First Time

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"Are you going to be okay?" Dean asked, as he slipped on his pants.

I was still laying in bed, naked. Sam had called Dean asking him to join him on the case. Something was going wrong and he needed help. I sighed as I watched Dean get dressed. The sex was great as usual, but something felt like it was missing this time. Like he wasn't completely there.

"Yeah, sure. It's just like every other time, right? No feeling connected." I muttered, turning on the TV.

"Ellz....don't be like that."

"Just go, Dean. I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"Sam needs you. Just go."I said, raising the volume on the TV.

Dean stayed watching me for a while before he sighed and walk out the door. I shook my head, feeling a bit frustrated. I was tired of feeling like a rag doll between the boys. Once Dean left, I was going to find out the truth. I was going to find out what the hell was going on with me.

I was not going to let my life slip out of my hands. I wanted to know what I was before Azazel tried to warp me into his own little creation. And i was going to get the only person who I knew could get me my answers.

Dean walked over to me and bent down to kiss my cheek. I felt my heart break as Dean walked away. I had to find out what was tearing my world apart. I shut off the TV and walked to the door. I locked the door behind him and sighed. It was time to figure out the truth. It was time to call out the only angel I knew would help me.

"What can I help you with?"

"What am I?" I asked, without looking at him.

"Ellie. I don't know. Nobody does." Castiel muttered.

"Liar! We both know that there's someone who does."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Orders, Ellie. I'm sorry."

"Cas, please. I need to know what I am. Please." I nearly begged turning on my heel.

Castiel looked torn as I feel the desperation well up within my stomach. what would i do if he said no? Would I ever be able to find the old man myself? Would I ever know what I was? I sighed as I tried to calm myself. I would find another way. There had to be one, right?

I felt pain rip through my body. i didn't understand what was happening to me. I felt my knees buckle and I felt to the ground. I struggled to look up at Castiel. His face was emotionless, like he was concentrating. I wanted to scream at the pain I felt, but no sound would come.

And then, as soon as the pain had come, it was gone. I collapsed onto the ground, panting hard. My mind swirl as I felt the bile crawl up my throat. I quickly rolled over as the vomit flowed from my mouth. I felt horrible, like I had just been hit by a hurricane. I felt someone timidly rubbing my back.

I slowly looked at Castiel and smiled.

"Thanks." I croaked out.

"You're welcome." Castiel whispered.

Once I was feeling better, I slowly stood back up. Castiel helped balanced me, I sighed as I tried to shake away the dizziness. I looked around and gasped. We weren't in the hotel anymore. In fact, I don't even think we were in the same city.

But this house somehow felt familiar to me. Like I had been here before in another time.

"Where did you take me?"

"To give you your answers."

I looked at Castiel feeling, a bit confused. "Why did you change your mind?"

"I did not like how desperate you looked. I had to help you."

I felt a smile tug at my lips, as I hugged him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." he muttered, as he hugged me back.

I sighed as I let go of Castiel. He nodded to me as I turned to find the old man I knew would help me. It felt eerie and creepy as i walked down the unknown yet familiar halls. A door slowly opened and I sighed as I walked over to the door. I took in a deep breathe as I prepared myself for what he had to say.

I stared at the old man and felt my mind whirl. I knew exactly who he was. I don't know how I did, but i just knew who this man was. He was Death.

"It's about time, Elleanor." He said, as he watched me from his mahogany desk.


"Very good. You know who I am."

"Yes, but why? What do you want wit me?"

"It's only natural that you would know who your boss was." He smirked.

"Boss? What are you talking about?" I mumbled, confused.

"Elleanor, you're half-reaper. And you work for me."

I felt shock coarse through me. I was half-reaper. What the hell was that supposed to mean? That I was half dead? I looked Death in the eyes and saw how serious he was.

"Half? What does that mean? What is the other half?"


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