37.✔Diamond no Ace: Jun Isashiki~Confessions

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It was a normal day for the Seido Baseball team...well. Except Sawamura was late, he finally showed. Dragging a girl with him, that was dragging her feet.

"No! I'm not doing it!" she yelled

"If I have to, you have to!" Sawamaura yelled

"Sawamura, why'd you bring Kami here?" said Kanemaru

"She's going to confess." said Sawamaura

"Good Luck with that Kami" sweat dropped Kanemaru

The girl paled,

"Nope! Let me go! I wanna go to the dorm!" she whined

He gave up on pulling and decided to push her, which was easier for him. The adults just watched in amusement.

"Fine! You do it first!" the girl huffed

"That wasn't the deal!" he said

"But...but!-In front of them!" she whined

"I have to, you have to." huffed Sawamura

He stopped pushing her, as she thought about it. It'd be worse for Sawamura since he likes a boy, she immediately felt guilty and sad. She crouched and played with the dirt. Kanemaru and Sawamura sighed at her behavior.

"What's wrong?" sighed Kanemaru

"...he has to confess to a boy too...but it's weirder since he's a boy and in front of everyone....I'm so mean!" she wailed,

The two boys along with everyone else sweat dropped, they all knew he was Gay. She didn't seem to know that, most already knew who he liked on the team. Even the person he liked knew, and he was amused that he was going to confess in front of everyone. Sawamura wasn't exactly good at hiding things. Especially in front of people.

"Just go kiss him then, if you're not going to say it!" huffed Sawamura

Her face just heated up even more, and she began to stutter.

"Ya know what! No. It won't work out, this was stupid." Kami said

She got up and turned to walk away, but both Kanemaru and Sawamura grabbed her arms and lifted her off the ground and started to walk.

"Let me go!" she whined

"You promised you'd do it today with me!" said Sawamura

"But!-I'm just a first year!" she whined

The two stopped and thought about it,

"Just tell us who you two like!!" his team shouted annoyed

"She won't have long with him even if he says yes..." said Kanemaru

"That would be cruel to do..." mumbled Sawamura

The two shared a look and let her go,

"She likes Jun-Senpai." they both said

The girl froze, she didn't move. She pointed at Miyuki.

"He likes the Sadistic Bastard." she said

The two of them glared at each other, and started yelling. Jun and Miyuki dragged the two away from each other. They still wouldn't shut up, so they pecked their crush's lips, shutting them both up and both of their faces to go red.

"I think you broke 'em!" Kuramochi laughed

~Time Skip, brought by Spitz-Senpai~!~

She ran straight down the hallways, when she got to the room she needs to be at. She opened the door, they were devastated. Her boyfriend's and her best friend's team lost, she knew he was broken. Just by looking at him. She needed to be there for the both of them.

"Kami..." said Furuya

She gave them all a closed eye smile, she stepped in and closed the door. She was there for the team, she became a Manager and did whatever was needed. They still didn't know her secret, Sawamura did. He was the only one,

They all walked out and bowed, slowly making their way to the dugout. The ones who were out on the field brightened up a bit once they saw her. She pulled Jun into a hug and he squeezed her.

"Thanks'...I think your best friend needs a hug." he smiled

"I'll come to your room later." she mumbled

She hummed as she went over to Sawamura. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder, as they all walked out.

"Let's play catch later, okay? Or you can bat," she said softly

He just gave her a grin, and snapped her fingers grinning devilishly as she whispered who knows what into his ear. The team watched as his face when really red. He grumbled something, which made her face heat up and punch him in the arm.

"Sh-Sh-Shut up!" she yelped

She was always able to cheer him up, even if it was a little bit. They were best friends ever since they were little, she was on the same team as him in middle school. They didn't know that, Jun did. That's why he didn't get jealous over those too, and the fact that Sawamura liked boys.

She wasn't able to ride with them to school, she rode back with her friend's parent's. She went to Jun's room and waited. His room mates didn't mind her presence. Or that she would snuggled Jun and kiss him every once in awhile. They also knew they would be separated once Jun graduated. The both of them did when they started to go out.

~Another Time Skip, Her POV~

Everyone but the Coach and Sawamura were shocked when I walked out onto the batter's box as pinch hitter for the game against the Third Years.

"She's hitting for the Managers!" said Natsukawa

"That means I'll be hitting one more time for the Third Years." I said

"So it won't affect either side." said Eijun

I faked not knowing what to do, I let them think they cornered me. Most of the people were saying how bad I was. I tightened my grip, I spread my legs a bit.

"And, it's gone!" said Eijun

I aimed right for his Curveball, I ran. I went past second and all the way to third as it hit between center and left. I couldn't go home, I already took enough advantage of their shocked faces.

"Gomen~" I stuck my tongue out playfully

I did the same thing when I hit for the third year, I was waiting on third. I didn't field for either team, just batted. It was a gift,

"Who knew you could hit." said Miyuki

"Eijun, coach most likely figure it out along the way" I shrugged

"She can also pitch, catch and field." said Eijun

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes,

"What? I had to help this idiot out." I pointed to Eijun

Jun grinned and pulled me into a big hug.

"...Anyone know where Miyuki and Bakamura went?" said Kuramochi

I hummed, and told Kuramochi he could stay in my dorm room. Most understood why I said that, others were confused.

"Kuramochi...you should confess to." I hummed

He looked at me annoyed, I grinned.

"Do you know everyone's crush?" sweat dropped Jun

"Only the baseball teams, I also know that Eijun has a few people crushing on him...that aren't on the team." I hummed
1,137 Words,

"Power isn't determined by your size, but by the size of your heart and dreams!"

- Monkey D. Luffy 

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