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I felt something soft touch my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes, wanting to know who was touching me. At first, I couldn't see anything. Everything looked so blurry and dim. I opened and closed my eyes a couple of times, trying to clear the blurriness. I groaned when it still hadn't disappeared.

I wiped furiously at my eyes. Why the hell couldn't I see? What was going on? I felt something warm and thick, slowly trickle down my hands. I gasped. Had I gone blind? What the hell had Azazel done to me?

I slowly got off the bed(I'm assuming it was a bed) and held my hands out, searching for a wall or a door. I had to find out where the heck I was. Goosebumps formed as my bare feet come in contact with the ice cold floor. I took baby steps as I walked around the room. I felt like an idiot, walking around like this.

I finally found the door and slowly turned the knob. The door opened. I opened it as quietly as I could. I didn't know where I was. For all I knew, I could be with Azazel right now. I walked pressed against the wall as i listened for any noise that would let me know if I was in danger. I sighed, wishing my vision would come back to me.

This place felt eerie familiar feel to me. Like I had been here before. But when? Why did this place feel so important to me? I groaned, frustrated with myself. I shook my head as I continued down the hall. I heard a noise behind me.

"Sam? Dean? Is that you?" I whispered, turning to look behind me.

No answer.

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes again. Everything was still blurry. I turned back around and snarled. I quickly jumped to the side, barely dodging a punch. I heard my attacker growl as he ran at me. I dodged him again, dropping to the ground. I stuck my leg out sending his ass falling to the floor beside me. i pounced on him and wrapped my fingers, around his throat.

I punched him in the face, hard. A scream left my lips as I felt someone pull me up by my hair. My elbow roughly impaled his left side, causing him to release my hair. I wasted no time in turning around and punching him as well. He doubled over, clutching at his stomach. I brought my knee up to meet his chin. He fell to the ground as his partner tackled me onto the wall.

The taste of cooper filled my mouth. I growled as I struggled against him. My attacker punched me hard in my side. I groaned in pain as I pushed against the wall. he wouldn't budge. I groaned as I roughly bit his arms that was constricting my neck. My attacker cursed as he released me.

I jumped back, getting back into a defensive stance. If I ever got out of here, I was so going to kick Sam and Dean's ass for letting me get kidnapped. I felt my attacker getting ready to come at me again.

"Stop!" A voice boomed, catching completely off guard.

My head snapped in the direction of his voice and I felt my gut drop. Whoever this man was, I did not like the feel he was giving me. His presence was strong and powerful. He had the scent of death all over him.

I felt the men who attacked me lower their guards as the slowly backed away. The man who interrupted us walked over to me. I tensed up as i got ready for a fight. Inside, I was a little afraid. I didn't want to deal with this. i just wanted to find Sam and Dean. I wanted to get out of here.

"Don't be afraid." He said, calmly.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one who's blind! Where the fuck am I?!" I snapped, frustrated.

I felt a sharp pain as whoever this was slapped me. I glared at him. "What your mouth, Elleanor! Show me some respect!"

"I don't even know who the hell you are!" I yelled, as I roughly pushed him.

At that moment I was glad that I couldn't see, because the feeling that was emitting from this man was not something i wanted to see. I took a shaky step back, prepping myself to run.

After a while of silence, he finally spoke. "It's obvious you are not ready to come home yet. Take her to the cellar. See to it that she's properly trained."

I growled as I felt his men advancing on me. I was not in the condition to be fighting off all these people. And as if someone had read my mind, a bright blinding light flashed throughout the entire room. Arms wrapped around my waist as I was lifted into the air. The minute I felt his arms touch me, my vision returned.

I looked down and caught a glimpse of the man who had slapped me. Confusion filled me as I saw he was just an old man. But at the same time he felt familiar to me. Like I had seen him before. But where? What the hell was going on?

"Are you alright?" Castiel asked, as he gently place me on the grass.

I shook my head. Once i had hit the ground, it was like reality had caught up with me. my entire body began to ache. Blood started to pour out of wounds I didn't even know I had. I felt tears sting my eyes as the pain became unbearable.

I looked around wondering to myself about what had happened. The sight of a damaged car caught my eye. A gasp escaped my lips as everything came back to me. Fighting Azazel, Masen stabbing me, the car crash...

The car crash!

I looked around frantically, trying to ignore the pain. I couldn't find them anywhere. What the heck happened to them? Why weren't they with me? Was Dean alright? And what about john? Had Sam killed him?

Castiel walked over to me and knelt beside me. I opened my mouth, but it was too painful to let any words out. I watched as Castiel gently pressed his index finger and ring finger against my forehead. A calming sensation filled my body as I took a deep breath. i slowly opened my eyes, feeling no pain.

I looked down at myself and gasped. My whole body was healed. Nothing hurt anymore. I looked up at Castiel feeling shocked. How the hell--Oh yeah, he's an angel. I shook my head as Castiel helped me up.

"Thanks. Cas."

"It's not a problem. Are you alright now?" He asked, staring me in my eyes.

"Yes much. But I need to find Sam and Dean."

"They are in the hospital." Castiel said, with no hesitance.

My heart jumped. "Take me to them!"


"Sam!" I shouted as I saw him, walking down the hall.

He looked shocked to see me. "Ells!"

I rushed into Sam's arms as the tears escaped down my cheeks. Sam's arms wrapped around my shoulders and held me tight. I smiled into his chest, glad that I had found Sam and he was fine.

"Ells, where the hell have you been? Are you alright? What happened to your wounds? Did Yello--"

On impulse, I crashed my lips to Sam's. I was so happy he was fine just wanted to shut him up. I slowly pulled away from Sam and smiled at him. "I'm fine,Sammy."

"Good." Sam muttered as he leaned his forehead on mine.

"Where's Dean? And John?"I asked.

Sam's face fell as he pulled away. He turned around and I felt my heart break. My chest stung as I pulled on Sam's arm.

"Sam, tell me."

"Dean's okay."


"It's Dad. He's dead."

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