Clowns II

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"What a pleasant surprise."

I glared at Azazel as he slowly walked closer to me. My stomach churned as I let what I was about to do roam through my brain. Sam and Dean were gonna kill me if they ever saw me again, but this is what I had to do.

"Well, Ellie? What can I help you with?" Azazel muttered as he stood in front of me.

"I'm here to make you a deal." I said as confidently as I could.

"A deal? Now what could you possibly have in mind?"

I bit my tongue. How did I honestly know I could trust him? This was Azazel we were talking about. Demons weren't meant to be trusted. Azazel cocked an eyebrow as he watched me have a silent debate with myself.

What choice did I really have? If I didn't do this, then the boys would be in constant pain. They would never be able to forget their father. Sam would always have that guilt eating away at him. This was the only way I knew that could save them from themselves. I looked back to Azazel, glaring him straight in his yes.

"I want John back." I demanded.

Azazel looked surprised. "Why? I thought you hated him."

"Can you bring him back or not?" I snapped, ignoring the pain those words inflicted.

"That depends. What are you planning on giving me in return?" Azazel smirked, crossing his arms.

"Me." I said, knowing I was sealing my own fate.


Castiel rolled his eyes as I glared at him for the hundredth time. Of all the freaking times for this damn angel to save me, he chose the one damn time I didn't want to be. I don't even know how he did it, but before Azazel could answer me, I was gone.

It was like Castiel had just magically zapped me to another location. Which I'm guessing he probably did. I groaned as I banged my head against the table. We were currently at some old diner, close to where Sam and Dean were working their case. Castiel shook his head at me in a disapproving manner.


"May I ask what you were thinking back there?"

"I was thinking that that was the only way to save my best friends."

"Save them from what exactly? You are the only one in real danger now." Castiel stated.

"Well, they're torn up about John and I know that Azazel can bring him back. I'm doing what's best for them." I snapped.

"For them or for you?"

"What?" I asked, feeling like he had just slapped me.

"From what I have observed, it seems as if you are the one who cannot handle John's death. You are the only one who has talked of bringing him back. Is that it?" Castiel asked, seeming concerned.

I felt my heart shattered as I abruptly stood up. I ran out of the diner, not caring where I ran. The moment those words left Castiel's lips I knew he was saying the truth. I couldn't handle knowing that John was dead. It didn't feel real to me. John had always been around to encourage me. He kept me strong when all I wanted to do was fall apart.

I didn't know how to live without John. Ever since I was little, John was there. And now that he was gone, I was going crazy. I let out a yelp as I tripped over a rock. Tears poured down my cheeks as I buried my face in my arms. Everything around me came crumbling down and I couldn't find the strength to fix any of it.

I felt him gently rest his hand on my shoulder. Castiel landed with an 'oof!' as I tackled him in a hug. My breathing became ragged as the sobs grew louder and harsher. Castiel gently rubbed my back as I clung to him for the second time since I had met him.

After a while, I finally calmed down enough to speak. "Thank you."

"You are welcome. Now, it's late and I have to get back." Castiel said, as I noticed the darkening skies.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Where would you like me to take you? It's not safe here."

I sighed. I really didn't want to go back to the saloon and be alone. Ellen was nice and all, but I knew going back their meant getting a lecture for coming home alone. Going back to Bobby's wasn't an option because Bobby would kill me if he knew I had left the guys. So I guess that left Sam and Dean, who were working a clown case at the moment.

Castiel nodded as if reading my mind. He gently pressed his index finger and ring finger to my forehead. When I reopened my eyes, I was in the clearing of what looked to be a circus. I looked around, trying to spot Sam or Dean.

"Ells?" My head snapped in the direction of Sam's voice.

"Sammy!" I exclaimed as a smile broke out on my face.

I ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"I got bored of waiting for y'all." I lied.

Sam gave me a disapproving look. He shook his head and grabbed my hand. We ran off as a man came out of his tent, shouting profanities at Sam. I gave Sam a questioning look, but he just shook his head.

Dean came running out of another tent, looking surprised. Sam called out for him and he sun around. His eyes widened when they landed on me quickly turning into a glare. I hid behind Sam knowing full well how upset Dean was at the moment.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean snapped.

"Not the time, Dean. It's not Cooper."

"Yeah, I gathered. It's the blind guy. He's around here somewhere." Dean said, looking around.

"Well, did you get the--"

"The brass blades? No."

"I have an idea. C'mon." I said, as I started for the fun house.

Dean called after me as both brother's chased me. Dean was close to my side as we entered the fun house. I was alert and ready. If I could fight a bunch of men while I was blind, then handling an invisible clown shouldn't be that hard.

The moment i walked through one of the door hole, I disappeared from the others. I could hear the boys calling me as I stood against the door.

"Just look for the organ, guys!" I shouted.

I continued walked deeper inside the maze. I felt a smile reach my face when the organ came into view. Just as i was about to walk close to it, I felt pain spread through my arm. I fell backwards as I saw the blood fall from my small wound. The dagger had barely grazed me.

I groaned as I scooted closer to one of the walls. I felt something approaching me.I shut my eyes expecting to feel a world of pain unload on me. When none came, I slowly opened my eyes, shocked at what I saw.

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