Angel Ariel

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"Oh, whatever, Ellie." Clara smirked, as we walked into the coffee shop/diner.

I rolled my eyes at her for the hundredth time. "I'm serious, Clar. Masen is working late tonight. Ask him yourself if you don't believe me."

"He'll just lie. I know my brother. He's a whore." Clara growled.

"Maybe he was, but he's changed. I know he has. Just trust him." I shot back.

I was starting to get annoyed. Clara had been bugging me non-stop all morning that Masen was being unfaithful. Which happened to be total bull. Trust me; I'm like the Queen of lying, courteously of being a hunter. I can sniff a rat when I'm near one. Masen wasn't cheating. I'll admit he's been hiding something, but it's defiantly not another girl.

Clara rolled her eyes as we sat in an empty booth. She shook her head as Gregg walked up to us. "Hello, ladies! What can I get ya today?"

"I'll take some black coffee and a new brain for Ellie." Clara snapped.

I kicked her under the table and growled. Gregg rose his eyebrow at us and folded his arms. I ignored him, turning my eyes towards the menu. I could feel his deep stare on me and growled.

"What?" I snapped.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asked, in a mocking tone.

"No, Sherlock. Clara's just sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong." I grumbled as my stomach began to hurt. The bruise from last night's nightmare still hasn't disappeared. "I'll take the usual."

Gregg sighed as he walked off. Clara shook her head and pouted. She wasn't going to give this up. Looks like I had to be the bigger person.


"Clar, I don't wanna fight. This is my first day off in a long while. Please. Let's not spoil it by fighting." I mumbled, giving her my famous puppy eyes.

She groaned. "Fine."

I smiled in victory and sat back in my seat. It felt good to get a day off to myself. Between working, Masen, and the newest onslaught of nightmares, I haven't had any time to relax. Clara had managed to convince our boss to give us the day off.

I felt a chill run down my spine as the diner doors opened. Two young, good looking guys walked through the door. Clara's jaw dropped as she watched them. I chuckled at my friend's behavior. She was such a virgin sometimes. I gave the guys a quick one over. The first one was a tall man with wavish brown hair. He had chocolatey brown puppy eyes with a cute smile. The one beside him was a little shorter with short hair. He had a cocky exterior that matched his cynical green eyes. Something about the boys had seemed to familiar to me.

I snapped my attention back to Clara as she cleared her throat. I looked at her and shrugged. She was giving me that look again.


"Forget it. You want them, you go get them." I muttered, as Gregg walked back to the table.

He rolled his eyes at Clara. She was always looking for a new guy to play with. Funny how she can make people think she's a virgin still. Gregg set my order in front of me and I sighed in content. I was starving. I picked up my double stacked bacon cheeseburger. Gregg sat beside Clara and chuckled.

"What?" I asked, mouth full of food.

"What Masen sees in you, I'll never know." Gregg smirked.

"It's the sex." Clara chirped in.

"You're probably right. Is it the sex, Ellie?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I teased, winking at him before devouring my food.

The poor burger didn't stand a chance. I smirked as I sipped on my Coke.

Another chill passed through me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, causing me to groan. Damn, these visions.

Looking up, I found myself staring into one of the newcomers eyes. His green orbs mixed with my hazel ones. His gaze paralyzed me. I felt like I couldn't think straight. Why did he seem so familiar to me?

My eyes trailed his face, absorbing every inch of it. From his beautiful features to the clothes he wore. And that's when I saw it. There hanging around his neck. That necklace. That amulet.

I felt like a bolt of lightning just came crashing down on me. I abruptly jumped from my seat and felt the panic rise up. Dammit!

"Ellie? Are you okay?" Clara asked, startled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have something I need to do." I mumbled, quickly. "Excuse me."

I grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door. I had to get out of there before they recognized who I was. I growled loudly as I cursed to myself.

Why were they here? There weren't any cases around. I would have noticed. I heard Clara call my name. I turned around and saw her running towards me.

I waited as patiently as I could. They weren't following me. I was just being paranoid. Clara nearly collapsed in front of me as she stopped running. I suddenly felt guilty for making my friend chase me.

That feeling quickly disappeared, however, when I saw the two idiot brothers walk out the diner. Sam eyes found mine first. My face visibly paled as they started walking towards me. Clara looked at me with worry in her eyes.

"Ellie? What's wrong? You look sick." Clara said, feeling my face.

"I think I am. Can we please just go back to my apartment?" I muttered.


Clara lead me to her car and opened the door. I got in and she shut the door. She ran over to her side and got in. Sam started waving his arms at us. I groaned and Clara started the engine.

"Okay, we're going home. Want me to call Masen?"

"No. I'll be fine on my own. Please. I just want to rest." I mumbled, feeling slightly relieved.

Clara nodded as she kept her eyes on the road. The rest of the ride was silent. I felt my mind swirl as memories began to fill my brain. Dean and Sam Winchester. How had they found me? I had made sure to cover my tracks. Was something going on? Were they in trouble?

Was John here, too?

I groaned as my head started to ache. This made no sense. My visions suddenly coming back and the Winchester boys reappearing: What did they mean? I shook my head. I knew this was connected somehow.

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