Angel Slade

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I looked at Castiel in disbelief. I honestly didn't know what to think. An Angel? Did they really exist? I mean if demons and blood thirsty monsters could exist, why couldn't angels, right? But I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't. There was no way this man was telling me the truth.

Castiel watched as I let my thoughts play in my mind. He could sense I didn't believe him and he sighed. I looked at him skeptically as he sat on the bed.

"You don't believe me." He stated.

"Why should I?" I snapped.

"Do you have any reason to doubt the existence of angels?" He asked, looking me square in the eyes. "You obviously believe in miracles."

"Hardly. But when you work a job like this all your life, you need to have some sort of faith to keep it together." I muttered as I circled around him.

"And you have no faith in angels?" He sounded confused.

"No, I don't. I don't even have faith in God." I snarled.

"Why not?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but quickly shut it. there was no way in hell I was telling the stranger anything else about me. For all I knew he was a crazy person who knew how to pick window locks! I didn't have time to play games with him. Dean's life was still slipping away.

"What do you want?"I snapped. "Are you here to help Dean?"

"No." Castiel said.

I felt my stomach churn. "Then what the hell do you want with me?!"

"God needs your help."

"He what?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"God needs your help. Are you hard of hearing?" Castiel asked, raising an eyebrow.

I growled as I narrowed my eyes at him. "I heard you the first time, asshole. I just couldn't believe what you said."

"How is that hard to believe?"

"I'm always asking that bastard for help, but it's always a no go. Never once has He been there for me. But no, the minute God needs my help, He sends one of his bitches spiraling down. Screw that!" I snapped.

"Do you really think your insignificant little soul is that important for Him to come and help you?"

"Well, it obviously must be now, if He needs my help. So please, Castiel, enlighten me." I spat annoyed. "What can I do to help our holy majesty?"

Castiel got up and walked closer to me. I growled as I got into a defensive position. He pushed me up against the wall and looked deep into my eyes. I felt my breath hitch as I stared into his blue orbs. He was captivating me. I lost all sense of control.

"He needs you to cut ties with the Winchester's."

It took me a minute to process what Castiel had just said. God wanted me to leave the Winchester's? Was he serious? Is that why he wouldn't help Dean? Because he wanted me to stay away from them.

I growled as I roughly pushed Castiel off me. There was no way in hell I was going to listen to Him. No force on this earth could tear me from the Winchester's. They were my best friends.

Sam's ring tone started playing and I pushed past Castiel to look for my phone. I couldn't remember where I had thrown it. I growled as the song played again. Castiel appeared in front of the sofa, my phone in hand.

"Give me my phone!" I snapped, reaching for it.

"We weren't finished talking." Castiel stated.

"Yes, we are. Now give me my phone and leave!" I shouted.

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