Times Change

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I rolled over.

"Elleanor, wake up."

I groaned as I shook the voice away. I was so tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. My eyelids felt heavy. everything surrounding me was suffocating. I knew I was still in the motel, but it felt as if I wasn't alone.

"Wake up, Elleanor!" A deep voice boomed in my ear.

My eyes snapped open as I quickly sat up. I pulled the bed sheets closer to my chest as I looked around the room. I could see anything. I groaned as I rubbed furiously at my eyes. I was blind. Again. I cursed out as I pulled out my hunter's knife from underneath my pillow.

"Who's there?" I shouted.

I heard a chuckle fill the room. I shivered as I felt his familiar presence again. It was that same old man. The one who had kidnapped me from the car crash. The one who had blinded me.

I growled as my head snapped int the direction where his presence felt the strongest. He was alone from what I could sense. Something within me knew he wouldn't hurt me. A part of me trusted him. I shook my head.

"Calm down, Elleanor. I'm here to help you."

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"It's not what I want from you. It's what you want from me. Answers, darling."

Answers? About who I am? Is that what he meant? Was he here to help me? Was he going to tell me what was going on? My heart rate increased as I felt the adrenaline kick in. I began to feel desperate. What did this man known about me? Who was he?

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I know what you are, Elleanor. I know all about you. You are a very special person."

"If you're talking about Azazel's little army of special freaks, I already know." I snapped.

"How dare you affiliate yourself with those mongrels!" He growled. "You are so much more special than they are."

Confusion set in my mind. How was I more special than Sam and the others? What the hell was I?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Your father really didn't tell you anything?" He snickered.

I growled. "My father's dead. What does he have to do with this?"

"Dead, you say. Is that what you call it? Well, I can assure you, child, your father is not dead. He is very much alive and well."

My heart sunk as I took in this news. My father was alive? How was that possible? I saw him die right in front of my eyes. I heard his screams of agony. I held his lifeless corpse. So how could he possibly be alive?

If I could see, I would have glared at the bastard. He was just trying to get inside my head. That was all he was doing. Nothing else.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, in a weak whisper, despite how strong I had wanted to sound.

"I already told you. It's what you want."

"I don't want a damn thing from you! All I want is my vision back and for you to leave before I kill you!" I shouted.

He chuckled. "Elleanor, I cannot die. You should know that by now. I'm surprised you haven't realized who I truly am."

"How am I supposed to know who you are if you blind me whenever you make an appearance?!" I snapped.

"Ah, yes. That's for your own protection. I doubt you would be able to see me as I am even if you wanted to."

"I can see angels and demons for who they are, what makes you so different?!"

Silence met my retort. After awhile, he finally spoke again.

"It seems your powers are developing quicker than I had anticipated."

"What are you talking about?" I growled, feeling annoyed and confused.

"I have to go. We will meet again, dear Elleanor. Until then, do you best to ward off your demons."

And with that, I felt his presences disappear. My head began to hurt as dots appeared in my vision. I shut my eyes tightly. The pain in my head grew quickly and more intense. I cried out in pain as I fell back on the bed.

I didn't understand what was going on. What the hell had he done to me? Why was all this pain washing over my body? It felt as if my flesh was burning. Every inch of my body hurt. I huddled into a ball, wishing for the pain to stop.

"Ells!" Sam shouted.

My head snapped in his direction and all the pain disappeared. Everything was back to normal. It felt as if I had never lost y vision or felt the pain in the first place.

"Are you alight?" He asked, sounding worried.

"Sam." I muttered, still feeling shocked.

"Ells, what is it? What happened?"

"Sam." i muttered again, clinging onto him.

"Talk to me!" Sam said, holding me closely.

"He's alive." I whispered. "He's still alive."

"Who is?"

"My father." I said, as the tears escaped my eyes.

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