Chapter One: One Last Night

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"Are you sure that you want to go through with this?" Lindsey asked staring at her best friend as she prepared for a night out, she knew that tomorrow was a big day and she was worried about the brunette.

Belle Beckan nodded her head slightly, she continued to apply her mascara trying to keep herself calm about everything that was going to happen; she was set to marry her fiancé and nothing was going to change that.

Lindsey sighed walking over to her best friend and stopped her, she stared knowing that Belle had so much on her shoulders and she wished to help.

"I'm serious Belle... if you don't want to do this then it's okay, Marco would understand," Lindsey pushed wanting her friend to see that she could still walk away, she didn't want her making herself sad just because this was what her parents wanted.

Belle took a deep breath, Marco Reus was her wonderful boyfriend of three years and wished that things could have been easier; he was perfect but he wasn't the man that she loved.

"You know why I have to go through with this," Belle replied softly putting down her mascara, she had no idea why her friend had waited until now to have this talk; she was getting married in under twenty-four hours and now she was doubting everything.

"I know... but what about David?" Lindsey continued trying to talk Belle out of this, she almost wished that she hadn't got her best friend drunk enough to reveal her secret; it was horrible what Belle was being forced to do.

Belle shook her head, she had met David shortly after starting to date Marco and she had found herself head over heels for the photographer; she wished that there was some way to make all of this easier.

"He understands," Belle whispered wanting to forget for a few hours what she was about to do, her parents had made it clear that she had to go through with this.

"So would Marco if he knew that you don't love him," Lindsey argued wishing that her friend could see that this wasn't going to end well for anyone; it would only end in tears if she went through with the wedding.

Lindsey hated that Belle had sworn her to secrecy, she couldn't even tell Belle's twin sister and she knew that Aoife would support her if she knew what was going on.

"It's part of the agreement... he can't know that his parents basically bought him a wife," Belle replied crossing her arms and leaning against her bedroom wall, she watched Lindsey wishing that there was some way to get over this and just move forward.

Marco was the perfect man but he wasn't the one that Belle wanted to marry, she hated all of this and she wished that she had some way of making all her problems just disappear.

"It's not like he can't find someone else," Lindsey muttered sure that Marco could find some model or something to date if he wasn't engaged to Belle; she just wanted her friend to see how stupid all of this was and she wished that she could help her.

"That's not the point," Belle whispered shaking her head, she couldn't believe that her best friend had waited until the night before her wedding to start talking about this.

Lindsey frowned, she was growing tired of Belle's lame excuses for why she was going through with this wedding; she wanted her friend to be happy and that was what should matter.

"Then what is Belle... are you going to make yourself miserable for the sake of your parents?" Lindsey asked shaking her head, she turned around and walked out of the room not wanting to waste her breath on this anymore since it was clear that Belle wasn't going to change her mind.


Aoife smiled wrapping her arms around her older twin sister and hugging her, she had missed Belle since the two lived in different countries but she was so happy for her sister.

"I can't believe you are getting married," Aoife whispered pressing a kiss to Belle's cheek, it had been so long since they had seen each other and Aoife was so happy for her big sister.

Belle smiled hugging Aoife back, she couldn't believe that it had been five months since she had last seen her; there was so much going on and they rarely had any time to catch up.

"How is Paris?" Belle asked pulling back to look at Aoife, she smiled wanting to know everything since she had very little time with Aoife; she couldn't remember the last time that they'd had a chance to chat.

Aoife beamed moving to sit down next to Belle, she had been enjoying her job in Paris and she loved teaching children; she couldn't believe that she got to do her dream job.

"It's wonderful, I actually meet someone the other day," Aoife gushed excitedly, she had only been living in Paris for two years but everything was working out perfectly.

Belle forced a smile as she listened to how happy her sister was, she was happy for Aoife even if she could feel jealously bubbling in her stomach; she wished that she could have a life like her sister had.

"That's great Aoife," Belle whispered not wanting to let her sister know that anything was wrong, she wished that she could let Aoife in on the secret but their parents had pleaded with her not to.

Frank and Irene Beckan didn't want to admit to anyone just how bad things had gotten recently, they wanted to protect their daughters even if they now had to rely on Belle marrying Marco.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?" Aoife asked smiling, she couldn't believe that her sister was marrying Marco; she had never thought her sister would settle down with the footballer.

Belle just nodded her head, her talk with Lindsey was still ringing in her head and she knew that it was going to be hard; she had a big decision to make and she wasn't sure if she could do it.

"Of course," Belle replied simply, she didn't know what else to say and she knew that people would start to notice if she didn't cheer up; she wanted what her sister had and she wished that she could get away.

Aoife eyed her sister, she didn't know what it was but she could see that Belle wasn't truly happy; she wished that her sister would tell her what was going on.

Aoife had never thought that her sister would marry Marco, she never seemed truly happy with being with the footballer; she had always thought that Marco wasn't her sisters type.

"Are you okay?" Aoife asked noticing how pale her sister had gotten, she hoped that everything was okay; she brushed some hair from her face watching Belle concerned.

Belle blinked and stared at Aoife, she had forgotten how observant her sister was and she wished that Aoife wasn't; she wanted nothing more than to get on with it.

"Fine... just nerves," Belle murmured forcing a smile, she chewed on her lip wondering if she could sacrifice her happiness for her parents; she felt sick as she slowly released that she couldn't do it.

Belle sat quietly as she realised that she couldn't go through with her wedding, she couldn't marry Marco and it wouldn't be fair to force him into an unloving relationship.

Belle quickly excused herself and hurried away, she needed to speak with Lindsey who was at the bar getting drinks; she knew that she had to speak with someone in the know right now.

"I can't do it," Belle whispered hugging Lindsey as she burst into tears, she had no idea what she was going to do but she couldn't go through with the wedding to Marco.

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