Case 1

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[Misha's theme: God Damnit by ILLENIUM ft. Call Me Karizma]

'In the beginning

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'In the beginning... The angel Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and condemned to rule Hell for all eternity. Until he decided to take a vacation...'

  "Damn, they really spared the details." Slowing the car to a halt, I put it into park and cut the engine before glancing at my partner. "You gonna be good?"

  "I've seen worse, Misha. Don't worry about me."

  "Well," I sighed while opening the door. "let's get this shit done, then." Stepping out, the sirens and chatter filled my ears as my boots hit the damp road. The street lights and neon signs lit the road well enough as I walked toward the wrecked car and pulled out my flashlight to see into the vehicle. Shining it in through the busted windows, I got a good look at the bloody body on the passenger side but saw there was no driver. Whoever it had been more than likely ran off after the crash.

  "Want to hear what I've got so far?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me, and I could practically feel Chloe tense.

  "Lieutenant said this was our case." My partner stated as I leaned to the side to get a better look into the car to make sure forensics hadn't missed anything.

  "Yeah, Chloe, it is your case, but try not to take too much time. It's an easy one. That's our bad guy. Eddie Deacon, he's a low-level drug dealer. I found these in his pocket, and I found this in Delilah's purse, so obviously drug-related. She probably owed him a bunch of cash or something. She's not exactly selling out stadiums these days."

  "How do you know he's low-level?"

  "Look at his car."

  "Did you look at his watch?" I piped up while stepping back from the car. "Does that look cheap to you?"

  "It's probably fake." Dan made a face, and I clicked off my little flashlight. "Look," He took a step closer while glancing around. "there's gonna be a lot of attention on this one. I wouldn't pick at it too hard. Not after Palmetto Street."

  "I asked for this case because of Palmetto Street, Dan." Chloe shifted on her feet while looking the man dead in the eye. "So, anyway, any witnesses?"

  "Club owner. He's inside." Dan gestured with his head, and Chloe glanced at me. I nodded, and we headed inside the lavish building for the club Lux. It wasn't hard to find the guy since he was just sitting at the piano and playing a few keys while a burning cigarette sat in an ashtray.

  "You're the club owner, correct?" Chloe asked just to be sure as we stood by the piano.


  "You got a name?" I rose a brow at him, and his gaze remained on the piano keys.

  "Lucifer Morningstar."

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