Chapter Thirty-Three: The Nursery

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“I spoke with my lawyer… he thinks that we’ll be able to settle out of court,” Marco said looking at Aoife, he didn’t really want to talk to his wife about the fact that he was in the process of suing her sister.

Marco didn’t want to fight with Belle, she had a seven week old daughter but she had left some many people in debt and she couldn’t be allowed to get away with it without being forced to pay back what she owed.

Aoife nodded her head, she hadn’t been at all surprised about Marco’s decision to sue and she wasn’t upset with it; Belle deserved to be punished and she didn’t care how much trouble it caused.

“That’s good,” Aoife murmured getting to her feet, she was thirty-six weeks pregnant and it was starting to get a little harder for her to move; she couldn’t wait for their little girl to be born.

Marco nodded in agreement, he didn’t want to leave any child without their mother and settling out of court was the only way to ensure that Belle didn’t go to prison for her money laundering.

“How are you feeling?” Marco asked knowing that Aoife had been feeling twinges all day, he was sure it wasn’t anything serious since their baby wasn’t due for another four weeks; Aoife would have told him if she thought their baby was coming earlier.

Aoife shook her head, she didn’t want to worry him that the twinges that were getting closer together; she didn’t want to admit to herself that Briana could be coming earlier than planned.

“I’m fine,” Aoife whispered allowing Marco to wrap his arms around her, she closed her eyes praying that it was all going to be okay no matter what happened.

Marco ran his fingers through Aoife’s hair glad that things had gotten quiet for them in the past couple of weeks; he didn’t want his daughter being born into a stressful situation.


“Can I open my eyes?” Aoife asked being led up the stairs, she had no idea what Marco had planned but she guessed that he was going to show her the nursery; she hadn’t seen it yet and it was finally finished.

Marco laughed and shook his head, he carefully pushed the door open to the nursery and led Aoife inside; he was hopeful that she liked the room since they wouldn’t have time to change it again before Briana was born.

“Okay open them,” Marco said making sure everything was perfect, he looked at his wife wanting nothing more than to show off the room that he had worked so hard on.

Aoife slowly opened her brown eyes and blinked, she looked around the silver and grey room that Marco had been guarding since he had started; she was in awe of how much he had managed to do without her.

“Marco…” Aoife whispered resting a hand on her bump, she didn’t know what to say and she ignored the latest twinge; she continued to look around the nursery that Marco had put together.

Aoife had no idea how Marco had managed to pull this off, she could only imagine that someone had helped him put together the nursery that their daughter would use.

“Do you like it?” Marco asked nervously, he didn’t know what Aoife was going to say and he hoped that she would like it; in four weeks their daughter would be born and this was going to be her room.

Marco wanted to ensure that Aoife liked the room that he had spent months working on, he had worked hard and he wanted everything to be perfect when Briana was born so that they could bring her home to everything ready.

“It’s beautiful,” Aoife whispered with tears in her eyes, she wrapped her arms around Marco and gave him a kiss; she couldn’t believe that he had done all of this, she was amazed that this was what he had done.

Marco grinned looking down at Aoife, he was glad that she liked it and there was nothing more he could do to make her happy; he was so prepared for the birth of their daughter.

“I even put together the hospital bags,” Marco mused to himself moving to show Aoife the two bags that sat by the nursery door; he was thankful that there were websites that had been able to inform him what they would need for the hospital when the time came.

Aoife clapped a hand over her mouth, she couldn’t believe that Marco had done all of this and she hadn’t known; she sniffled making Marco chuckle, he moved to wrap his arms around Aoife to give her a hug.

Aoife sniffled before she felt something trickling down her legs, moving away from her husband Aoife frowned looking down at the puddle that had formed at her feet.

Marco stared frowning, he really hoped that wasn’t what he thought it was; Briana wasn’t due for another for weeks and she couldn’t be coming now.

“Aoife…” Marco murmured worried, he didn’t want to think about this and he feared what would happen if their little girl was coming now.

Aoife closed her eyes, there was no denying that she was in labour anymore; they needed to go to the hospital since she had no idea what was going to happen with Briana being four weeks premature.

“We need to go to the hospital,” Aoife whispered opening her eyes and looking at Marco, their little girl was coming and there was nothing that could be done now that Aoife’s waters had broken.

Marco took a deep breath, he nodded his head wanting to be strong for Aoife; she needed him right now and he wasn’t going to let her down in anyway.


“Everything is going to be fine Aoife,” the midwife reassured smiling at Aoife and Marco, their baby was doing fine and it wouldn’t be long now until she came into the world; she knew how worried the couple had been at the early arrival.

Marco sat loyally by Aoife’s side, the midwife had already reassured them that Briana was going to be perfectly fine and being born now wasn’t going to hurt her in anyway.

“I’ll be back in a little while to check on you both,” the midwife mused before she walked out of the private hospital room leaving the couple alone; she was sure that it wasn’t going to be long before baby girl Reus was born.

Marco nibbled on his lip, he was still worried about what would happen and it wasn’t until Briana was born that they would know that everything was okay with their daughter; he wanted nothing more than to her that his daughter was going to be okay.

“Marco… it’ll be okay,” Aoife whispered taking Marco’s hand, she could see how scared he was even if he didn’t say anything; she wanted to comfort him in some way even if she was in pain now.

Marco looked at his wife, he didn’t want to scare her and he hoped that Aoife was going to be okay along with Briana; he didn’t know what he would ever if something happened to them.

Aoife winced in pain and clutched at Marco’s hand, the contractions were getting closer together and it was clear that sooner rather than later their daughter would arrive.

“It’ll be okay,” Marco whispered softly, he had already called the club to let them know that he wouldn’t be there for training; they were okay with it and his parents had been informed that their granddaughter would be making an early appearance.

Aoife smiled at Marco, she stared at him hoping that he was right; she couldn’t wait to hold Briana in her arms. 

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