Chapter Thirty-One: Exploring Venice

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Marco wrapped an arm around Aoife’s shoulders as they walked through the streets of Venice, he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off his wife since they had stepped out that morning since he wanted to keep her close.

“It’s really beautiful here,” Aoife mused while they walked down one of the many quiet streets in the city, she was surprised how beautiful the city was considering how old it was and the fact it was slowly sinking into the ocean.

Marco nodded his head, he pushed his sunglasses up his face and wondered what it would be like this time next year; they would have Briana and he was sure that it would change everything for them.

“It is,” Marco agreed looking at Aoife, she looked cool in her dark pink stripe lace maternity T-shirt and khaki linen blend shorts paired with black beaded wedge sandals; it was perfect for the hot July day that they were having.

Aoife looked at her husband, she could tell that there was something on his mind and it made her a little curious; she was sure that it was baby related and she didn’t want him worrying over anything.

“Marco is everything okay?” Aoife asked gently, they hadn’t long had lunch and she felt good today; she didn’t want Marco getting annoyed with the several paparazzi that were hovering around.

Marco opened his mouth to reply when Aoife’s mobile started to ring in her fringe cross body bag, he sighed wondering when Irene would realise that his wife wasn’t interested anymore.

The couple had heard how Belle had moved back to Hamburg with David and Lola, she had left their parents high and dry again and now they wanted Aoife back after everything that had happened between them.

Aoife ignored the ringing, she had little interest in speaking to the woman that had made it clear that she was always going to be second best to her older twin sister.

“It’s nothing… just thinking how baby Reus will change everything,” Marco replied drawing his wife close, she might not admit it but he knew how hurt she was that her mother had sided with Belle over her.

Aoife nodded her head, they were being careful not to reveal the name in public now that they had decided on Briana’s name; they wanted to keep it to themselves for as long as possible.

“It’ll be a good change though,” Aoife murmured looking up at Marco, her floppy hat in textured straw shielding her face from the bright afternoon sun; she was thankful that she had remembered to bring it with her.

Marco laughed and nodded in agreement, he was sure that it would be and he couldn’t wait to finally hold Briana in his arms for the first time; he had talked a lot with Jürgen Klopp and they had agreed that he would have the day off when Briana was born so he could be with Aoife.

“It will… I just can’t wait for her to get here,” Marco agreed, he wanted nothing more than to be a father and Briana couldn’t come soon enough; it seemed unreal that in under eight weeks she would arrive.

Aoife smiled leaning into her husband, she was sure that they would be okay when Briana was born and it would just take some time for them to get used to having their baby daughter; it would be an interesting learning curve for them.

“Do you want to stop for a bit?” Marco asked looking at Aoife, he didn’t want her walking too much when she was this pregnant; he knew how much her feet hurt now that she was thirty-two weeks pregnant and was carrying such a large bump.

Marco had a feeling that Briana was going to be a big baby, he couldn’t imagine what it was going to be like when he held her.


Padding around a shop by herself, Aoife smiled glad to be out of the hot sun for a moment; she was picking up souvenirs back home and she had stopped at a small shop while Marco hadn’t gone far.

Marco was a little tense about the idea of leaving Aoife alone but he understood that he couldn’t be around her all the time; he was happy to wait outside of shops while she looked around.

Aoife was relieved that Marco was being too over-protective about their holiday, she didn’t mind him watching over her while she was heavily pregnant; she didn’t think that she could deal with anyone coming up to her right now by herself.

Aoife had heard how aggressive the paparazzi could get when they wanted to get pictures and she wasn’t sure that she was prepared for how crazy they would get when Briana was born; it scared her what they might try and do.

Picking up a couple of pieces that she wished to buy, Aoife made her way over to the till to pay; she was starting to feel a bit hungry again and she was sure she had spotted an ice cream placed not far.

“Grazie,” Aoife said smiling when she had paid, she moved to leave knowing that Marco would be outside; she had a feeling her poor husband would be bored out of his mind at her decision to shop.

Aoife laughed softly spotting Marco leaning against one of the walls near the shop, she was care coming out since there was a step and she didn’t wish to fall.

Marco moved to take the bag from her, he had a couple in his hand and he was sure that they would be able to fit them in their suitcases; they had to get home yet and she had bought quite a few things.

“How about some ice cream?” Aoife suggested smiling up at Marco as he kissed her, it was still hot out and he was starting to turn a bit red; she was sure she had some sun lotion in her bag.


Marco rolled his eyes as Aoife rubbed some sun lotion into his arms, he had told her that he was fine but she had insisted that putting some on now would be good for him; she didn’t want him complaining about sun burn later on.

“There,” Aoife mused rubbing the excess into her own arms, she smiled at him knowing that he didn’t really mind; he had asked her to remind him before they had left their hotel.

Marco chuckled leaning forward and kissing Aoife, she tasted like strawberries and he didn’t mind; he drew her close wanting this holiday to last for longer, they would be back in Dortmund soon and he would have to return to training.

“I love you,” Marco whispered softly for only Aoife to hear, he wasn’t looking forward to going back to training not when it cut back on the time that he spent with his pregnant wife.

Aoife was officially on maternity leave until the next year and Marco doubted that she would be in a rush to go back; they would have enough time to bond with baby Briana when she was born.

Manuela was insistent that she helped the couple when their daughter was born and while Marco knew that his mother meant well Aoife didn’t like the woman that had dictated so much of their life together already.

“I love you too,” Aoife replied brushing her fingers through Marco’s blonde hair, she kissed him softly wondering what he was going to be like when Briana was born; he was protective now and people hadn’t really bothered them.

Marco rested a hand on Aoife’s bump, he closed his green eyes knowing that time was counting down until the little bundle of joys came into the world and he doubted that she was going to be overdue.

Marco just hoped that no one was going to cause his wife or daughter any issues, he feared what would happen when that time came.

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