Angel Isaiah

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I sighed as I looked out the window. We were about an hour away from Burkitsville, Indiana. The car was silent as Dean drove. He was glaring at the rode before him. He was still upset over the fight he had had with Sam not 10 minutes ago.

I looked back and could faintly still see Sam standing on the side of the rode. I felt guilt bubble up in me and groaned.

"Dean, we have to go back. It's not right to leave him like this." I tried again.

"He made the choice himself, Ellz. I didn't open the damn door for him."

"Well, you sure as hell didn't help by stopping the car." I mumbled.

I thought it was stupid. They were fighting because of their dad. Again. I swear it was like John could never leave the boys alone. He had called Sam and ordered them to stop looking for him. He wanted them to just keep hunting.

Of course, I was pissed when I found out he was the one who tipped Dean off about the case were on. We were supposed to be finding John so I could track down Azazel. Masen's life was hanging in the balance and I could feel it slipping. But Dean being the perfect son he was, didn't question his father at all.

I growled in annoyance. I would have left with Sam, but Dean took off before I could get out. I grabbed the print out of the missing couple and sighed. Dean watched from the corner of his eyes as I studied the girl. I felt the tugging sensation at my brain and shut my eyes.

Images flashed through my mind. I could see it all as if I were actually there. I saw the girl in the missing poster. She ran past me screaming in fear. I watch as she looked back, her eyes were wide in horror. She stumbled and tripped over something. She looked down and saw her boyfriend, dead and mutilated. And then i saw it. I saw the creature that was chasing her. I watch as he murdered her. I felt my blood run cold as it always did when I had my vision. The thing we were dealing with was no ordinary scarecrow.

"Ellz?" Dean's voice pulled me back to reality.

I shook the horrifying images from my mind and looked at Dean. He rose an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes and got out the car. Sam and Dean didn’t know about the abilities I possessed. It was one of the main reasons John kept me around when they had first found me. Just by looking at a picture of a deceased person, I could pull myself back in time and see exactly what happened.

I could see who the victims were, how they died, and what was chasing them. It was one of the abilities that I hated the most. I hated being able to see all the torment these damn bastards put their victims through. It was part of the reason why I had so many nightmares. I always felt like I was the one who was being chased and murdered.

I sighed as Dean walked out the motel office, holding a room key. I followed him to our room and dropped my duffel bag on the table. Something was off with Dean. He was acting way too nice. It wasn't like him. He's always been a sarcastic ass with me. Now it's like he doesn't want to fight at all.

"What's wrong?" I asked, annoyed.

"Nothing. I'm fine."


"Just drop it. Please." He mumbled.

I groaned in frustration as he disappeared into the bathroom. I flopped down on the bed and grabbed my phone. I flipped it open and saw I had a few missed calls from Clara and Gregg. I sighed as I ignored them and dialed Sam's number. I was worried about him being on his own.

He picked up after the third ring. "Hello?"

"Sammy! Are you okay?" I asked, laying back on the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Ells. I'm at a bus station." He mumbled. I heard a giggle on the other end.

"Who's that?" I asked, curiously.

"Just someone I met when you and Dean ditched me on the side of the road." Sam snapped.

"Don't throw that on me. It was your brother who stopped the car. And you're the dumb-ass that got out."

"We all should be looking for Dad right now. Not running off following his orders."

"I agree with you, but there are also innocent people dying in this town. Don't you care about that at all?" I asked, trying to control my temper.

"Yes, but this is yellow eyes were talking about. We've been hunting him all our lives and Dad knows where he is. Don't you want to get Masen back?"

"Of course, but--"

I cut myself off as Dean walked out the bathroom, in a towel. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.


"I have to go, Sam. Just please take care of yourself." I heard the giggle again and sighed. "Watch who you trust."

I hung up my phone and looked at Dean. He was now in his jeans, searching for a shirt. I walked up to him and shook my head. My eyes trailed his lower back. They stopped on a lone scar he had right in the center of his lower back. I reached my hand out and gently touched his back. My fingers trailed the scar. Memories flowed through my mind as I recalled how he got that scar.

It had happened a couple of months before I left. We had caught wind of Azazel's trail. I had been ordered to stay at the motel so I wouldn't mess up the case they were on. I didn't listen and Dean paid the price for me.

"Ellz, stop thinking about it." Dean groaned as he faced me.

"Sorry." I muttered as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I want you to stay here. Whatever this thing is, it seems to go after couples. i don't want you to get hurt out there." He said, as he let me go.

I nodded my head as he quickly put his shirt on. It was always like this in the past. Dean, Sam, and John would go hunt the monster and I would stay in the motel doing research. John would always say I was too important to get injured at work.

Dean walked to the bed and laid out his guns. He tucked one behind his back, into his pants and pulled his jacket on. he walked over to me and gave me a light peck on the cheek. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior.

"Be careful." I said, as he smiled.

"No promises.' He chuckled, shutting the door.

I sighed, as I laid back on the bed. This was going to be a long night without Sam or Dean.

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