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"Ellz?" I heard Dean's voice first.

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. My head was pounding. I looked at Dean and he smiled. He looked like he was so relived. My back felt kind of stiff. I slowly sat up with Dean's help and sighed.

"Where are we?" I asked, a bit disoriented.

"Richardson, TX."

"Why are we in Texas?" I mumbled, trying to stretch out my back.

"We're on a new case." Dean said, as he gently rubbed my sore back.

I groaned. "Another case? Why? Where's John and Sam?"

"Sam's out. He's doing research. And dad, well he left. We thought it would be best." Dean said, softly.

"What?! Why? Dean, what the hell?!" I growled, pushing his hands away.

"Calm down, Ellz. We had to."

"Why? What about Masen?" I got up, despite the pain I felt.

"Dad's too vulnerable when he's around us. He had to leave. I'm sorry about yourboyfriend, but I couldn't risk my father!" Dean snapped, angrily.

"So instead you risk Masen? How heartless can you be?!" I shouted, glaring at Dean.

"What about you?! He was like your father, too!"

"After he killed off my father!" I shouted.

Dean stayed silent and I growled. Why was every little thing John said so important to Dean? Dean watched me as I started to pace the living room. I hated this so bad. I just wanted to find John so we could kill Azazel and get this over with. I wanted Masen back.

I shook my head as I stopped by the table. Why did everything have to be so complicated and screwed up? Dean got up and walked over to me. He gently touched my cheek and I looked at him. Pain hit me as I looked into his eyes. Why were they so sad?

Dean wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I fit so perfect against him. It was like we were meant to be together like this. I shook my head as I pushed Dean away. He cocked his eyebrow at me and I growled.

Okay this whole little bi-polar thing he's been throwing at me is going to stop now. Not even a minute ago we were fighting and now here he is trying to comfort me. I growled as I looked him in his eye.

"What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean, why are you PMSing on me? And don't lie to me. Tell me the truth, dammit." I demanded.

Dean looked away and I growled. So something was wrong with him. I thought back to what John had told me and sighed. Dean hadn't been like this before I left. He was kind, carefree, and just..well...Dean. We would fight and be angry with each other for hours, then something would happen and we'd talk it out.

Now, Dean just doesn't put forth any effort. It like he's afraid of something. Or like something had changed him. But what? What had happened? Was it something I had done? Dean looked up at me and sighed. He walked to the beds and sat down. I silently followed him and sat beside him.

I gently grabbed Dean's hand. "What is it? Please, talk to me."

"I'm afraid. Ellz, I'm seriously afraid." Dean mumbled, looking me in the eyes.

"What? What are you afraid?"


"Dean, spit it out please. Why are you afraid of me?" I asked, confused.

"I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of losing you."

"Why would you lose me?"

"Well, what's going to happen when we get Masen back?You're just going to run back to him. Sam will stay till we kill Yellow eyes, and then I'll be alone again. I don't want to lose you again, Ellz." Dean mumbled, looking at me heartbroken.

I sighed. "No one is going to take me away. I don't know what will happen when we get Masen back, but there's one thing I can promise you."

"What's that?"

"You won't ever lose me, Dean. I'm yours. i always have been and I always will be. I won't ever just leave you. So, please, can things just go back to how they used to be? Please?" I mumbled, squeezing his hand.

Dean looked me deep in the eyes and slowly nodded. He ran hid fingers through my hair and gently pulled me close to him. His lips grazed mine gently. I felt the need well up within me and i growled. I pushed Dean back on the bed and pressed my lips to his. Dean wasted no time in wrapping his arms around my waist as he deepened the kiss.

I felt like all the broken pieces of my heart were finally realigning once again. I was back with my boys. Dean was still the same. He was mine and no matter what happened, he would always be mine.

I felt chills run down my spine as Dean placed soft kisses against my neck and collar bone. I heard a car door slam and groaned. I tried to push Dean off me. Sam was back and I didn't want him to walk in on us. I knew he wouldn't say anything, but I didn't need to feel like anymore of a slut than Azazel would make it out to be.

Dean reluctantly stopped kissing me. Instead he settled for resting his head on my lap. I chuckled as I began to play with his hair. Leave it to Dean to switch to his normal possessive self in a matter of a day.

The door unlocked and Sam walked in. He cocked an eyebrow at us and I rolled my eyes. Dean sighed as he got up. I shook my head and got up. I walked over to Sam and looked over all the supplies he bought.

Of course, he went and bought nothing but supplies for this hunt. I sighed as I looked at the paper work on the desk. I read over the files as Dean and Sam started planning out the case. I shut my eyes, waiting for a vision to hit me. When none came, I felt slightly confused.

"What kind of case is this?" I asked, looking at the boys.

"A vengeful spirit is my guess." Sam said, as he sat down.

Dean sat beside him and they started prepping their weapons. Something in my gut told me this wasn't a normal case. I sighed as I sat beside Dean. There was no point in worrying. The boys would be fine. I rested my head on the table. I was sure to be bored when they left.

Maybe I could call Castiel to keep me company. Well, that's if he's not all busy. I'd try calling Clara or Gregg, but they would probably freak on me. Dean looked at me as I sighed again. He gave me a small smile and shook his head.

"You'll be fine, Ellz." He mumbled.

"I know, I'll be okay. I'll just be mega bored till you get back. Can't I go with you?" I asked.

"Absolutely not. We won't risk you, Ells." Sam said.

"Fine." I grumbled, knowing it was useless to argue with them.

"Good girl." Sam said, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

I rolled my eyes and got up. Might as well watch TV then. Dean chuckled as I flipped through the channels. The boys finished with their weapons and Sam went to pack up the Impala. Dean walked over to me and pulled me up. I walked him to the door and sighed.

Sam quickly walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I returned the hug and smiled. I kissed him on his cheek. Sam smiled and walked back to the Impala. I shook my head and waved to him.

Dean chuckled and wrapped me up in his arms. He kissed me on the lips lightly and smiled at me. I snuggled into Dean's arms and giggled. I was glad things were back to normal with us. Hopefully, when we got Masen back, things would still be okay.

"Make sure you lock up." Dean said.

"I know. Just be careful, Dean. Something doesn't feel right about this case."

"Do any of them ever feel right?" Dean chuckled, as he let me go.

"Seriously." I mumbled.

Dean just smiled and waved to me as he walked away.

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