The Beginning

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I groaned as I leaned back against Bobby's old truck. I was bored/annoyed/upset, etc. Why, you ask? Simple. John, Sam, and Dean had finally found Azazel and left me behind. It was actually Dean who had decided that I had to stay back. He said it was too dangerous for me.

I rolled my eyes at that. I've been around Azazel throughout most of my life. If he wanted me dead, I'm sure I would be by now. Rumsfeld whined as I pushed myself from the truck. I shook my head as I started to pace around the junkyard. Azazel still had Masen. I needed to get him back. I didn't want to deal with all this crap anymore.

Masen was barely hanging in by my guess and I needed to get him back. I would not let someone else die because of me. I just wanted to find Masen so I could take him home. Then I would leave and never bother him again. I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out of my pocket. John's name flashed on the screen and I growled.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped.

"Wow, you're a lot feistier than I thought you'd be." I growled at the female voice, feeling my gut drop.


"Righty-O. It's such an honor to meet the one who will lead us all one day." Meg taunted.

"What the hell are you talking about? Where's John?" I growled.

"Daddy didn't tell you? Oh, of course, why would he? It's supposed to be a surprise." She giggled.

"Meg, where is John? Stop bullshitting me!!"

"Oh, but it's so much fun! You know, I find this ironic!"

"What the hell are you going on about?"

"Well, John was the one who practically gave you up to my dad and now here you are trying to save him. Why?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's none of your business, bitch! Just tell me where John is!"

"I would watch how you speak to me." She growled, before I heard the dial tone.

I groaned as I shut my phone. What the hell was going on? Why was Meg bullshitting with me? And what the hell did she mean by 'lead us all one day'? I shook my head as I flipped my phone open again. I quickly dialed Dean's number.

No answer. I did the same with Sam. Still no answer. I growled as I shut my phone. What the hell?!! I stormed inside and searched the house for Bobby. I was not going to go through this again. Azazel already took enough people from me. I wasn't about to lose the Winchester's as well.

I spotted Bobby in his study and made my way over. Bobby looked up and sighed. He knew what I was thinking. He shook his head and held out keys for me. I took them from his hand and slightly smiled. It had been awhile since I last had my baby. She was such a beaut, too.

"Please be careful." Bobby muttered.

"I will. Don't worry, Pops." I said, giving him a hug.

He gently kissed my forehead. I smiled at him as I turned to walk away. I walked out to the junkyard. Rumsfeld followed me as I searched for my baby. I finally found him and smiled. There he was. My black 1969 Chevy Camaro RS. The first car I was ever given. It had belonged to my father.

I smiled as I slipped into the driver's seat. The car still smelt like my father. I sighed as I felt my emotions try to overwhelm me. I shook my head and started the engine. I peeled out of Bobby junkyard, determination set on my mind. I was going to find Azazel and kill him.

*+*+*+*+*(Skipping to where she has already found Dean, Sam, and John.)

I groaned as I was roughly thrown against the wall. I glared up at John as I held onto my stomach. His eyes flashed black as he smirked at me. I growled as i slowly tried to stand. I looked over to Dean and Sam. I felt my chest ache as I took in their tattered forms.

Leave it to John to get his ass possessed by a demon. Especially the one he had wanted to kill the most. I slightly chuckled at the thought. John looked at me, curiously as I managed to stand up.

"Something funny, Ellie dear."

"I just find it ironic how John could be so weak as to let a lowlife like yourself possess him." I snickered.

John growled as he swung his hand in my direction. An invisible force threw me across the room. My back hit the wall hard. I fell to the ground and groaned. I spat out blood and growled.

"I'd watch it. Masen is already on the verge of death." John chuckled.

I growled as I looked over to see Masen again. He looked so broken. I felt the guilt spread through me again.

"Fuck off, bastard!" I snapped, as I charged at him.

John shook his head as he flicked his wrist. I went flying against the wall again. This time, I cried out in pain. I stayed forced on the ground as John walked over to Masen. I watched in horror as he grabbed hold of Masen's neck.

I felt anger boil within me as he quickly snapped Masen's neck. I don't know how I managed it, but i found the strength to charge at him again. However, this time, I was ready. John flicked his wrist towards me. I quickly jumped over to him, barely dodging his attack. I growled as I landed roughly on John.

I punched him in the face. I felt all my sanity slowly leave me as I continued to beat on him. I could hear Dean shouting for me to stop, but my blood lust was too strong to be overpowered. I raised my fist to punch him again when I felt this sharp, mind blowing pain spread across my stomach.

I looked down and stared in horror at the blade that was now stuck in my abdomen. I slowly turned around to see Masen standing above me with a smirk playing on his lips. I felt confusion run through me as I slid off of John.

"Ellie!!" Dean shouted.

Masen walked over me and yanked the blade from my stomach. I screamed in agony as I tried to put pressure to my wound. i could hear John's cynical laughter as I tried to stop the bleeding.

I don't know how it happened, but I remember hearing a gun shot. Then John fell to the groaned. I could hear bickering, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I felt someone pull me into their arms. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. They felt heavy.

I heard could hear him, sobbing. i wanted so bad to open my eyes and tell him I was okay. That everything would be okay. But my stupid fucking eyes would not open. I felt myself being lifted. I felt myself fall against someone. My breathing became ragged.

Everything was turning black. I could hear someone, i think it was Sam, telling me to hold on. I don't know what happened, but I felt the pain before I could remember what happened. The sound of windows shattering and metal crushing against us was the last things that played through me mind.

Then everything went black.

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