Chapter Thirty: Day at the Beach

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“You look beautiful,” Marco murmured softly, his lips brushing against Aoife’s neck as they lounged about on beach; he was pleased that their babymoon was going so well and he loved the fact they could relax right now.

Aoife smiled closing her eyes, she felt Marco’s fingers brush tenderly against her bump as she leant back into him; she couldn’t imagine anything better right now than this.

Marco pulled back a little from his wife, she was wearing a blue triangle moulded bikini top and fold-over bikini briefs that showed off her bump perfectly; he doubted that he would ever see anything more beautiful in his life.

Marco ducked his head back down and kissed Aoife carefully, he loved his wife and he would do anything for her; he had no idea what was going to happen when their daughter was born but he knew that she was going to be as perfect as her mother.

“Not long now,” Aoife mused softly looking back at Marco, she had about eight weeks left until their daughter was born and it would fly by; she had no idea what was going to happen when they had their daughter but it could only get better.

Marco nodded his head, he rested his head against Aoife’s wanting to enjoy their holiday while they could; he hoped that they wouldn’t be disturbed, he could only imagine what the paparazzi would be like here.

“I’ve been thinking of names,” Marco mused softly making Aoife look at him, he had been doing a lot of thinking since they had found out that they were having a baby girl; he wanted the right name before their little girl was born and he had done a lot of thinking.

“Really… what have you thought?” Aoife asked curiously, she wasn’t sure what to expect from Marco but she knew he would have done his best thinking for the right name for their daughter.

Marco smiled watching Aoife, his green eyes peeking around glad that right now no one was bothering them; he didn’t want to have to deal with people stalking them.

“Gabriella Charlotte,” Marco mused the first name that he had put together, it wasn’t his favourite of the three but he knew that it was one that he would consider; it was better than what Belle had named her daughter.

Aoife nodded her head, she looked out along the beach knowing that it wasn’t going to be long before they were find and she doubted the paparazzi would waste time in posting the pictures for everyone to see.

It would only be a matter of time and Marco wouldn’t be pleased if someone bothered them; Aoife had noticed how protective her husband was now that she was over seven months pregnant.

“Julia Sara,” Marco continued revealing the second name, he wrapped his arms around Aoife and held her close to him; they were just out of the sun thanks to a beach parasol and he was glad that it wasn’t going to get any hotter.

Aoife nodded her head, she took a deep breath and she hoped that they were going to be okay; she had no idea what would happen when they had to return to Dortmund, things were going to get busy.

“Briana Alexis,” Marco concluded, he had narrowed his list down to them three names and he was sure that before the baby had been born that they would have found a name that they liked.

Aoife paused at the name, she liked the sound of the final name and she hadn’t really had any ideas what they could call their daughter; none of the names that she had listed sounded good like Marco had said.

“The last one is my favourite,” Marco murmured pulling back from Aoife, he moved to stretched a little before he leant back and watched his wife.

Aoife nodded her head, she rested a hand on her bump as she thought about the names that Marco had told her; she had no idea what their baby would look like but she had that the baby had her father’s eyes.

“Briana Alexis Reus,” Aoife mused with a smile, she ran her fingers through Marco’s hair as she turned to face him; she liked the name and it had a nice ring to it when added with their surname.

Marco perked a little at the sound of the name, he nodded his head watching her with a smile; he liked the sound of Briana coming from his wife’s lips.

“I think we have a name for baby,” Marco said grinning, he had liked that name from the moment that he found it and it seemed so fitting for their daughter.

Aoife nodded smiling, she could only imagine what was going to happen when baby Briana was born but she was sure that it would all be perfect; she allowed Marco to draw her close and kiss her.

“Why don’t we go for a paddle?” Marco suggested pulling back from Aoife, he ran his fingers through her hair sure that going into the ocean would cool them down.

Aoife nodded her head making Marco get to his feet, he gently moved to help Aoife since her bump made it a bit difficult for her; he smiled looking at the bump that carried his daughter.

Marco laced his fingers with Aoife’s before he walked down to the beach with her towards the ocean, he didn’t care who recognised him as long as they didn’t bother Aoife in anyway.


Marco looked up along the beach and frowned as his eyes spotted several figures that he had hoped wouldn’t cause them any issues; he knew without a doubt in his mind that they were paparazzi.

“Ignore them,” Aoife murmured wrapped her arms around Marco, she didn’t want him being brought down by someone knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy; she never liked being followed by paparazzi since they didn’t know when to stop.

Marco just nodded his head, he didn’t like the idea that they were taking pictures of Aoife and he doubted there was anything that he could do to stop them; he wanted his wife and daughter safe no matter what.

“It’ll be okay,” Aoife whispered pulling back from Marco, it was a down side to her husband doing what he loved most and she couldn’t fault him for that; she wanted Marco to be happy and that was all that mattered to her.

Marco turned his attention away from the paparazzi, he wasn’t going to allow them to ruin the time that he had with Aoife; he had preseason soon and a new season following not long after, he knew that it wasn’t going to be easy with Briana due in a couple of months.

“I was thinking that we head into the city tomorrow,” Marco mused as they waded through the waters, he couldn’t help but keep an eye on the paps that were watching them in case they came closer.

Marco wouldn’t risk his heavily pregnant wife for anything, he would sue any man stupid enough to come close enough to his wife; he didn’t care what they wanted he wouldn’t let anyone hurt Aoife.

“That sounds good,” Aoife replied smiling, she hoped that everything would be okay since they didn’t have much time left until they had to return to Dortmund so that Marco could prepare for training.

Marco smiled drawing Aoife close, he wanted to forget about the fact that they were being watched and he wanted to enjoy it with her; he had no idea when they would get to do something like this again.

Aoife took a deep breath, she feared just what her husband would do if anyone was stupid enough to come to close; she doubted that Marco would react well to anyone trying to hurt her or Briana.

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