Y/n smiled as she sat on a little foldable chair watching Thomas as he did up a dark blue jumpsuit up around him tightly, a Sledge Hammer in his hand
"You having fun there Thomas?" She asks
"Yep, defiantly, are you good?"
"All good go on Thomas""Yes! Walk in Wardrobe time!" He smirked swinging the sledge hammer and making a whole in the wall
"Do, do, do, I wanna be... A Sledge Hammer" she giggled "DO do do!"
"God damn it y/n, One swing and your already singing that song?"
"Fine" He sighed "But you keep that mask on. I've only got one and I wanna make sure your safe. for babies" He smiled kissing her head "Are you filming me?"
"Alright" He sighed "Are you just going to be filming me constantly now?"
"Pretty much yeah"
"I don't know. in case you do something cool? In case you fall flat on your ass?"
"Ohh I assumed you where filming me because I'm sexy as fuck"
"The sexy does help"
"hell yeah it does." he smirked "Are you filming my butt?"
"Yes." she giggled "You're butt is very cinematic Thomas."
"Is it?" he laughs "Maybe I should retire and let my butt go and have an amazing career then while I stay here with you and the girls?"
"I think for your butt to have a career Thomas you'd also need to go.... you are sort of attached to it?"
"Eh, You can cut my butt of right?"
"No Thomas you need it."
"Do I? Do I really?"
"Yes you do" she laughs watching him break this wall
"I assumed you where filming for like... fun?"
"You know so we can look back one day and go ohh yeah the day Thomas smashed a wall so we could have room to walk into a wardrobe"
"so He could be fancy and we could live more praticly with my OCD"
"Yeah, think how big it'll be, and it can be colour coded and Labled"
"Ummmmm I love you"
"Love you too" He winked "And I will never have to trip over your shoes again!"
"Ohh baby you could make me a wardrobe the size of our bedroom and you're still going to trip over my shoes"
"not if I can help it!" He yelled smashing more wall "Plus if your videoing I kinda assumed it would be your know... for the girls?"
"so they can watch what we where like before they were born"
"and see what mummy got up to while they were growing"
"And if we get murdered by demons"
".... this is not Paranormal activity y/n"
"Isn't it?"
"fine" she complained "But I'm still gonna film you"
"Fair enough darling."

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)
FanfictionThe scandal of it all! Tbs has long been a feature of y/n's videos online but maybe the cameras been catching more then anyone realizes. And after all this time and all these videos, an editor decides she's had enough of hiding there secret.