this would make her sister end things.


Author's Note:

Picture on the right is how I see Belle Beckan in this story, it's the same actress as the one that plays Aoife but she's got highlights in her hair x

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