Internet Dares!

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"Hello everyone! Welcome to this bullshit that I am regretting so much already!"

"I am not happy about this video. But I'm here so. Fuck it lets do it"

"I will clarify this video has been like a threat for a while now. and I know Its not going away so I think we should just do it" 

"True. Lets just do it" He sighed

"Right I asked "I asked online for people to send dares for us to do I've taken out ones we can't do for obvious... safe for work elements. also because the top one was for us to both get naked on camera. and neither of us A wanted to do that and B we can't do that becuase... internet wont allow it" 

"What's next?"

"someone said, I dare the two of you to lick the others hand. god dam it! Noooooo"

"what just straight up lick your hand?"


"I'm fine"

"Yeah of course your fine, for reference I just made cookies before this so my hands will likely be sugary and lovely. and Thomas was tinkering with his bike this morning" she sighed "I don't wanna do it"

"screw it give me your hand" He sighed so she handed him her hand and he licked it "Umm you taste like your strawberry soap"

"don't eat soap Thomas. Don't do that, fine give me your hand" she sighed and took hias hand likcing it "Ohh fuck! thomas! clean your hands I can taste the motorbike oil"

"I did clean my hands"

"Clean them better!"

"I think at this point motorbike oil might not even be on my hands I think its like... part of my skin now"

"That might be the reason" she sighed grabbing a drink from the side "You need better hand soap"

"I'll read the next one," he says taking her phone "someone says, I dare you to put Thomas in drag!"

"That might be a fun video. but that's like a full video topic. to be fair you have been in like full make up before"

"Yeah lots of times"

"so maybe but that's ages away I have a lot on the calendar coming up" she explained "Next! I dare Thomas to grab y/n's boob! I thought I got all the NSFW ones out" 

"Boob" He laughed putting his hand on her shirt

"Get off my boobs Thomas!" she complained pushing his hand off "Next, because I am ignoring that one"

"I was happy with it"

"Of course you where you perv"

"I dare you to eat whatever food is closest to you" she smiled "Okay... I have a toffee penny in my pocket" she says pulling one from her pocket

"Y-You just have candy on you at all times?"

"Yes... do you not Thomas?"


"Ohh well I do soo toffee penny for me!" she smiled eating it 

"Uhhh... I think the apple in your fruit bowl is closest to me?"

"Yeah I think so too"

"Okay, I get an apple. what's next?" he asked getting an apple from off screen 

"I'm gonna wait till I'm done with the toffee because I can't talk and toffee"

"That's fair,"

"Next!" she says clearly a while later. "I dare you to write a swear word on yourselves," she laughs grabbing a sharpie writing fuck on her arm "Your turn" she laughs handing him the pen 

"I'm going to write cunt on my hand"

"why thomas?"

"Becuase I have been given the power. and maybe I shouldn't have bee given said power"

"I kinda wanna post a picture of this and see if anyone thinks you got a tattoo"

"Of cunt on the back of my hand?"

"Ehh there are worse celebrity tattoos"

"whats next?"

"RIght... ohh come on. Okay I get a message from various people asking for this one constantly like every dam day. I dare you to kiss." she sighed "I will clarify me and Thomas are very good friends. granted we are very very comfortable with each other. I think anything else we have done here shows we are insanely comfortable around each other, but as I do keep pointing out. We are not dating, We are not in a relationship, the shipping needs to stop,"

"I don't know where people get the idea we are dating from?"

"I think, the way we are with each other. and the fact we are together a lot, makes people think it" she explained "I saw like a whole thing someone did were they basically theorized that we actually live together and its actually one big house and we are married and just hiding it from the world" 

"what the fuck?"

"Yeah I don't know."

"Okay so one big house, with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, two kitchens? lets just forget anything else there but a four bed two bath house in London! How rich do you think we are? we both live in these house because there good and fairly cheap for London its literally how we ended up living next-door"

"I know the marriage thing I remember he said it because there is a clip from a video with me in the kitchen I think it was from a video were we made cupcakes or something and I have a ring on. which baffled me because Its a ring, Its an accessory? can't I not wear a ring unless I'm married?" 

"Evenm though IF we where dating, or married or whatever why would we keep that a secret? to what end? Okay so If we where dating and keeping it a secret, what are we going to have a secret wedding? secret children? You know where will it stop? but I don't see a point to it" He explained "People should just know..."

"You wanna fuel the internet fire?" she asks

"Fuck it sure" he shrugs moving closer and giving her lips a kiss, it seemed tender and quick but also natural 

"there? happy now? we kissed. Now everyone shut the fuck up about it. Because we are NOT dating" 

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