Angel Gazardiel

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"We'll see you tomorrow, then." Sam said, as he let me go.

We were standing at the door saying our good-byes. The Winchester's were going home for the night. And by home, I mean a crappy motel. Masen had walked in before I had a chance to answer the boys. I felt slightly relieved about that. I had already betrayed these boys once. I didn't know if I could do again.

Dean looked at me with meaningful eyes as I gave him a hug. I shook my head and lightly kissed his cheek. "Try to stay out of trouble."

"No promises." He smirked, as he let me go.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that it was nearly impossible for Dean to be good. Sam smiled at me. They both gave me a slight wave as I shut the door. I sighed in relief as Masen walked to the room. He was quiet, which was never a really good sign. I walked to our room and grabbed my nightgown. Masen just watched as I shut the bathroom door.

I quickly stripped and jumped in the shower. My head was seriously about to burst. There was way too many things on my mind right now. The nightmares, Masen, Sam and Dean, our past, and worst of all, John. John Winchester was the main reason why I left the boys. Why I let go all that we had.

Sam and Dean were the world to me. If John hadn't been there, I probably would have stayed with them. We always had so much chemistry. Most people would have thought our relationship was wrong, but we didn't care. It just felt so right with us. There was no jealousy. No fighting. Just constant bliss and happiness. But John was the reason I high tailed it from the life I once lived.

He was such a dictator. There was no reasoning with him. He used me countless times. And when I was sore and weak, he pushed me even harder. I was used as bait and treated like trash. And all for what? For the damn ability I possessed? Now he's missing and I'm supposed to drop everything to jump on the bandwagon to finding him? No thanks.

Dean face flashed through my mind and I groaned. He wouldn't take no for an answer. I knew he wouldn't. But I had to get rid of these boys now before he found me again. I shuddered just thinking about him. About the bastard who started all this torment for us. The Winchester's called him 'yellow eyes,' but i knew him better than they did. I knew who he really was.


The rotten bastard from hell who would make my life with the Winchester's a living nightmare. If he found me again, I would never live the life I had now. I would lose everything I had built up for myself. And I couldn't go through that again.

A knock on the door startled me from my thoughts. I quickly rinsed myself off and shut off the water. I jumped out the shower, wrapping myself in a towel, as I hurried to answer the door. I came face to face with a worried looking Masen.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I lost track of time." I mumbled, tightening my towel.

Masen smirked as he eyed me, hungrily. I rolled my eyes as he pulled me into his arms. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. I slowly sunk into the kiss, momentarily forgetting my worries. Masen pushed me against the door, his kiss becoming more urgent. His lips trailed down my chin to my neck.

Images of Dean and Sam filled my head. Memories began to flood back into my brain as Masen tried to pull the towel away. I jerked back and pushed him off me. I felt my cheeks heating up at the bold memories playing in my head. Why the hell was I thinking about them now?

Masen looked at me, a hint of disappointment on his features. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just not feeling to well." I said, grabbing my underwear. I quickly changed and walked past Masen.

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