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I sighed as I laid back on the bed. Dean had left about an hour ago. I hadn't seen Sam since our fight and frankly, I was glad I hadn't. I was so tired of all his crap. I had really missed Sam, but I didn't like being treated like crap.

Sam had always been the one who I thought was easier to understand. My relationship with him was strictly sex. I mean, sure, we loved each other, but we had agreed on being just friends with benefits. No strings attached.

So why was Sam becoming so possessive all of a sudden? It wasn't like him to go against what he would agree on. It was his idea, after all. He knew how I had felt about both of them and he came up with this whole friends with benefits thing. It was supposed to be a stress reliever for him.

I sighed as I shook my head. Why the heck did boys have to be so complicated?

I felt my phone began to vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out. A smile lit up on my face when I saw who the person calling me was.


"Someones in a good mood." I heard his voice chuckle on the other end.

"So what if I am, Bobby? Wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"Whatever you say, Ellie."

"So what's up? How come you're calling me out of the blue like this?" I asked, flopping down onto the sofa.

"I heard you were with the idjits again. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I smiled into my receiver. It was so like Bobby to act all paternal when it came to me. After all, he did adopted me after my father was murdered. I had come to love Bobby almost more than I had my own dad.

"I'm fine. Just stuck in motel rooms like always." I mumbled, slightly annoyed.

Bobby chuckled. "You'd think you'd be used to it by now."

"Ha ha." I muttered, sarcastically.

"What's so funny?"

I nearly had a heart attack as I spun around to come face to face with Castiel. I was surprised and angry at the same time. What the hell was wrong with this angel and scaring the hell out of me?

"Who was that?" Bobby asked.

"Just the pizza guy. I'll call you back." I mumbled, hurriedly.

I quickly hung up and sighed. I looked over to Castiel and growled at him. Bobby was surely going to rip my head off once he got a hold of me again. Castiel looked at me slightly confused as I sat on the bed.

"Who's the pizza man?" Castiel asked, sitting beside me.

"No one. What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.

"I wanted to come see you. I find it's very relaxing for me when I'm around you."

"Really? Well, ain't that just peachy for you. Is it also relaxing for you to scare my brains out!" I growled.

"My apologizes."

I rolled my eyes as I felt my phone buzz again. I looked at the screen and growled. It was Dean. Knowing Bobby's overprotective ass, he probably called Dean. Great, now I'd never hear the end of it.

I shook my head as I tossed my phone on my bed. I'd just handle it later. I had missed Castiel's company and I was not about to miss out in making him feel uncomfortable. It was always so fun making him feel odd around me.

Castiel's presence always knew how to make me feel at ease with myself and everything around me. I guess that's just part of his angel charms. I smiled to myself as I got up from the bed. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a soda can.

"I thought angels were super busy in heaven?" I mumbled, sitting beside him again.

"We are."

"So then how do you have time to come and see me?"

"I don't. I'm not supposed to be here right now." Castiel said. "I just missed your company."

"Oh, I see." I muttered.

"Am I a nuisance to you?"

"What! No, of course not!" I shouted, a bit too loud.

Castiel gave me a confused look as I quickly covered my mouth. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I looked away from him and cleared my throat. What the heck was wrong with me? Why did I shout that out like a complete retard?

I felt Castiel gently stroke my cheek. I looked at him as his fingers slid down my hair. It felt a bit awkward for me. I didn't really know Castiel that well for him to be doing this. But for some strange reason, I couldn't find it in myself to stop him.

I shivered as his fingers lightly traced my lips. I could feel myself getting lost into his trance once more. I felt as if everything around me was disappearing. My brained hadn't registered what happened until I felt his lips on my own.

I opened my eyes wide in shock. Were angels allowed to kiss humans? I stayed stiff even after Castiel had pulled away. I felt confused and slightly annoyed. Why the heck had he just kissed me? What was it with men and having to assert themselves?

After a while, I snapped out of the shock. "Why?"

"I wanted to see what your lips felt like. They're so soft and warm." Castiel said, touching his lips.

"Cas, normal people don't go around kissing people cause they wanna see what their lips feel like."

"I know. My apologizes, Ellie."

I groaned. "You don't kiss someone and then apologize!"

"You're upset?"

"Well, yeah!" I snapped.

"I'm confused." Castle said. "Are you upset because I kissed you? Or because I apologized?"

I growled as I shook my head. Was he serious? I got up and walked away from him. He had somehow managed to turn my happy mood into a bad one. Whoever knew an angel could ruin the moment?

I looked to the window and sighed. "Maybe you should go."

"Is that what you want?"

I nodded and soon after I heard the distinct flutter of wings. i turned around to see he was gone. I shook my head as I walked over to the bed once again. I picked up and opened my phone. I had over 20 missed calls from Dean, Sam, and Bobby.

Guess it was time to get my head chewed off.

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