Y/n smiled secretly sneaking close to her fence "shhh we're gonna be sneaky" she giggled climbing up something in the garden to peak up over the fence to into the little garden full of motorbike parts and other such things, a shed at the end of the garden open showing various tools and things. Thomas sat on the grass tinkering with something on one of his motorbikes.
"Hey Thomas?" She smiled
"Ah- y/n!" He jumped almost falling over "what the hell!"
"Hi... That are you doing?"
"Filming you"
"I don't know it's fun"
"One of these days your going to look over that fence and see something you do want to"
"What you masturbating in your garden?"
"Then what?"
"All I ask is don't film in my windows y/n, or my laundry"
"Why? Scared I'm going to film your underwear?"
"A little bit yes"
"Ohh come on Thomas like the internet hasn't seen your underwear"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
FanficThe scandal of it all! Tbs has long been a feature of y/n's videos online but maybe the cameras been catching more then anyone realizes. And after all this time and all these videos, an editor decides she's had enough of hiding there secret.