Epilogue: Happy Anniversary

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Marco smile giving his wife a kiss, he couldn’t believe that it had been an entire year since Aoife had come into his life; he had never been so happy and he had no intentions of letting them go.

“Happy Anniversary,” Aoife murmured wrapping her arms around him, she was surprised herself how far they had come in just twelve months; things were far better than she had ever expected.

Marco was not only a wonderful husband but he was also an amazing father to Briana; he had done so much for them in the two months since Briana had come into the world.

The little girl’s eyes were slowly turning green something that made Marco thrilled, she was the image of her mother and he was glad that a small part of him had appeared in his daughter.

“Happy Anniversary,” Marco replied holding Aoife close, the house was quiet and Briana was soundly sleeping allowing the couple to enjoy their evening together.

Manuela had wanted to look after her granddaughter for the evening, however the couple had refused; they had decided not to celebrate their engagement date instead just their wedding anniversary.

Marco had never thought that this could happen, he had been so sure that it wouldn’t work out but now he couldn’t see his life without Aoife or Briana.

Kissing Aoife, Marco held her close and closed his eyes wanting this moment to last; they had nothing to worry about anymore and things were finally peaceful.

They hadn’t heard from Aoife’s side of the family in weeks, it was clear that they had finally accepted that there was no fixing the damage that had been done when they had sided with Belle.

Aoife and Briana were happy and that was what mattered to Marco, he would do anything for the women in his life and no one would change that.

“I love you,” Marco murmured pulling back a little to look at Aoife, he wouldn’t change anything that had happened and they were stronger for what they had been through; he couldn’t imagine having settled for Belle anymore.

Marco brushed his fingers gently through Aoife’s hair, he was going to spend the rest of his life with her and he loved the idea of giving Briana a couple of brothers and sisters.

“I love you too,” Aoife whispered back with a smile, her brown eyes staring into his green ones; everything seemed so perfect and she wanted it to stay that way.

Marco moved to kiss Aoife again only for Briana to start crying, the couple smiled knowing that they couldn’t even be upset about it; they adored having their little girl around.

Giving Aoife a tender kiss, Marco pulled away and headed upstairs to the nursery to check on Briana; he took the steps two at a time before hurrying into the nursery.

Marco smiled moving to pick up his daughter, he whispered comforting words and cuddled her; he was surprised how quickly the first two months of her life had flown by.

“It’s okay… Daddy is here,” Marco murmured fussing over Briana, he was so excited about her first Christmas; he was already planning to make it as perfect as possible for her.

Aoife had warned him not to go overboard since Briana wasn’t going to really remember it, however that didn’t deter Marco in the slightest; not only was it Briana’s first Christmas but his and Aoife’s.

Last Christmas hadn’t been good for them since they had been so nervous about getting married but this year he was going all out.

Marco held his daughter close, there was no way that he could let her have a terrible first Christmas; he would spoil his little girl rotten and he was sure that Aoife was going to tell him off.

Marco headed downstairs with Briana in his arms, he smiled spotting Aoife with a bottle prepared for her; he was happy that he got chances to feed their daughter and it still amazed him when he did it.

“I’ll feed her,” Marco insisted making Aoife laugh and nod her head, she was surprised just how much her husband was willing to do; they had found a nice balance and he did so much despite being away most of the time.

Aoife handed Marco the bottle so that he could feed Briana, she still had a couple of months before she returned to work but they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

They had some plans and Manuela had offered to look after Briana when Aoife did go back to work, it was going to be odd for her to be away from the baby.

“Did you ever think that life would turn out like this?” Aoife asked curiously watching Marco feed Briana, she doubted that they would ever forget how they had gotten engaged even if it had led to something this wonderful.

Marco shook his head, he had been a little worried when they first agreed to get married for his parents; he had feared it would end in divorce but now he couldn’t imagine that Aoife would ever leave him.

The couple were silent just looking down at their daughter, everything had worked out in the end and everyone knew the truth now; they didn’t want any secrets causing them anymore trouble.

“Life is perfect,” Marco murmured looking down at his daughter, her green eyes looking back at him making him smile; he didn’t think that life could ever get any better than this. 



Author's Note:

So this is the end of Feel My Love.

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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