The most Inappropriate game

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"Lets get into it" y/n sighed sitting on her chair close to the camera Thomas beside her in his own chair shuffling cards in his hand "Lets play cards against humanity, Obviously this is going to be age restricted  and I'm sorry but this is going to be bad"

"lets go" he smirked dealing all the cards out 

"My turn first" she smiled "What ended my last relationship?"

"Oooohhhh... I know one" he smirked 

"I have one that might be good, But also might be shit" she laughs "what ended my last relationship Thomas?"

"Starting a shitting podcast" 

"A slowly encroaching circle of wolves" 

"You win thomas"

"Yeah! My turn... Ohh she's just one of the guys, you know? she likes beer, and football, and Blank"

"Ooohh I am excited" she laughs 

"Right. I'm good"

"Yeah me too you go, she likes beer, football and..."

"How good lead paint taste"

"You fucker..."

"she likes beer, football and"

"One of those blow jobs I've been hearing so much about" 

"You win" He sighed 

"For reference we are not drunk, not high, and not using the write your own cards even if that is how we usually play it just because everything would be in jokes know one would get" she explained "Ooohh In wormwood scrubs, word is you can trade 200 cigarettes for Blank"

"oooh that's a fun one"

"You should know this. as you smoke. You're a bad boy, and you smoke the cigarettes, So I imagine you to know the exchange rate"

"I do that's true" 

"What can trade 200 cigarettes for thomas?"

"Whipping it out"

"I had being marginalised"

"Whipping it wins"
"As it often does in this house." she laughs 

"Oh, Y/n?"
"Yes thomas?"

"Why can't I sleep at night?"

"Ohhh thomas darling, don't give me that power" she laughs flicking though her cards "Yes! Yes! I have the most perfect card. and I imagine you will be mad that I got this card before you did"

"Okay, I have a good one too,"

"Why can't I sleep at night Thomas?"

"400 years of colonial atrocities"

"You fucker.... though yes that does keep me up at night. very true"

"Y/n? Why can't I sleep at night?"

"Darth vader"

"You little shit I knew you had that card! you win. I have to let you win"

"For darth vader"

"For vader. win you must"

"God damn it you nerdy little weasel"

"see this is the issue you know your audience"

"No Thomas I know the judge which for that was you, and I imagine he would keep you up I mean I don't think you could share a bed with darth vader... his breathing would be an issue"
"It would that's very true" he laughs 

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now