131. One Piece: No One ~ Blind and Broken Hearted pt. 3

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I've been with the Straw Hat pirates for a month now, most of it was Nami and Robin dressing me up and taking care of me. Helping me in the bath, even thought I could do it on my own. Franky told me the layout of the ship as he gave me a tour, Sanji cooked me whatever I wanted to eat, whenever I wanted, Usopp told me amazing stories, along with Luffy - they told me of their adventures. Brook played soothing music if I ever started missing or thinking about Ace, Zoro started helping me gain muscle so I could use a sword and Chopper...he was looking into a way for me to get my eyesight back. But I didn't get my hopes up too high.

"Marco!!!" I heard Luffy shout cheerfully outside,

"Where's Rose?-Yoi," Marco asked,

I linked arms with Sanji, and we exited the dining room and went outside.

"You called?" I smiled a little,

"I found a way for you to get your eyesight back, but we have to leave now-Yoi," Marco said, urgency in his voice

"What-" I started, in surprise,

"Wait, wait, wait. How?" Nami said, stepping in front of me

"There's someone who can heal her eyes, but I don't know how long he's going to be in the same place-Yoi," Marco said quickly,

"You better bring her back safe." Luffy said seriously,

"I promise-Yoi," Marco said,

I was placed onto his back, and I held on tightly to Marco as he took off quickly. I  pressed my face into his back to keep the wind from blowing in my face.

~Time Skip a week,~

Marco had left me with Traflagar D. Law, since it would take awhile for him to fully heal him eyes. I had Marco's snail on me, so I was to call him as soon as my eyes were healed and tell him where I was going to be so he could pick me up. It's been a week already, and we were getting closer to being finished. Law was a bit...strange, and so was his crew but I enjoyed his company.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Law asked me,

"Petting Bepo," I hummed as I ran my hand over said Bear's head,

"It's time to take the wrappings off-Ya," Law sighed, before turning and walking away,

I immediately got up and ran after him, I'll finally be able to see! I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I got onto the doctor table. Once Law told me to open my eyes, I looked into Law's eyes. Only reason I knew who it was, was because he was the only one in the room. I blinked a couple of times,

"What?" he narrowed his eyes at me,

"You're handsome," I smiled,

He didn't react, and told me to call my friend. Law said we were going to be at Sabody for a couple of days; but since it was going to take longer for Marco to get here - because Thatch wanted to see me - I would be on Sabody longer.


I was walking around the different islands, when I heard familiar voices. Of course they're being loud. I quickly made my way towards them, but when I got there, what I saw was horrifying. It was Luffy, screaming and crying. I didn't see anyone else from the crew, I opened my mouth but no sound came out as I watched the giant man hit Luffy making him disappear. I dropped to my knees, tears falling.

"LUFFY!!!" I screamed,

The man looked at me, but, instead of coming towards me he walked away. I screamed at the man to give Luffy back, but he didn't say anything or looked back at me. A man with white hair appeared in front of me, lifting me up into his arms he fled. Bringing me to a small bar. He explained what had happened to the woman and who I was. I was brought to a room above, and they let me sleep. All I dreamed of, was Luffy dying over and over again.

I stayed quiet for a few days, until Marco and Thatch came in through the door. Thatch grinned brightly before frowning at the look on my face. I smiled weakly at them,


Shakuyaku told them what happened, Marco wrapped me up in a tight hug, I hugged him back closing my eyes and taking in his warmth. He told me everyone was here, and they were all excited to see me again.

"Want me to carry you?" Thatch asked me,

I only nodded, he lifted me into his arms after Marco let go. He carried me all the way onto the ship, 

"What happened?" Whitebeard asked, a frown on his face

"...Where's Ace?-Yoi," Marco asked,

"He's in his room, he thought it would be better if she didn't see him after what he did," Izo answered him, (She knows who's talking because of their voices)

"Haruta, tell him to come up here. She needs him right now-Yoi," Marco ordered,

Haruta nodded and took off running, Thatch sat me down, holding me up as I felt like crying again. 

"Strawberry!" Ace shouted, throwing the door open,

I bit down on my lip, and I broke out into a cry, he ran over and I took a step towards him but my legs wouldn't work so I fell towards the ground. Ace caught me, lowering to the ground with me. He wrapped his arms around me, I hugged him as I cried into his chest.

"What did you do?" Ace growled,

"We didn't do anything! It was the Damn Marines!" Thatch shouted,

"What happened?" Whitebeard repeated,

"...Ace, your Little Brother is an idiot." Thatch sighed, 

"You-" Ace started,

"He punched a Celestial Dragon a few days ago-Yoi," Marco interrupted Ace,

The whole ship went silent, Ace tightened his hold on me, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Where did they take him?" Ace asked, calmly

Neither of them said anything, I ended up coughing as my breathe caught in my throat. Ace let go and patted my back so I could breathe again,

"Ace...they're all gone-Yoi," Marco said, slowly

"What do you mean they're all gone?" Ace asked, confused

"The marines killed the Straw-hat Pirates, including their Captain," Thatch told him,

"Ace...please..." I croaked at, looking at him pleadingly

"I won't...I promise, I won't," Ace hugged me tightly, pressing my head into his chest,

"None of us are going to let anything happen to the two of you," Yuki said, kneeling next to us

(Okay, just to let everyone know. As soon as the Whitebeard Pirates knew what Ace had done, aka sending a break up letter after he started dating Yuki and breaking Strawberry/Rose's heart, they were upset with him. Especially Yuki, she didn't want to help someone cheat. Ace then confessed that he thought that it would keep her safe, and would be better if she wasn't associated with him since she couldn't protect herself from his enemies. Marco & Whitebeard understood, and told everyone to drop it. Yuki had forced Ace to tell her the whole reason, so she knows the secret. They were no longer together, but were still on good terms. He then had gone out and searched for a way for her to get her eyesight back, he was able to find one - along with a clue to where Teach's plan was and where he was going next - he told Marco then went after Teach, he was always a step behind. He went back to the Ship for a while, when they went to Sabody and now this crap happened ^)

The End

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