Why Did I give You My Camera?

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"Hello everybody! damn... I should film in cars more often. this lighting is beautiful on my skin" y/n smiled gently touching her face as she sat in Thomas' car 

"Awww You can film in my car if you want y/n" Thomas said clearly driving 

"Its Thomas, being the driver"

"The driver."

"Thomas is the driver. Because its his car, and I'm not allowed to drive his car" she explained "And My car is not allowed"

"You said and I quote, ' Thomas we should go in your car because you have more space and its just a nicer car then mine' so... don't get like that with me little lady" He warns as he drove

"I should probably explain the point of why I'm filming"

"That sounds like a good idea" he laughs "Poor sally"

"Yeah poor sally, got to deal with our bullshit. I actually don't know what she edits out and what she doesn't?"

"don't you?"

"she has a... a file like a google doc we share that has stuff that needs to be edited out, but she doesn't like send me the edited version, she just posts it and then I review it and double check because sometimes she misses things" she explained "But she's human its okay sometimes stuff gets missed"

"Yeah to be fair she does go though hours of stuff"

"she does, Love ya sally"

"Everyone loves sally" he says "what are you doing?" he reminds

"Ohh right. Yes! today we are going on an adventure We are on our way to Maggie and Luke's Wedding!"


"Yay! At last! there finally getting married, and I am a Bridesmaid!"

"And I am a Groomsmen"

"This is gonna be fun"

"It is. I am going to have so much wine"


Next y/n began filming outside in a beautiful garden with Mila Beside her 

"Now I'm filming" she says

"Ooohh... awww your camera's so old"
"I know I need to upgrade. I'm like three generations behind"

"Wait this is the C4?"

"No the C3" 

"Awww. Yeah you need a new camera"

"I know. It works though, Its also great for when I inevitably drop it" 

"I see that"

"Incase you couldn't tell. Mila is also here, you're a bridesmaid too"

"I am, and I'm walking in with Jack"

"oooohhhh.... you gonna pull a groomsmen?"

"Maybe I will" she smirked "Are you?"

"How? the rest are already married"

"What! No there not. You're walking in with Thomas?"

"True. But Nope we live next-door to each other we can't fuck Mila. think of the awkward I've banged you and now I'm seeing you in my daily life but like, when they need sugar or need to peg out washing"

"Ummm when they need sugar" she smirked 

"Ohh shut up Mila" she laughs 

Clearly Mila then stole the camera filming Y/n and Thomas rehearsing the walking in for the wedding 

"Awwwwwww look at them! they look so cute! I ship it" she smiles "Maybe soon I'll be filming those two walking down the Isle together again."

"We can hear you Mila!" Y/n yelled at her making everyone laugh

"I know," she laughs 

"Are you filming us?" Thomas complained 


"Why did I give you my camera?"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now