"I got my wine. I got my wine." Y/n sings as she came sitting on the sofa beside Thomas who also has wine
"Yes. So do I"
"No you don't. You have lemonade"
"I have a spritzer"
"Two drops of wine and the rest is lemonade"
"Well someone has to be on duty for the girls tonight"
"True, infact that was a lovely segway Thomas well done"
"It was? Yay! Do I get a treat?"
"Yes, mini mars bar" she says handing him a celebration
"Woohoo! This is a good day for me" he smiled instantly unwrapping it and shoving it in his mouth "what are we doing?"
"We are answering questions"
"But specifically questions about our beautiful girls!"
"Awwwww, like any parents we are thrilled to talk about our babies"
"Always, even just like on the street just come up to me and go awww your babies are so cute, I know there amazing"
"They are, there in bed now I read them a nice story now there sleeping"
"Question one."
"How old are the girls?"
"As of right now?"
"Well in this video they are currently three and a half, but you may see videos and stuff where there younger because obviously stuff doesn't always release in order"
"Good answer"
"I prepared for that one, Because I know people get confused like I'm sure marcy was like bigger last video, that and there at that age or we'll just past that age they are growing and changing so rapidly I mean I remember bringing them both home and they where so small I could hold both of them at the same time one in each arm on my chest now I can now I can just about have maggie on my hip just but she's getting a little big for that now"
"Yeah, it's weird I think that they grow so fast so rapidly changing as well so many little milestones"
"Next question"
"Okay next one, ooohh are maggie and marcy gonna have any siblings?"
"Ooohhhhhh, you can take this"
"Maybe. We have talked about it, not planning for another baby like we're not trying but if it happens then it happens"
"Yeah, I have made no secret since the girls where born that I want another baby, I haven't made that a secret from you"
"No, you haven't that's true I remember girls hadn't even been home a week and you literally said to me, let's have another"
"I did"
"And I, still in like recovery at that point still on medication still dealing with this like horrific experience of brithing them just went. Maybe a little while"
"maybe where there a big bigger, maybe give them a little brother"
"I just worry we'll have another girl and it'll just be this circle of you impregnating me trying to get a boy"
"No, if I get you pregnant again, if it's another girl I'm fine with that. She'd have to be an M thought keep her like with her sisters"
"Yeah it would be odd if she wasn't, next! What's maggie's favorite toy?"
"Ooohhhh... Uhhhh currently and I kinda hope this changes. It's uhh what is she called? Carol?"
"Yeah she found this coraline doll, like the doll from the film with the button eyes and she just really loves it she begged us to buy it for her and she's had that now as her favorite dolly that she takes everywhere for a good year now I think"
"Yeah over a year now, and her build a bear but that tends to stay on her bed, that's her bed bear that she takes only if she's going to sleep somewhere else like of she goes to spend the night at my mum's she takes her bear but the doll she like activity carries around with her"
"And you hate it"
"I don't hate it. It is cute I see why she likes it but also when she just like sits it on a garden chair and then goes to do something else it's a little freaky to look out my shed window and just see this button eye doll sat in a chair looking at you"
"That really scared you"
"It did!"
"Yeah one day maggie took her dolly outside and out her in the chair in the garden then ran back in for something another toy, a snack I'm not sure and thomas glances out the window and just see the doll sat in the chair"
"And I had looked out the window like a few minutes before and hadn't seen it and then I glanced at it again and the doll was just there. Hadn't seen maggie. Hadn't heard maggie I fucking shit myself"
"Funny though, what is Marcy's favorite toy?"
'she actually really loves the doll house. The doll house is for both of them it doesn't specify belong to marcy or maggie but yeah marcy really loves the doll house which I found odd considering marcy is more outgoing and loud it's interesting she likes to just sit and move small furniture around and arrange all the little jars of things"
"To be clear this is a big wooden dollhouse full of all the tiny little doll house accessories and small I think there... There salyvaninas the dolls she uses in it?"
"I think the dolls she uses in it are plastic but there designed to look like the old wooden dolls, she does have some salyvanian families thought, but these they have like a million ball joints and stuff that you can like lock into place so they can't fall over. It's all ridiculously high quality like even the jars like there's a bunch of jars for it with like peaches in and the peaches in the jar are actually made individual little things put in the jar not like a picture on the side"
"It's stupid high quality. It's not the cheapest like I know you can buy dollhouse stuff that is cheaper but the quality is just so good. Pretty much every time we go to the store we buy them something for the dolls house"
"And we go there alot."
