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I felt my skin crawl as what he said processed though my mind. I was half-demon? How the hell was that possible? Both my parents were human, weren't they? I didn't look nor act like a demon in anyway so how was this possible?

I felt warm hands help steady my swaying body. Turning my head slightly, I gave a faint smile to Castiel. I wasn't the type who fainted when something dramatic happened, but this was just too much to absorb. Castiel helped me sit down on the chair closest to Death's desk.

"Thank you, Cas. I'm fine." I muttered.

"Are you sure?" He asked, an edge of anger in his tone.

"Yes, I just didn't expect this."

Castiel nodded and turned to leave the room. I looked up at Death and shook my head.

"I thought my parents were human."

"No, they weren't. Your mother was a reaper. She was the best at her job, my brightest child. And then she met your father." Death said, sounding bitter at the last art.

"Did they fall in love or something?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Of course not!' He snapped. "That father of yours raped her. And why wouldn't he? Youwere born! You, who would grow to be the most valuable and powerful asset any creature would ever need."

"What's so great about being half-reaper, half-demon?" I asked, feeling like a tool.

"As you are right now? Nothing."

"So then..."

"Once the Winchester's are out of your life, you will be able to unleash your full powers and potentials. You didn't think God wanted you away from them because he actually cared about you? Castiel is only fulfilling his orders." Death said, causing my heart to plummet.

Is that way Castiel was always around? I mean, I knew that God had wanted me away from the boys for a reason, but I though that maybe Castiel had actually thought of me as a person instead of an assignment. Was God ordering Castiel to hang around me so he could keep all these powers for himself?

I shook my head. No. I couldn't let Death do this to me. For all I knew Death could be the one who wanted to use me for my powers. He could just be trying to manipulate me into believing his bullshit so I would leave my Winchester's and my ang--Wait a minute? myangel? Since when the hell had I become so close to Castiel?

Death chuckled as he studied me. "My dear, Elleanor. I can see that you don't trust."

"Why should I?" i snapped, standing up.

"Very well. I guess this will be all for today. But I do warn you, my dear child, I will be calling for you again."

I growled as I turned on my heel.


How long had it been since I was just able to sit back and relax? That what I was wondering as I sat at the edge of a cliff, Castiel had taken us to. The stars were out, shiny brightly in the night sky.

It wasn't fair. Why did it feel like everything bad always happened to me? I didn't know who my parents really were. The woman who I thought was my mother actually isn't. The man I thought was my father happens to be a murderous, blood-thirsty, psycho rapist and killer. And if that wasn't bad enough, I was supposedly some powerful demon/reaper that would one day lead the demons in a war against all humanity?

What had I done so wrong in my past life to deserve all this? I sighed as I felt Castiel sit beside me. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable around him at the moment. Talking with Death made me realize something that hadn't exactly occurred to me before.

I was beginning to feel as I do for the Winchester's with Castiel. i was starting to make him mine. And that scared me. If Castiel was only here because it's what he was ordered to do, then it would just kill me inside. I couldn't get attached to him without knowing what he really felt.

I turned to face Castiel. His eyes met mine and I felt a spark fly between us. It felt as if he were pulling deep into his gaze once more. I was speechless. Why did Castiel always have this effect on me? Was it because he was an angel? Or was there something else involved?

"Ellie?" Castiel, asked, seeming concerned, breaking me from the spell he put me under. "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I muttered, shaking my head.

"What are you thinking about?"

I felt my cheeks grew warm. "Nothing really."

Dammit, this angel sure was something else. Castiel silently nodded and turned to face the stars again. An angel watching the stars. I couldn't help, but smile at that. It just seemed so ironic and corny to me.



"Why are you here with me?" I asked, rather bluntly.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you always come when I call for you or when I need you and there are times when I don't even call you . It's like you just know that I want you here. Why do you always come to me?"

"I'm sorry. I did not realize I was a bother to you."

"No, you're not." I said, quickly.

"Then why are you asking this so randomly?" Castiel asked, looking confused.

"I want to know if you're here because you want to see me or if you're being ordered to see me?" I snapped out of annoyance.

Castiel stayed silent for a moment.


"I'm not following any orders, Ellie. I do not understand why, but I just cannot stay away from you. You consume my mind when I'm away, and I only feel at piece when you're near me."

I felt speechless once more. Call me crazy, but it sounded like a confession from Castiel. Did he love me? Was that possible? For an angel to love a hybrid? Whatever sense I had flew right out the window.

I gently reached out for Castiel and caressed his cheek. Butterflies erupted wildly in my stomach. Castiel leaned in to me, closing the gap between us. Castiel was hesitant at first, as if he were uncomfortable. I gently ran my fingers through his short hair, deepening the kiss just enough for him to be comfortable. Soon, it became passionate.

I knew what we were doing wasn't right. Every fiber in my being scream at me that this was wrong. Unnatural. But I just couldn't find it within myself to care. I couldn't find any reason why I should care what was right or wrong.

I just wanted to stay lost in this kiss with my angel named Castiel.

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