Chapter Twenty-One: The First Day

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“Gutten Morgen I’m Mrs Reus and I am your new teacher,” Aoife greeted looking over her class, she had been put in-charge of third grade and she was excited to get started; she was so nervous since it was her first day.

It felt odd to Aoife to call herself Mrs Reus, she was going to have to get used to it since she had been Miss Beckan at her old school; she was now a married woman and things had changed.

Aoife looked around her class room filled with twenty-five faces, she was sure that it wasn’t going to take her long to learn their names; she had spent the past couple of weeks planning out her lesson plans and getting ready to replace their old teacher Ms. Cancun.

“Any questions?” Aoife asked wanting to make the transition as easy as possible, she was taking over from Ms. Cancun right after the half-term.

Several hands shot up making Aoife smile, she was still a little nervous and she had a seating plan with the children’s names on until she learnt every one of them by name.

“Abigail?” Aoife asked nodding to the blonde girl that was sat at the back of her class room, she had no idea what sort of teacher her predecessor had been but she was sure that they would all take to her quickly.

“How come you’re our new teacher?” Abigail asked staring up at Aoife with big eyes, she had been surprised that morning when she had arrived to see a new teacher.

Aoife nodded her head, she was sure that the former teacher would have told the children why she was leaving and a couple of them would have forgotten.

“Ms. Cancun retired,” Aoife explained gently, the woman had been nearly seventy years old and had wanted to retire as soon as possible to enjoy her life with her husband.

Aoife looked down at her seating chart as she picked another name, she peeked up at the boy who was waving his hand in the air trying to get her attention; this was why she loved teaching the younger years instead of teenagers.

“Now you Aiden,” Aoife said moving to lean against her desk, she had opted to wear a pale pink roll sleeve blouse and dark wash skinny jeans paired with grey square toe court shoes for her first day as a primary school teacher again.

“Your surname is Reus… like Marco Reus,” Aiden stated staring at the new teacher, a lot of the boys had noticed their new teacher’s name and a lot of them were fans of the local club.

Aoife smiled and nodded her head, she wasn’t even surprised that they had noticed since Borussia Dortmund was the local team in the area; she was sure that Marco would be one of the footballers that the children all knew.

“Ja it is,” Aoife confirmed with a smile while she picked another student, there was no point in denying the connection between her and Marco since everyone pretty much knew that she was his wife.

Marco was doing his best to ensure that she wasn’t going to be harassed while she was at work; he knew how much she loved her job as a teacher.

“Are you related to him?” Caleb asked curiously, his brown eyes blinking as he stared at Aoife while the rest of the students all looked at him a couple of them even laughed at his questions thinking he was being stupid.

Aoife cleared her throat, she had spoken already with the school and they knew who her husband was now that she had gotten the job on her own merit.

“I am… we recently got married,” Aoife confirmed gently, she looked down at her wedding ring knowing how busy Marco was now that the new season had started; Dortmund had so much work to do to stop them being relegated.


Aoife’s head snapped up as she heard a knock on her classroom door, she wasn’t really expecting everyone and she was in the middle of an art lesson; she was keeping things easy since it was her first day.

“Come in,” Aoife called turning her attention back to the little girl that she was helping, Emma had dropped a bit of paint on herself and she was helping remove it as best as she could.

The sudden squeal from several of her students made Aoife look up and she gasped realising who was currently stood in her class room; she hadn’t been expecting to see Marco until she got home after work.

“What are you doing here?” Aoife said moving towards her grinning husband, he wasn’t alone and had Mats with him making her wonder what he was up to; she knew he couldn’t drive because of his ban and was getting lifts from his team-mates right now.

Mats chuckled, he had been surprised when Marco had insisted on coming to see Aoife while she was at work; they had just finished up with training and had come straight to the school to see her.

“I wanted to surprise you and meet your lovely students,” Marco replied smiling, he hadn’t been able to resist and he hoped that Aoife didn’t mind; he had wanted to make sure that her first day was going well.

Aoife blushed, she didn’t know what to say and she wondered how they had found her classroom; she could only imagine what they had said to the receptionist to get in the school.

Mats chuckled watching Aoife and Marco, he was happy that things were working out for them; the only problem that they had was that Belle could be having Marco’s baby.

“I better be getting home… I was only dropping him off,” Mats announced knowing he had Cathy waiting at home for him, he didn’t want to fight with her again over Marco’s decision to marry Aoife; it was a subject that seemed to have everyone divided on even if the couple didn’t realise it.

Marco waved Mats off knowing that his friend needed to get home, he doubted that his friend wanted to hang about when he had Cathy waiting at home for him; he would just stay at the school with Aoife until she was finished.

“So what are we doing?” Marco asked taking off his jacket, he knew that Aoife wouldn’t mind him sticking about and he promised to be good; he smiled at his wife as she rolled her eyes at him.

Marco was lucky since Aoife was on her last lesson of the day, her school schedule ran from eight in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon; Aoife taught five lessons a day with five minute breaks between them and two breaks so the children could play outside.

“Art,” Aoife replied moving away to help some of the children, she couldn’t allow herself to get distracted while Marco was here.

Marco nodded his head, art had never been something that he was good at put he was happy to help; he set his things on Aoife’s desk and wrinkled his nose at the green classroom that his wife had.

“Hallo,” said a voice making Marco look down, he blinked at the shy looking little girl that approached him; he smiled and crouched down to speak to her.

“Hallo… what’s your name?” Marco asked smiling, he loved children and he adored spending time with his nephew; he couldn’t wait to see what would happen when Aoife was having his children, they were both sure that it would happen sooner or later.

“I’m Zoey… will you come and paint with me?” the little girl asked softly, she stared up at Marco with big brown eyes making the footballer nod his head; he held out his hand and allowed Zoey to lead him over to her seat so that he could paint with her.

Aoife watched Marco, she was sure that he would be a wonderful father when the chance came around for them.

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