Toy Box

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"Fuck!" Y/n yelled as she sat on the bed with Thomas beside her looking confused and shocked at why she yelled

"... Okay. What... what was that about?'

'me reminding myself this video is gonna be age-restricted"

"Ahh. I thought you where mad at me again. Or ordering me around" he shrugs sipping some tea

"This is gonna be a long day"

"Should you not start the video?"

"I'm getting to that you weasel"

"I'm not a weasel"

"Yes you are, your getting standby again"

"I am"

"How long since you shaved?"

"Like four months-ish why?"

"You should"

"I'm trying to get like... like enough man facial hair"

"You wanna look like a dad? Like the old seventies and sixties stuff and like a little stubby face"

"Very much yes"


"It makes me look older, and I like the look" he shrugs "you know the other day I took the girls with me when I went shopping?"


"A woman came up to me as they often do when your pushing a pram of two adorable grirls and she came up to like awww and all that but she turned to me and said" he explained "ohh are you babysitting?'

"Cheaky cow"

"I know! I just stood there like the fuck lady, and said ohh no no there my girls"

"What did she say?"

"She said ohh and like quickly walked away"

"Mean lady"

"Very mean lady" he says "and you like it so" he shrugs

"I don't like it"

"Yes you do. I look like Benny watts you fucking love it"

"Moving on to the point of this video"

"Which is? I genuinely have no idea I didn't read the schedule"

"I put it on the fridge"

"You think I look at the fridge?"

"You have to daily to get the milk for your coffee"

"I do not look"

"I'm gonna stick it to your coffee machine"

"Fine, but what are we doing?"

"Okay, today is a very special age-restricted video"

"So I can curse?"


"Fuck yeah"

"But today we are gonna talk about things that I feel should be discussed more it's something that should be talked about and opened up much more, and to do that we need to go under the bed"

'.... Hu? Wh- what are we doing?'

"We're talking sex toys"

"....Oh no" he gulped "WAIT! OUR SEX TOYS!"


"Not like... all of them right?"

"No all of them"

"Oh no"

"Ohh relax at least were gonna air all the dirty laundry" she smiled "I cleaned them so it's all good let's grab the box"

"Wait when did you clean them?"


"....... No reason," he said sheepishly sipping the tea

"Thomas? Where you up to something when I went to the store?"

"No" He blushed

"Are you lying to me?"


"Okay I'll go check"



".... I may have been, doing something while you were out shopping with the girls"

"Dirty bugger, right lets get the toy box out" 

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now