Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Last Day

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Aoife took a deep breath as she looked over her class, it was the last time that she would teach any of the children since they would be moving up into a new year when school started up again.

Aoife rested a hand on her bump, she didn’t have long now until her baby was born and she knew that Marco was busy with preparations back home on the nursery before they went away on their babymoon.

Marco had booked them a week in Venice for them, he had insisted that they go away and he wanted to relax with Aoife before work started back up and their baby was born for a little while.

Aoife shook her head, she was looking forward to their babymoon and she was sure it would be good for them before their daughter was born; she moved to the front of her classroom knowing that it wouldn’t be long until her day was over.

Tala smiled watching Aoife, she was glad that her friend was okay and she had feared it was something serious when the brunette had collapsed; now everyone was focusing on the baby that was going to arrive in a couple of months.

“Alright class, time for break time,” Aoife announced smiling, she was glad for a break since her bump was getting bigger; she was thirty-one weeks and the maternity swing vest and maternity boyfriend jeans paired with grey metal bar flat ballet shoes only kept her comfortable to a degree.

Aoife moved to open the door that led onto the playground, she was sort of glad that she was exempt from playground duty while she was pregnant; it gave her time to relax and set up for the next set of classes that she had before the day was over.

“Any plans for the summer?” Tala asked once the children were all outside, she closed the door after them and looked to Aoife; they had become good friends and she knew how tense things had been lately.

“Not really… Marco’s planned a holiday and we’re going to prepare for the baby,” Aoife replied smiling, she had yet to see the inside of the nursery since Marco wanted it to be completed before he allowed her inside.

Marco was thrilled with the idea of their firstborn and had been doing so much to prepare for her birth that Aoife was worried that he would tire himself out.

“That sounds nice,” Tala replied not wanting to push for too much information, she wasn’t surprised how guarded Aoife was about her private life; she was dating a footballer and anyone would sell information to make a quick pay check.

Aoife nodded glad that Tala knew not to push for more information, it wasn’t that she didn’t trust her friend but a school wasn’t the place to talk about her private life; she already knew that once of the other teachers had been the one to tell the press when she had been rushed to hospital.

“How is Marco?” Tala asked curious, she knew that since he had been cleared of not being the father to Belle’s baby that he had been so relaxed and focused on his baby with Aoife.

Tala was one of the few people in Aoife’s life that new the truth about what had happened and Aoife knew that she could talk to her friend about anything; they weren’t just friends in the classroom but out of it.

“He’s good… a little worried about the new season,” Aoife murmured knowing that Borussia Dortmund hadn’t had the best of seasons that year and she was sure that they would turn it around when the new season started.

Marco was insistent that Aoife should come to a match since she hadn’t been to one yet, he wanted to show off his wife who had been a little un-nerved after her last meeting with the other women.

It was the main reason that she had avoided attending any of Marco’s matches in the past eight months.


Marco ran his fingers through his hair as he padded down the corridor towards Aoife’s classroom, classes had long since finished and he knew his wife would be sorting out her classroom.

Marco smiled, he knew how much she had adored the children in her class this year and she had been a little upset to say goodbye to them that morning; he had come to cheer her up since he didn’t want her being sad.

Pausing Marco stared at the small sign on Aoife’s classroom door that read, ‘Mrs A. Reus’ it made him smile knowing that everyone knew that she was his wife; he never really got to experience hearing anyone call Aoife, Mrs Reus.

Marco smiled softly before he quietly pushed the door open and stepped inside, he swallowed peeking around at the now empty room that had all its walls stripped since the work had been removed.

“It looks different,” Marco murmured moving towards Aoife while she moved about tidying up, he was so used to seeing this room filled with children and their work now it had all gone.

Aoife nodded her head taking a deep breath, she wouldn’t get to meet her new students until the New Year; she would be on maternity when the new school year started up.

“How was it?” Marco asked wrapping his arms around Aoife, he smiled at the feel of her thirty-one week bump; she had a good size bump now and he loved to touch it.

Aoife rolled her eyes as she felt their baby kick, she was sure that their little girl was going to be a daddy’s girl and she doubted Marco would have it any other way.

“It was good... no one cried,” Aoife replied allowing him to hold her close, she wanted to finish up and head home since she was a little tired; she had a feeling that Marco hadn’t even started packing for their holiday to Venice and she would have to do it for him.

Marco nodded his head, he closed his green eyes and held Aoife close wanting nothing more than to relax for a moment; he would help her sort out the room in a moment.


“There’s a lot of Barbie, Ken, Elsa and Olaf’s in here,” Marco mused looking through the jar that Aoife’s children had put together for baby names; he chuckled knowing that he really shouldn’t be that surprised.

Marco sorted through the names and added what few he liked to their baby name list, it was getting longer and he was glad that they had several names to choose from for their baby girl.

“We watched Frozen yesterday,” Aoife replied returning from the kitchen, she knew how big the film was and the children in her class had been crazy about it.

Marco snorted and looked at Aoife, he knew that the last few days of term didn’t have much structure and were meant to be easy for the children; he remembered how much he looked forward to those days.

“That makes sense,” Marco muttered looking down at the list that he had there were a couple of names that he liked and he was sure that they would be able to find the right name for the baby girl.

Aoife sat down next to Marco and cuddled into his side, this time next week they would be on a beach in Venice; she was looking forward to it since the next time they had a holiday they would have their daughter.

“I love you,” Marco murmured pressing a kiss to Aoife’s lips, he was excited about their daughter’s birth and his talks with Jürgen Klopp had proven helpful with what he would do when Baby Girl Reus was born.

“Love you too,” Aoife whispered smiling, she had never felt like this before and she was sure that when their baby girl was born everything would be even better.


Author's Note:

Guys this story is Number 298 in the Fanfiction section, I think this is the highest one of my stories has ever gotten so thank you so much xxx

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