Will I be arrested?

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Japan trip P2

"Hey Thomas" Y/n smiled zooming in to his face with her camera as they sat in an airport

"Hello." he smiled looking up from reading his book 

"You enjoying your book there thomas?"

"Yes. I... I'm afraid of whatever is about to come out of your mouth" 

"did you find the secret?"

"What secret? what- what have you done to my book?"

"I haven't done anything. to your Book." 

"Y/n. I'm serious right now what have you done"


"I'm deciding to trust you. Do not abuse this trust"

"Ohh I won't" she giggled 

"All the planes, all the places" she smiled showing the huge airport board "we on it yet?"

"No. we should be like the next wave. once all those planes have took off we'll be like the next lot"

"then why are we here too early?"

"Becuase I didn't know how long it was gonna take us to check-in and get sorted I know what your like" he answered "Maybe we should just get on one of these planes just go fuck it, go to... Indonesia"

"yeah but. our stuff's going to Japan."

"true our stuff is going to japan"

"and I wanna go to Japan. I wanna go where the pokemon and the ramen is" she smiled turning her camera around as she laid on Thomas's shoulder 

"Yes dear" He smiled "you are about to spend so much money"

"I know. I've been saving genuinely for six years for this trip, I have japan savings or buy a house. unironically"


"Well, I mean not a house in London. but like... in rural lake district maybe" 

"buy a house or go buy stuff in japan"

"to be fair there is so much I wanna buy in japan, and I need to buy prezzies" 

"You literally have a suitcase that currently has like a couple of little dresses in it that could have easily fit in your other case but its completely because that suitcase is stuff you're bringing home"

"Very much so yeah. but that's what you get when you decide to take me somewhere I've always wanted to go"

"To be fair. I gave you choices, japan, Italy or Hawaii. for our honeymoon"

"and I had to choose japan"

"Hello small sleepy boy" she smiled pointing her camera up to Thomas as he got settled in their seats in the little booths. 

"Hello. got our little aeroplane booth here"

"we paid extra for that"

"We had to. we had to get the little bed booth given we are literally going from Gatwick airport to Tokyo. so... we needed the bed booth"

"Defiantly needed" she giggled "Thomas? I have something to tell you"

"Oh? what do you have to tell me wifey?"

"I may have shoved something in your bag"

"have you? what have you done?"

"Hidden something in your bag"

The Scandal (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now