Chapter Twenty-Eight: Paternity Results

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Aoife ignored the look that Belle gave her as she sat down next to Marco, they were all back at the hospital to find out who had fathered Lola; the results had come in late and the couple were desperate to know where they stood.

Marco laced his fingers with Aoife’s, he was glad that his wife was sat next to him; he had no idea what the doctor would say but he was so sure that Lola wasn’t his daughter.

The room was completely silent as they waited for the doctor to arrive to give them their results, the two couples had nothing to say to each other even if they were related.

Belle peeked down at Lola and smiled, she adored her daughter so much and she couldn’t explain what she would ever do if something happened to Lola; she wanted the best for her daughter no matter what the cost.

Everyone’s head snapped to the door as the doctor stepped inside, they had waited long enough for the results and Lola would finally have a last name when they knew who her father was.

“Guten tag, sorry for the delay,” the doctor apologised moving to sit down, he had the results in his hand and he was sure that everyone would be pleased with what the results said.

Aoife took a deep breath, she had no idea what was going to happen when the doctor read those results but she prayed that Marco wasn’t the father; they deserved to be happy without having to worry about her sister all of the time.

“It’s fine,” David mused smiling, he had everything that he wanted right now and he was still going to be Lola’s father figure no matter what; he didn’t care if he replaced Marco in the little girl’s life.

Belle was silent, she held her daughter close as she wondered what David would do if the baby wasn’t his; she would want Marco to finally set up and be a part of Lola’s life if he was the father.

Marco pressed a kiss to Aoife’s hand, he was ready for whatever the doctor told him and he wasn’t going to let Belle mess with his marriage; she had chosen David and she was going to have to live with that.

“Now I have the results of Lola Daisy’s paternity test,” the doctor started looking at both couples, he had been paid a lot of money to ensure that this situation wouldn’t end up in the press.

Belle smiled at the name of her daughter, she loved it and she was sure that when her daughter finally had a surname it would be even better be it if she was Lola Daisy Reus or Lola Daisy Simmons.

Marco closed his green eyes as he held onto Aoife’s hand, this was it and he hoped that he wasn’t going to be the father of Lola; he could only imagine what Belle would do if he was the father of her daughter.

David sat silently, he didn’t look at Belle as he thought about how wonderful it would be if he was Lola’s father; he was going to move them back to Hamburg to get away from Marco.

“The father of Lola Daisy is David Simmons,” the doctor revealed not seeing the point in dragging this out, he moved to hand the bit of paper to Belle knowing that she would need it.

Belle slowly took the paper and stared stunned by the results, she felt cheated that Lola wasn’t Marco’s daughter; she was sure she would have been provided for, for life if she had been.

Marco sighed in relief before he moved to kiss Aoife, he was thrilled that he wasn’t Lola’s father and he hoped that this meant he wouldn’t have to deal with Belle anymore.

Aoife smiled into the kiss, they had nothing to worry about now and she felt a weight lift from her shoulders that there was nothing tying her husband to her sister anymore.

They could move on and they wouldn’t have to worry about anything but their own daughter when she was born.


“I’m so happy that’s over,” Aoife murmured wrapping her arms around Marco, she was happy to be home and she didn’t have to think about what Belle was doing anymore; they could focus on their own baby now.

Marco nodded his head, he kissed his wife relieved that he didn’t have to worry about someone else but his wife and their unborn child; it wouldn’t be long until their own little girl was born.

“I love you,” Marco whispered pulling back from Aoife, his fingers brushing through her hair; everything had worked out so well and he wanted nothing more than to relax until their daughter was born.

Aoife smiled resting her head against Marco’s, she closed her brown eyes and wondered what they were going to do now; they had eleven weeks until their baby was born and that wasn’t much.

“I love you too,” Aoife replied softly, she cuddled into Marco thinking about their little girl; they had so much to do before she was born and they weren’t going to let anyone ruin this special time.

Marco held Aoife close, he would spend the next few weeks preparing for the birth of their daughter; he had so much free time and Aoife would be finished soon with the school year.

“Why don’t we take a small holiday?” Marco murmured looking down at Aoife, they both deserved one after the past few weeks and he was sure that a small trip would be good for them to relax; stress wasn’t good for the baby.

Aoife raised an eyebrow looking at Marco, she was curious where her husband was going with this; she had two weeks left of work and she knew that the summer would pass by quickly with Marco returning to training near the end of July, it didn’t give them much time.

“Like a babymoon,” Marco suggested loving the idea of spending some time at the beach with Aoife before their baby was born; they needed to relax after everything that had happened.


“You want us to do what?” Belle asked shocked staring at David while he held Lola, her stomach dropped at his plans and it wasn’t what she had wanted; she had hoped to remain in Dortmund a little longer.

David looked over at Belle, this wasn’t the first time that he had talked to her about returning to Hamburg, there was no reason for them to stay now that they knew that Lola was his daughter.

“There’s nothing holding us here… plus my job is back in Hamburg,” David replied pressing a kiss to the top of his daughter’s head, his company wanted him to return or he would lose his job; he needed to support his family if he was going to be a good husband and father.

Belle looked away from David, she was still reeling from the news that Marco wasn’t her daughter’s father; she had sort of hoped that he was since she was still unemployed and she wanted the best for her daughter.

“What about my parents?” Belle whispered gently trying to find some reason for them to remain in Dortmund, she had given up on ever having a relationship with Aoife again and she was still hurt that Aoife had what she had wanted all along.

David stared at Belle, he didn’t know what she was playing at but he was starting to become more convinced that Belle was in love with Marco; it was almost like she had wanted him to be Lola’s father for some connection to him.

“You told me you hated your parents,” David responded with a frown, he held Lola close knowing that Belle had never forgiven her parents for letting her become part of the pay-back to the Reus family for a mess she had created.

Belle swallowed, she was running out of idea that would allow her and Lola to stay in Dortmund for much longer.

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