Case 17

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  "I'm sorry if this is too much to ask of you, Misha, but he wouldn't say anything to me."

  "No, no, it's fine." I said while holding the phone next to my ear as I flipped through my keys in my other hand.

  "Thank you. I'm just very worried. I thought it'd be best to have a friend at least check on him." Linda sighed.

  "Well, I can swing by his place, but no guarantees he'll even be there, let alone talk to me."

  "You should have more confidence in yourself, Misha."

  "Oi, this isn't one of our sessions."

  "I say that both as a professional and as your friend."


  "Lucifer? You in here?" I called out while stepping out of the elevator. Checking my watch, I saw the time. I shouldn't be shocked by the booze bottles littering the tables this early in the day given it was Lucifer, but it did concern me after hearing what Linda had said.

  "Imp!" Lucifer stumbled out of his room, looking like a mess with wild hair and unkempt clothes. His button-up was half-assed done up to his chest while he reeked of alcohol. "What a terrible surprise. Come to nag me?"


  "Oh, a drink?" He plucked up a bottle and a glass. "Didn't think you were a day drinker. Bad detective."

  "I'm not here to drink either. I'm here to check on you. Glad I did." I put my hands on my hips while looking at the man pouring a drink. He paused, then looked at me with furrowed brows.

  "Check on me? Whatever for?"

  "Dr. Martin called. Told me you were acting off when she came by."

  "Oh, the good doctor meddling." He scoffed.

  "Lucifer, what's wrong?" I asked while snatching the cup from his hands to set it back down before he took another drink.

  "Don't worry, it's just family drama." He reached for the glass but recoiled when I popped the back of his hand.

  "Just family drama? You stink, look like shit, and I hope that's just a drink staining your shirt."

  "It is."

  "Well, at least that mystery is solved." I said before having to pop his hand again. "No more alcohol. Water."

  "You're not my boss."

  "I will shove it down your throat if I have to."

  "Wow, already getting aggressive. Sorry, Imp, not into that sort of play. Maze might- giving, not receiving." Lucifer popped off.

  "Yeah, see, family drama wouldn't have you like this." I waved my hand at him. "What's actually going on?"

  "Just enough of the questioning."

  "Not until you give me something. I got all day."

  "Oh?" Lucifer quirked up a brow while smirking. "I can give you many somethings with that time frame."

  "Don't even start that shit with me. There's clearly something wrong." His smile fell before he heavily groaned and leaned against the bar counter. "Okay, fine. If you don't want to talk to about Morningstar?"

  "A cat?" He then laughed.

  "Well, you two get along-"

  "It's a bloody cat!"

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