Angel Raguel

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By the time Masen had finally come home, I was about ready to lose my mind. Somehow, Dean managed to get my number and he had been calling me non-stop. If I had to guess, it was Gregg who babbled his big mouth.

"Ellie?" Masen's concerned voice spoke.

"In here." I shouted, from our room.

I heard his heavy footsteps and felt relief began to fill me. I was stressing out way too much. maybe some alone time with Masen would help do me some good. I felt a small smile tug at my lips as memories of the Winchester boys ran through my mind. They were always both my cause for stress and my relief from it. I actually did missed them sometimes. They were a bunch of goofballs.

I felt my mood brighten a bit as I got off my computer chair. I walked to the door to meet Masen, a smile still planted on my face.

"Babe, you'll never guess the day I've had today." I started, as I walked out the door.

"Really? What kind?" Masen asked, as I froze.

My mind was whirling. All signs of happiness I had before was clearly gone now. And why is that? Hmm, maybe it has to do with Tweetel Do and Tweetel Dumb standing right behind Masen. I felt anger and fear bubble up inside me. Anger because they had the balls to actually follow me this far. Fear that they would threaten me or worse..spill the beans about me to Masen.

"Honey?" Masen asked, breaking my thoughts.

I quickly recovered and planted a fake smile on my lips. "Yes?"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just surprised. I didn't expect you to bring guests." I said, walking closer to him.

"Well, I ran into them down stairs. They said they were old friends of yours." Masen said, looking at the three of us suspiciously.

"They are." I smiled, lightly touching his arm. "Hello, Sammy. Dean. Let's all have a seat. I'll get some drinks."

The brother's smiled at me as I walked to the kitchen. I wanted so badly to bang my head into the freakin' wall. Why the hell did they have to be so persistent? I was done with that life and everything that came with it. Our history was not something I wanted to discuss with Masen.

I sighed as I pulled three beers from the fridge. I got Masen his wine, knowing how much he hated beer. I walked back to the living room, listening to their conversation.

"So, how exactly do you know Elleanor?" Masen asked.

"Oh, we all used to hunt together." Dean said, causally, causing me to nearly drop our drinks.

Masen looked at me oddly as i handed everyone their drinks. "You hunted? You told me you've never even held a gun before."

"I haven't." I lied through my teeth. " I wouldn't hunt. I would watch them. It was really our fathers' idea. They were best friends so they always had us get together. I wasn't one for killing."

Masen nodded, believing my half lies, half truths. I glared at Dean when Masen wasn't looking. He looked at me with a hint of anger in his eyes. Sam rolled his eyes as he cleared his throat.

"So, anyway, how have you been, Ells?" he asked, catching my attention.

"Great." I lied again.

"Hardly." Masen cut in. "You haven't been sleeping well with all those damn nightmares you get."

I inwardly groaned as Dean and Sam narrowed their eyes at me. My day was shitty enough. Did Masen really have to open his mouth about the nightmares? The boy's knew all about my freaky visions.

"You've been having nightmares again?" Dean asked, with an edge of malice.

"They've been happening for what? Almost a month now?" Masen asked, looking at me for confirmation.

I wanted so bad to scream and yell and make Masen shut his mouth, but I couldn't. I just nodded my head and looked away from the boys. As if on cue, Masen's phone started ringing. He pulled in out and groaned.

"Excuse me, it's my office." Masen mumbled, getting up to leave the room.

I groaned and hung my head. Great, now I was really in for it. I waited for Masen to shut the door before I looked at the boys. They both looked extremely pissed. I rolled my eyes as I got up and walked to the kitchen. I heard their footsteps as they followed me.

"What?" I snapped.

"'What?'? How about 'Sorry for running off on you guys,' or 'Sorry for completely alienating you guys from my life!'" Dean snapped, angrily.

"Why should I apologize? It's not like I asked you chuckleheads to come find me!" I growled back.

"Of course, you wouldn't. You're just being a stubborn baby!"

"I am not! Excuse me, if I wanted to do better with my life than be daddy's little robot!"

"Okay, guys, enough!" Sam shouted, stepping in between us.

I rolled my eyes as I turned away from them. We weren't alone for more than 10 minutes and Dean and I were already at each others throats. This is part of why I wanted out so bad. Sam turned to face me and gently caressed my cheek. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach as heat rushed to my cheeks. I inwardly groaned as I felt those old feelings arise in me again.

Sam gently pulled me into a hug and sighed. "I'm sorry, Ells. We just missed you. It's been four years."

"I know. I'm sorry too, Sammy." I mumbled, hugging him back.

I looked over to Dean and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm sorry too, Ellz."

I smiled as I walked over to Dean and wrapped my arms around him. A part of me missed these two so much. It felt right just being in their arms the way I was. But another part of me, the more rational part, knew how bad of an idea this was. I was with Masen now and the more I was with Sam and Dean, the more I would feel the temptation.

The desire.

I pulled away from Dean and walked back to the counter. I finished cutting the crust off the peanut butter sandwich I made for the guys. I handed them their plates and sat at the table beside them.

"So why exactly are you two here?" I asked, slightly dreading the answer.

"We need your help." Sam said, as Dean scuffed down his PB sandwich.

I rose an eyebrow. It wasn't like them to need my help on a case. "With what?"

"Our father's missing." Dean said, "And we need you to come with us to track him down."

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