"welcome everyone!" Y/n smiled in her garden
"Welcome to what?" Thomas asked leaning on the open bonnet of her car
"The danger zone..."
"God damn it y/n" he laughs
"But in a real note welcome to... Me filming my life on this very average Tuesday." She explained "as you can see the wonderful and handsome Thomas Brodie Sangster is here in my garden today, well technically my drive way but you know" she explained "say hello to the internet"
"Hello to the internet" he laughs
"Don't be a dick Thomas"
"For once in the life of this channel Thomas is here but! He is actually here for a reason, I know absolutely shocking, but seriously Thomas is here because my car has a broken headlamp casing and I have to take it to get an Mot review on Friday so Thomas is here working his merchanial magic on my car for me"
"I'm not being paid for this, parts not labour. This is illegal"
"I'm paying you in coffee and digestive biscuits Mr Sangster" she laughed leaning on him putting the camera on the car somewhere to see Thomas tinkering bad y/n laying on him
"That's true..."
"And you offered to do it so you can't complained"
"I know"
"I think this is a testiment to how just used to each other we are that I can literally just lay on you and you don't give a shit"
"I really don't, you lay on me so often at this point I kinda miss you a little'
"Awww, that's sweet. What are you up to?'
"I'm unplugging the cable to the light because if I don't I'll be electrocuted. And I'd rather not be electrocuted on camera"
"Also in general'
"Also in general but I'd rather it not be on camera too"
"If your going to electrocute yourself your rather have it be in the privacy of not the internet"
"You look like one of those tv merchanial guys you watch on tv"
"Do I?"
"Yeah, I think the oily shirt and the fluffball hair is helping" she laughed "you look like a shorter edd china"
"Awwww y/n,"
"That is literally like one of the nicest things you have ever said to me" he smiled "thank you. I'm serious thank you that's so fucking sweet"
"Juju Thomas said the naughty word"
"Ohh please, someone can sit and make a ten minute montage of all the times you swear in videos"
"Yeah but you do. You are a proper boy"
"That is your favorite swear word isn't it?"
"It really is. It's to the point"
"Nothing else hits quiet like cunt"
"Exactly. Okay... I am actually going to mess with electrics now, If I do electrocute myself please turn the camera off and you know help me"
"That's as much as I'm giving you is a maybe"
"I'm fixing your car, for free, in the cold, and all I get is maybe I'll help if you start to die?"
"You only give me a maybe for if you'll stop if I fall off the back of your bike?"
"That's true..."
"It's the danger zone. The electrical danger zone"
"This isn't that bad. It's no worse then that light I tried to wire into my shed"
"Yeah that backfired. Literally we had to call the fire people"
"We did, I still have the tool actually that caused it I kept it because... Why not?'
"You do that though with stuff. Do you still have that break leaver from your bike? When you crashed?'
"I do, it's not really all break leaver anymore it's just a chunk of metal that I keep because when I look at it I go... Fuck. I fucked that bullshit up. And to remind me to not do that again"
"Yes Thomas do not try to go on your motorbike when it's been a storm because you will fuck up a corner and go head first into a bush"
"It wasn't a busy it was tree. And I'd rather have done that then hit the road because my bike was fucked completely fucked and I think if I hadn't just let go and allowed myself to basically go into the tree then I would have been in the road as fucked as my bike"
"Ummm you still got road rash thought, because somebody likes to go out without his gear on"
"To be fair alot of my gear is old and needs replacing so that doesn't help. But the shop I love shutdown so now I have to find a new motorbike shop"
"Ohh the sadness"
"I know, I think it's like... If your hair dresser shut down. It's that level of sadness"
"Yeah I love my hairdresser. She's the only woman in London who knows how my hair works. Plus she doesn't judge she will dye your hair any colour you ask her too"
"She is good,"
"For context Thomas also goes to my hairdresser, shout out to Lina because she's cool and she does both our hair"
"She's cool she understands where my hair sits which no other hairdresser I've been to does there always like you'd look better if we part your hair here. And I'm always say there like it isn't going to do that lady. My hair parts one god damn way you try to move it, it tells you to fuck off"
"It does you remember when I tried to style you hair?"
"Yes I do. My hair didn't like that for like a week after, and I had auditions the next day, so I turned up with just like bed head hair and they thought I was crazy"
"Remember when we were talking about motorbikes?'
"I do, we are bad for each other..."
"Because we both just ramble and neither one of us stops the other"
"It's fun" she shurgs "I remember your bike shop closing and you got like super sad for like a week. But you really should get new gear because your going to at some point again going to get road rash Thomas..
"Fun fact if Thomas ever gets road rash from being on his bike... Which he does, because he doesn't wear all his gear. I actually have to dealt with it"
"Yes you do because you have to like get it all out with road rash you can't leave it but for whatever reason I am unable to do it I can't like handle being in pain and being the one doing it so I have to get y/n to do it because I can't do it"
"You can't take the pain it causes you to do it so I just sit next to your bath and do it for you because I don't care how much you scream"
"You are mercilous"
"I am mercilous. I've only got road rash once and I did it myself I think because it was small"
"Plus you have tattoos so your better at kinda going I'm in pain but I have to be for it to work"
"Rationalizing the pain"
"Yeah exactly"
"Oe I just have a higher pain tolerance then you Thomas?'
"I don't doubt that"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
Fiksi PenggemarThe scandal of it all! Tbs has long been a feature of y/n's videos online but maybe the cameras been catching more then anyone realizes. And after all this time and all these videos, an editor decides she's had enough of hiding there secret.