Chapter Four: Reaching an Agreement

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“Are you sure about this?” Marco asked standing next to Aoife, it hadn’t been long since his wedding to Belle had been called off and he was now waiting to hear what insane plan that his parents had come up with next.

Aoife nodded her head, she was a little surprised that Marco had agreed with her and she was grateful for what he was doing; she knew that he could have easily said no and walked away from all of this.

“I can’t watch my parents lose everything,” Aoife whispered shaking her head, her brown eyes looking at Marco wondering why he was agreeing to marry her when he didn’t know a thing about her.

Marco nodded his head, a small smile laying on his lips as he leant against the wall and watched his father talking animatedly about the new wedding date; it wasn’t easy and he admired what Aoife was doing.

“Why are you doing this?” Aoife asked curiously, her fingers brushing against the material of her dress and she doubted that he had any real reason for agreeing to marry her.

Marco turned a little to look at Aoife, his green eyes watching the brunette wondering how any of this was going to work; he knew that she would have to leave her entire life behind for him.

“For the same reason as you, your parents don’t deserve to suffer,” Marco replied simply, he wasn’t quite sure why he was agreeing with to do this but if he could help someone who really needed it then that was all that matter.

Aoife stared at Marco, she wasn’t entirely sure that she believed him but right now that didn’t matter; what mattered was the agreement that was taking place before them.

“So we have an agreement,” Thomas said aloud catching both Aoife’s and Marco’s attention, he peeked back at his son knowing that this was what he had wanted all along.

“Marco and Aoife will be married on the 28th of the next month,” Thomas said turning to smile at his son, it was just after Christmas and it gave them five weeks to rearrange the entire thing.

Manuela got to her feet and looked towards her son, she knew that Marco was going to want to talk to them about this and she hoped he would understand why they had done what they had.

Frank and Irene were silent, they couldn’t believe that Aoife was doing this for them and there was so much that had to be done in such a short space of time; especially with the change around in Belle and Aoife.

People were going to ask questions and with Marco in the public eye there were things that needed to be done to say why he was now marrying Aoife instead of Belle who had been in his life for the last three years.

“You should move in with Marco straight away,” Manuela mused eyeing Aoife, she was pleased with how everything had worked out and Aoife was the perfect replacement for her sister.

“Also if you’re on birth control, stop taking it… we would like grandchildren soon,” Manuela continued with a smile, she loved the idea of having more grandchildren to spoil and she knew that any children that Aoife gave Marco would be perfect.

Marco stiffened next to Aoife and glared at his mother, he wasn’t pleased with how they were going about with all of this; he had a lot he needed to get off his chest but he would wait for the right time.

Aoife stared at Manuela, she slowly nodded her head a little surprised at what had been said; she blinked wondering just how much control over her life Manuela and Thomas now had.

“Ignore them,” Marco murmured standing closer to Aoife, he wished to speak to her in private about what was going happen and he wasn’t going to let his parents rule their lives.


“You have a lovely home,” Aoife whispered moving to sit down, she peeked at Marco surprised that he had brought her to his house; she had no idea what she expected him to say after all that had happened.

Marco nodded his head in thanks, his fingers running through his blonde hair while he tried to sort through his thoughts; he’d barely had time to process losing Belle before finding himself engaged to Aoife.

“Are you sure that you want to talk about this now?” Aoife asked gently, she knew that his head would be a mess and she didn’t want to get in the way; she was still a little surprised at how everything had worked out herself.

Marco nodded his head, he wasn’t ready to face the fact that Belle had truly left him for someone else; he wanted to focus on what his future now held for him.

“You live in Paris?” Marco recalled trying to remember anything that Belle might have told him about her twin sister, everything felt so unreal and Aoife was going to become his wife.

Marco had no idea what to do with the mess that had been left behind but he wished that Belle would have talked to him about all of this instead of just running away leaving Aoife to pick up her mess.

“Yes… I’m meant to fly back on Saturday,” Aoife replied, there would be so much that she needed to do if she was going to move back to Dortmund; her entire life had been in Paris and now she would needed to uproot herself to marry Marco.

It wasn’t going to be easy and Aoife wasn’t sure just how this would all work out, she was going to be a footballer’s wife and her entire life would change from now on.

Marco was silent considering what she said, he knew that he had a match that weekend with Borussia Dortmund and wouldn’t be able to go with her; he doubted that she would risk her parents going to court like Belle had when she had run off with her lover.

“How long will it take you to sort things out there?” Marco asked awkwardly, he was sure that her parents would want Aoife back as soon as possible and he wanted to get to know the woman that was going to be his wife.

There was no point in dragging it out when in five weeks they would be getting married, Marco wished that he could make this all go away but it wasn’t possible without repercussions on her parents.

“About a week or two,” Aoife replied wondering what on earth she was going to do, she couldn’t imagine what it was going to be like or how hard it would be to leave her life in Paris; she had lived there for so long on her own.

The two were silent as they both thought about what was going to happen, they barely knew one another and now they were expected to marry in five short weeks.

“I’m sorry,” Marco murmured looking to Aoife, he was starting to feel angry with Belle for what she had done; she could have told him about all of this ages ago and he would have understood.

Now because Belle had fled without so much as a goodbye, Aoife had been forced to step up and take her place; it could have all been avoided if she would have told him.

“It’s not your fault,” Aoife replied with a shake of her head, she had no idea why her sister hadn’t done as she had and just been honest with Marco; he had been so understanding since she had told him and she was sure he would have been the same with Belle.

Marco closed his eyes, he could feel a headache coming on and he wanted to lay down for a bit; he would deal with the mess that Belle had left behind.

“After the wedding we are going to do things our way,” Marco said firmly, he wasn’t going to let his parents manipulate Aoife into doing more than she already had; he wanted to live his life peacefully without more drama appearing. 

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