Angel Adam

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Author's note: Okay, so I'm not so sure if the beginning is too graphic. Can some let me know so I can fix it if it is? Thanks.


I groaned as Sam flipped us over. He lips met mine once again. My world was spinning as I felt him push his body deeper into my own. My eyes followed Sam's as he slowly hovered over me. I could see the lust in his eyes. The need that only I could sustain.

"You little whore."

I moaned out as Sam thrusted against me again. The way the moonlight shone over his body made him look so unreal. Like a star in the sky that you could only see, but never touch. My fingers entwined themselves in Sam's hair. Sam groaned.

"You'll never get his love. You'll never win."

I growled as I roughly kissed Sam again. Sam groaned as we reached our peak. My head was spinning again and all I felt was Sam. Nothing made sense. Nothing mattered. No matter how much the little voice in my head nagged.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, as he rolled onto the bed.

"Yeah." I mumbled, a little out of breath.

"Ells." Sam said, as he pulled closer to him.

I snuggled against his bare chest. "I'm fine, Sammy. Just a little upset and annoyed."

"Is it Dean?" Sam's voice was tight.

"Yeah. I don't know what's wrong with him. One minute he cares, the next he's a total douche." I muttered annoyed.

"Just give him time."

"Yeah, but I don't wanna talk about this right now."

Sam sighed as I closed my eyes. I didn't want to talk about Dean right now. All i wanted to do was enjoy the time I had with Sam and sleep.


I yawned, tiredly, as the Impala pulled into yet another crappy motel in Saginaw, Michigan. Sam and I had shared a vision this morning of a man being suffocated in his car by what Sam guesses is an angry spirit.

Sam had insisted that we go check it out, but by the time we had gotten here Jim Miller was already dead. I sighed as I slammed the car door and walked into the motel office with the boys. Dean had had a stick up his ass the whole ride over here.

I was in a less than pleasant mood thanks to him. All I wanted was to get our room and get rid of him. Hell, I would even take Castiel's ass over him right now.

"Ellz!" My Head snapped in the direction of Dean's voice.


"Stop spacing out. We need you to focus."

"Sorry, Dad." I snapped, annoyed.

Dean rolled his eyes. "What was your vision?"

"I told you already it was exactly like Sam's. A guy pulls into his garage and the door shuts by itself. His car locks and he can't open it. Then he suffocates on exhaust fumes. The End." I snapped.

Sam chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Nicely put."

"Oh, bite me!"

"I already did." Sam chuckled.

Dean gave me a look and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't you two have some people to go interrogate? Just leave me alone already!" I snapped, throwing myself on the bed.

I heard Dean mutter something as he walked to the bathroom. Sam gently played with my hair as he waited for his brother to finish. When Dean came out, Sam kissed my forehead. He grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Dean watched me as we waited for Sam. I sighed and got up. I walked to my bag and pulled out a small notebook. I saw the corner of Dean's lip turn up. He chuckled at me.

I rolled my eyes as I flipped open my notebook.

"I can't believe you still have that." Dean mumbled.

"It was a very special gift." I shot back, throwing him the tongue.

Dean laughed at my childish behavior. He had given me that notebook years ago. It had been around the time my dad died. Dean thought it would help me express myself better. And ever since then, it has.

The bathroom door opened and Sam walked out. I rolled my eyes as the both hugged my good bye and left. Finally, I was alone. I sighed as I sat back on the bed. i don't know why, but I just knew he was coming.

Hell, it was like I had a sixth sense when it came to him.

His shrill laughter filled my ears as the room suddenly went dark. I growled as I put my notebook away. He was here. I looked up and gasped. His face. It was different. He looked ugly, morbid. His face was as black and charred as his soul.

And then, Castiel's words played in my head. " might be glimpsing at my true form." Could it be the same for demons as well?

"Ellie, my dear, why are you so quiet?" Azazel smirked.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I was a bit shocked at how ugly you really are."

Azazel narrowed his eyes at me. "What are you talking about?"

"You're face is just so ugly and black. if this is what you really look like, then I can't blame you for wanting to wear a mask." I remarked, smirking.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. You're pathetic boyfriend's life is in my hands."

The smirk I wore quickly turned into a scowl and I growled.

"Or have you completely forgotten abut him?"

"Of course not."

Azazel smirked as he sat beside me. I knew I was going to be in for a long, long night.

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