"Hello everyone! I wasn't vlogging today. and now I am because... why not I guess. I think mostly the camera wasn't charged and now it is so I'm just filming" y/n explained sat on her sofa with her laptop
"what are you filming?" Thomas asked beside her clearly playing some sort of video game
"nothing today. I need to do some prep for a video with mila next week" she explained "Incase you weren't looking or just confused where this strange voice came from, Thomas is here"
"Hello" he waved
"You don't live with me.... and yet he's here again"
"No I don't live here, and yet I'm always here"
"You are, I didn't even have food in today"
"Ohh shut up I don't just hang out with you for food"
"sometimes" she laughs "No today your actually here for kinda a good reason" suddenly it flipped showing the tv "He wanted to play pokemon"
"Yes I did"
"fun fact I have a switch. and Thomas doesn't so he comes and plays pokemon somedays" y/n laughs "You have a .... is t a Ps4 you have? or an xbox I can't remember?"
"How can't you remember?"
"I remember you going on about it when they both came out because you couldn't decide if you wanted the ps4 or the new xbox"
"I have a Ps4 y/n"
"Yeah" she laughs "Somebody wanted to play bloodborne"
"Not really, I just didn't want the new xbox when it came down to it"
"Yeah and then like six months later I bought a switch and thomas came over and plaid my switch and immediately went-"
"I should have bought a switch" he finished
"you can still get one there not that expensive now"
"its not the thing that's expensive its the games, anything good is expensive"
"Thats true, the switch games are really expensive I think. for a lot of the gams that are on Wii and on pc there really more expensive on switch" she explained "Benny wasn't bad, I got that for like twenty quid"
"Thats not bad..."
"Umm, the Animal crossing was like fifty because I got it on sale and preorder, but I was happy with that because I wanted a little island with all my friends" she smiled "I don't know how much pokemon was, because I didn't buy it. You bought it for me, for my birthday"
"I did, that's very true."
"And yet your the one who comes over and plays it most of he time"
"Don't you like it?"
"Of course I like it I just like fucking around, like running around the wilds gathering pokemon you're like the only one who does the gym badges and stuff" she smiled "Can we talk through how freaking! overpowered your scorebunny is though"
"he's not that overpowered"
"Thomas he's like level sixty-three... you do not need him that overpowered"
"He's my starter he has to be the best!"
"I genuinely believe you only picked him because he's a bunny."
"He's adorable"
"He is, I like sobble though. sobble was my starter"
"You just felt bad for him because he cries"
"yeah I don't like when he evolves though, he was really adorable as sobble and then he evolves into.. I don't know I can't remember and he just looks like an angsty teen"
"An angsty teen?"
"yeah with like the coloured streak and the 'I don't give a shit old man' stance" she smiled "Like you when you where sixteen"
"Hey!" he complained "You're so mean to me today"
"don't like it get out my house"
"What have you got to film with Mila anyway?"
"I have to film, a childhood make up video. I'm like gathering up tones of the stuff we both used when we where like younger, like the cheer lip balms and like lelly kelly eye shadow"
"Ohh my god. I remember that stuff. remember the lelly kelly stuff because Ava had some"
"Did she?"
"Yes and I remember that like shitty fake baby powered smell that it had"
"Yes! that smell. I never had them though they were always way too expensive. But my friend did and she was just like the most pastel pink human possible"
"it was a weird time... for mainstream make up"
"It was, I thnk its kinda funny because you have what I would say as like a large makeup knollwege. Not like massive but I thnk you probably know more than most thirty-year-old straight men"
"Do I?"
"Yes, due to your occupation. and Ava I think Ava helped" she laughed "Did ava ever do your make up thomas?"
"many times. still does acutely" he laughs "if I go over and its like Christmas or like Halloween especially then she always does my make up for me"
"Awww, You have a way better time with Ava then I do with my sister, but I think that's because you and ava aren't as far apart in age as me and my sister"
"That's probably true."
"Do you have a fun make up memory from that time?"
"I don't know.... I remember Ohh shit yeah. if you can find this I swear to go I will sell you my car" he explained
"Back in like school I had a girlfriend... well I say girlfriend it was like the -"
"The like ohh so and so likes you and so and so likes you and then a week later your like in love and going to get married"
"yes! it was like exactly that. I won't say her name but she was... she wasn't that smart"
"Ohh the shade, I think I know who you're talking about based on the time frame"
"no before Issy"
"Ohh! I thought it was issy."
"No I liked her at that age but we were not a thing until much much later"
"Ooooohh so this is a before Issy girl"
"Yes, and she was fairly pretty, but she had this bright purple lipgloss. and Oh my fucking god it was delicious!" He explained "I literally would just make out with her purely to just taste that lipgloss"
"that's really mean" she laughed
"I liked her.... Ish. I liked the lipgloss more then I liked her. we would like hang out and have little dates and that would be all we would do just kiss"
"That's so mean!" she laughs "what did it taste like?"
"Like... the blue raspberry slushies, mixed wth strawberry bubble tape"
"Ooohh.. that does sound nice"
"if there is a girl out there who remembers making out with thomas about that age and had this lipgloss, A what was it called, B hit me up so you can come and punch him for being such a dick"
"I was like fourteen, let me off"
"Fourteen and using girls for there tasty lipgloss. the early warning sings where there"
"for what?"
"You being a horny little bastard"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
FanfictionThe scandal of it all! Tbs has long been a feature of y/n's videos online but maybe the cameras been catching more then anyone realizes. And after all this time and all these videos, an editor decides she's had enough of hiding there secret.