digging Time

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"Lets dig up all your secrets" Y/n giggled sitting at her table smirking with Thomas sat beside her 

"No thank you" he says

"Well, you agreed to this video so... hand over the bag" she giggled

He sighed putting his leather vintage messenger bag "So this, Is my bag. I tent to use it if I need to go do a long interview day, or to the office with my agent, I tent to use it for auditions, and primarily use it sort of as hand luggage on planes and such." He explained

"Where did you get it? It's really nice. I will admit its a nice bag" she says

"Uhhh.... It came from, damn it I'm trying to remember now" He sighed "Ahh! my mums boyfriend had it as a bag for when he was on his motorbike because he didn't have a top box or anything, and then when he got a different bike he just gave it to me"

"when was that?"

"Many years ago"

" when did you last go though it?"

"Uuhhhh.... Never" He says "I'll go though like the top layer like one pocket before I get on a plane but that's about it" he shrugs

"Good... gimme gimme" she giggled he sighed and handed over the bag "Yay! digging time" she says 

"if there is anything Not safe in there please leave it, or cut it out"

"No" she giggled "what have we got... Uhhh okay this proves how long its been since you cleared this out"


"The script for queens gambit"

"Is it?"

"Yeah, like your script is in here"

"Oohh... all of it?"

"Not all of it... uhhhh hang on" she says as she reads "Its the bar scene"


"why is this still here?"

"I think I was reading it on the plane, and then forgot it was in there"

"I like your hair" she quotes

"Yeah sure you do" He smirked back "Bow chicka wow wow"

"I do love that about that other bit though"

"do you?"

"Yeah, its just do yo still like my hair, and then immediately next shot is post sex gasping, naked cuddle time" she laughs "It's just so... not weird but like jarring, just instantly cut to post sexy time"

"It gets hard to breath like that actuly"

"does it?"

"Yeah because you have to keep doing it, for each take and you sort of end up sounding like a fucking broken air conditioner"

"Was anya fun to cuddle?"

"Yes she was, very cosy." 

"I think... beth harmon is like the first character, that a you have fucked connocnicly speaking."

"Uhhh, Maybe"

"Yeah the first time a character you have plaid has had some sexy time"

"That sounds right,"

"Yeah, Whitey snogged Louise, But died a virgin. unless there was... some implications we didn't see in godless" 

"No, he died a virgin. Poor whitey"

"Poor whitey, Newt never... at least that we know off, he might have, him and minho on a daerk glade night?"

"Maybe, maybe they did, maybe they didn't"

"I can't think of anyone else who's had sex. Except maybe like rafe sadler,"

"at the Ye old whore house"
"Yeah, I imagine he might have done" she says "and maybe Timothy latimer, maybe he met a nice girl after the war and settled down. Maybe he fucked a French prostitute during the war"
"Maybe, I think sam too because we see him again years later with the special so he's probably had some sex?"

"Yeah maybe. But Benny didn't get implications he got some sexy time."

"I remember when it first came out and you watched it, like you banded me from your house while you watched it, and your first thing you said to me was"
"Thomas put a damn shirt on!" she giggled

"Why! why is benny half naked so much? there is no reason for it? he doesn't need to be half naked? it's like... with the open shirts and the robe and stuff its almost like he things his tits... like need to breath"

"He needs the tit space"
"Yeah, he needs to expose the non existent cleavage" she giggled "Moving on from Benny's tits"

"That's what beth said"
"God damn it! you little weasel!" she complained "You have alot of trash in here"

"I do, Becuase airports never have enough bins"

"They don't thats true" she says "Oohh... look at you being a hippie" she giggled "You got this from me didn't you?" she says holding the roll of wooden cutlery

"yes, you bought it for me and it lives in there" He says "Because planes always give you like plastic cutlery and stuff"

"Plastic bad"

"Yes it is. yeah you bought that for me and I do use it alot when traveling and such"

"slowing turning you into a hippie" she giggled "I swear I will make you stop using shitty supermarket hand soap, that's the hurdle with you"

"I don't like bar soap, I drop it everywhere, and it slides around, and goes gross"

"You're killing the turtles"

"I know" He sighed 

".... There are clothes in here"
"are there?"

"Yes, Underpants"

"Ohh, I think there like my spare pair in my hand luggage incase of a lay over or anything"
"Are they clean?"

"....I don't know"

"ewww there not, you gross boy!" she yelled throwing them off to the side "Ohh passport!"

"My passports in there?"

"Yeah" she says 

"Ohh, I wondered where that was" he says 

"You look like you're a murder"

"do I?"

"Yeah, you're picture looks like a mug shot"

"It also looks nothing like me"

"It really doesn't,"

"I had to get it redone, while I was still growing my hair out for I think queens gambit, It might have been godless, One of them. But I have the moustache and what not in the picture so now... it doesn't really  look like me" 

"It doesn't. maybe you need to grow it back next time you need to go on a plane?"

"I don't have the six months it takes to grow it" he says "Plus you said you hate it?"

"I... will allow it" she says "Oooohhh... I found something we can't show"

"Have you?" he asks "what have you found?" he whispers trying to see "Ooohhh, yeah that. thank you I didn't know it was there" 

"didn't you? Liar" she smirked "Bow chicka wow wow"

"You wanna go have fun with it?" He whispered 

"Later horny boy" she smirked petting his hair "when we are done filming" 

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