Angel Eve

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Azazel smirked as he circled around me. It had been hours since the boys had left. I was getting sick of Azazel's little torture sessions. But like always I could never fight back. There was just something about him that kept me from saying anything. It was like I had no will of my own.

Azazel pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. His smirk never left his face. I wanted so bad to smack it off. To just vanquish his ass. I clenched my fist again as I tried to speak.

"Don't you ever get tired of trying to fight me?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes at him. How the hell was I supposed to answer him when he knew I couldn't speak? Azazel chuckled as he gently touched my cheek. I jerk back and growled.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, venomously.

Surprise crossed Azazel's face and I smirked.I don't know how his spell was broken, but I was thankful for it. I was not about to miss my chance to get rid of his ass once and for all. Azazel's eyes flashed yellow as he tried to run at me. I quickly ducked from his reach and rolled away. I glared at him as I swiftly kicked his legs.

He fell to the floor with a loud thud. I wasted no time in jumping over him and pinning him to the ground. I sprinkled what little holy water I had right over his face. His face twisted in pain as I began to chant the exorcism spell.

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus--Oof!" I started, but was quickly cut off.

Azazel smirked as he vanished before me. I screamed in fury as I punched the ground. I could've have gotten rid of him. I could've sent him straight to Hell. But I didn't and now he's going to go straight back to Masen.

I shook my head as I tried to block the images of what I had seen. I didn't want to see Masen as he was. He was all tattered and torn. His spirit was broken. He looked And it was all my fault. I was killing him. Every minute we spent away from John was every minute closer to Masen's death.

I felt the pain hit me hard. I crumpled into a ball as the tears flowed down my cheek. I hated that Azazel still had this power over me. I hated that he could still make me shake and cower in fear.

I held in my sobs as I trembled on the ground. I needed to be freed. I needed Sam or Dean. I needed someone who would let me cry my heart out and not care. I needed to feel safe again.

My head snapped up as I heard soft footsteps in the room. For a small moment fear consumed my heart. Was Azazel back for more? I slowly turned my head to see my intruder. Relief flushed over me as I looked into Castiel's warm eyes.

Castiel looked at me with a face of mixed confusion and concern. He knelt beside me and gently reached out to touch my tear soaked face. I felt his cool fingers caress my face and I knew it was over for me. i had found what I had needed.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Castiel's chest as I buried my face in his neck. Castiel stayed still as my sobs grew louder and much more violent. i couldn't hold back anymore. I couldn't escape the fate i was dealt.

I felt Castiel wrap his arms around me. I slowly began to piece myself back together. Castiel stayed silent as if he didn't know what to say. But right now, that was more than enough to me. I didn't need words of comfort. I didn't need any 'It's okay to be okay''s or'Things will get better''s. All I need was this person right here.

This angel sent from God himself.


"Ellz? Hey, Ellz, wake up." Dean's voice broke through my subconscious mind.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the brothers. They looked at me with worried expressions. I groaned as I slowly sat up. I looked around the room, but couldn't see Castiel anywhere. Somehow, I knew he had stayed with me the whole night, even after i had fallen asleep.

I looked into Dean's eyes and smiled. I quickly wrapped my arms around Dean and hugged him tightly.

"Whoa whoa. What the matter with you?" Dean asked, regaining his balance.

"I'm just glad you're alive." I muttered, inhaling his cologne.

Dean gently pulled me away, looking confused. "What do you mean?"

"I had a dream that some guy tried to kill you with a floating gun."

Sam and Dean the same expression. I cocked an eyebrow as I watched them. I knew the Winchester boys long enough to tell when they were trying to hide something from me. I growled as i got off the bed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"There are more people out there like us, Ells." Sam said, looking almost excited.

"What do u mean? How is this a good thing?"

"There are others with special abilities like we have." Sam said. " Like that guy you saw in your dream."

"What about him?"

"His name was Max. He had telekinesis, he tried to use his mind to shoot Dean. He was trying to kill his step-mom because she would let his dad and uncle beat him."

I shuddered at the thought. It's sad how even through the life I've lived, there are people out there who had to go through so much more. Why would his step-mom allow them to..wait a minute!

I looked at Sam. "Step-mom? What happened to his real mom?"

"She died. In a fire." Sam mumbled.

I felt as if someone had a hold on my heart and it wasn't functioning properly. This boys mom died in a fire? Like my mom? And Sam's? Was it just a coincedence?

"When?" I asked, my voice flat.

"When he was a baby." Sam muttered.

"I meant the day." I snapped.

Sam looked at Dean and dean sighed. "November 2, 1983. Same day as our mother's."

I growled as I felt the anger bubble inside me. That bastard! How many lives' did he have to ruin before he was fully satisfied?

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