"We do. They have everything though"
"They do. Airfix. Lego. Yawn. Paint. Resin. Dollhouse. Those little warhammer dudes. You got like a whole candle kit in there the other day"
"I did. It's a great hobby shop and they have sales alot which I like"
"You can even get like old car parts and like little antiques, like pocket watches and pins and stuff we have bought alot of like decorative antiques on there, I got a vintage star wars reproduction in there last time we went"
"You did, and it's like pride of place on your shelf, off topic. But yes marcy likes her dollhouse, I think she's gonna like miniatures just in general"
"I think she will, you got her that mini brands thing and she went nuts"
"She did, I think she's collecting those now. And I'm kinda also helping her. Maybe I'll get her like a supermarket to go with her dolls house"
"I may have already found one on esty"
"Okay." He sighed
"Moving on, how did you tell the girls apart when they where babies"
"I didn't. I really struggled the first five months or so when there still like infants to tell maggie and marcy apart I really struggled it got to the point we basically assigned each a colour. Marcy was yellow and Maggie was purple and we basically only dressed them in that colour"
"The headbands. We bought one with a butterfly and one with a unicorn these little like elastic headbands and again basically kept them as your a butterfly your a unicorn to try and keep it straight but mistakes where made"
"Often they where made. Normally we just said baby, like bring me baby or ohh time of feed baby or just like ohh hand me baby and then ask like this maggie or marcy before we do anything"
"It's easier now because they are bigger they have personally now, I mean they did as babies but it's less obvious now they walk and talk it's a alot easier the good thing is we don't do what I think alot of people with twins do which is buy then the same clothes, luckily even at this age marcy and Maggie are very different people, there personally Is different, the way they dress is different, they toys they play with are different, how they want there hair is different so you see alot of the differences about them"
"I think somehow all the extrovert of us two is in marcy and all the introvert is in maggie. Maggie is so quiet and so shy it's so sweet"
"She does marcy will literally run into a supermarket and start singing at full voice disney songs where as maggie basically just grips your leg and maybe she'll give your shirt a tug if she wants to to buy her like magic stars"
"Yeah she's very quiet and she doesn't like people all that much she really struggles talking to anyone especially strangers. She likes jack thought like adores him she hugs him everytime hes here and basically won't let go of him and she tells him everything litteraly everything jack get told stuff from maggie before we do"
"He does she just really loves him for some reason"
"I don't know why but she's happy so"
"Next question this should probably be our last were low on time"
"Ahh yes the camera is almost all red now"
"Who picked the girls names?"
"Ooohhhhhh that's a good question"
"I think it was a collective decision"
"Yes. Good thing about twins you both get to name a baby, no I think as soon as you knew you where pregnant we had I think a list of names that we both agreed on and then over the course of your pregnancy it kinda wittled down and then just as we had a shortlist of about maybe ten names we found out it was twins so we had to kinda rethink a little bit but marcy we had first we where fairly settled and then maggie just really it clicked litteraly just clicked one day when I had a hand on your tum as they kicked i suggested it and it just fit, maggie and marcy"
"I will explain maggie and marcy aren't there actual names"
"No. There the nicknames we have for them"
"Yes nicknames for just... Really just because it's quicker and it's leads to less issues with people pronouncing it wrong or spelling it wrong so you can call them by there full or there nicknames both are fine with both, I love both ways"
"I do too they both just suit them so well when they where born we just knew yeah that's maggie and marcy"
"Ohhh are you gonna do it. Gonna reveal there names?"
"I am, marcy is short for Marceline. And Maggie is short for magnolia."
"Magnolia after the flower, but it means like beautiful doesn't it?"
"It means great beauty yes"
"And she is very beautiful"
"Marceline actually means dedicated to mars which basically means like princess of war"
"Kinda yeah in greek mythos. But let's be honest I names her after the vampire from adventure time"
"I know it's a really nice name though I would be surprised to see it come back as a popular name because it's really nice"
"Yeah I mean honestly princess of war kinda suits marcy more then I'd like"
"It really does. She will fight you. For anything"
"I do love there names thought"
"I do too there very unique without being weird like fucking apple. I'm still pissed about that you poor child."
"I know Thomas. But I think especially with the nick names it makes like a little easier that and no grandparent is spelling marceline"
"Yeah, my mum actually asked to both there names typed out on paper so she could always refer back so she doesn't misspell there names but most everyone uses there nicknames. Unless there in trouble"
"Yeah full name is when you know your in trouble"
"Magnolia jane Sangster, That's an oh shit."
"Not had to do so yet. But I'm sure we will"
"I'm sure we will at some point, I'm just afraid"
"Twin teenage girls. And you are constantly gonna take there side. I will be outnumbered"
"Maybe you'll finally learn to put the toilet seat down?"
"I didn't learn living with my mother and a younger sister you think I'm gonna learn now"
"You will. Just imagine if all the hormones sink up"
"Ohhh God. You on a period. And both girls as teenagers also on. My god I'll die. Litteraly they'll find my body and think I was eaten by wolves"
"And then I'll have your mum and Ava come over too"
"Ahhhhhh that little is enough for a pack of wolves. It's decided gonna have to have another baby. I need a boy to take on the motorbike with me"
"An escape to ensure your both continued survival"
"Pretty much. No I love my girls all three of you. But maybe... We could have another baby?"
"Could we?"
"Maybe? Maybe... A little melody?"
"I'll think about it thomas"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
FanfictionThe scandal of it all! Tbs has long been a feature of y/n's videos online but maybe the cameras been catching more then anyone realizes. And after all this time and all these videos, an editor decides she's had enough of hiding there secret.