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"Ladies, gentlemen, and those who have yet to make up there minds." y/n smiled sitting on her sofa Thomas' beside her with his head on his hand 

"Is that a kinky boots quote?"

"Yes it is, did you finally get around to watching it"
"Yes I did"


"It's good, not as fun as rocky horror but"

"Nothing's as fun as rocky horror, you'd be good if they ever make another movie of it"

"Yeah? would I make a good rocky sweetie darling?"
"No, I was thinking riff raff"

"...well fuck you too" 

"Anyway, the point of the video"

"Yes, the point"

"This may be the first video where I'm doing something, and you have actually wanted to be involved, I haven't bribed you, you know what we are doing, and your still here"

"Because this is a good video"  he says "That I very much wanted to be a apart off"

"Because you love them"

"I do, I don't know how anyone can't love them"

"My ex boyfriend hated them

"Yeah well I hated him to" 

"You did?"

"We both know I hated joe, he was a dick. that lacked dick Ironically"

"He did, too much dick in the personality, not enough dick in the pants" she giggled "But anyway this video is not about dicks"
"That's next week"
"will you... shut the mouth. make me tea" 


"Then just shut the mouth"

"The point! of this video. Is that tomorrow is a very very special day, Now I think before I really explain we need a bit of back story" she smiled "My dad owned a vintage car garage, he had been a mechanic all of his life, he learnt though just constantly going to work my his dad in a little garage up in Norfolk, But he opened the garage when he was about eighteen fixing classic cars up for people. and Everyone worked in the business, My dad met my mum because she owned a little  AJS Motorbike that she constantly needed him to fix. My brothers all worked there, and of course I worked there. When we lost my mum, we kinda just... I would say floated like we survived and I very much kinda became the mother being the only girl in the family. And that is something I do say with family businesses you need and out because you work all day with your family and then go home to your family you sort of never leave the dynamic. and As we all likely know as we have told this story, Thomas started working at our garage when... I think you where like sixteen? fifteen then you started?" 

"I was fifteen but imminently about to turn sixteen when I started" 


"But... the weird thing Is we met when I stated, but we didn't really... know each other"
"Yeah it was that weird like, we work at the same place we see each other a lot but we rarely talk to each other"

"I was in the office a lot I did a lot of paperwork and ordering then, and you just constantly had like your head in Morris minors and mini's" 

"I think the first time we really spend any time together was when your dad was away, and your brothers where away and it literally was just me and you in the garage, I was tinkering with this little Rover, and I remember you just coming over"

"You had like oil and dirt all over your face and hands from this shitty little rover, so I went over with a little cloth and like did the-"

"The like lick the cloth wipe the dirt off my face"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now