199. Tiger & Bunny: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi ~ Together Forever

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I sat on the table nervously, Kaede just ran out of the house and Kotetsu ran after her so I was alone with his mother and brother. Neither of them said anything, and I could tell that neither of them liked me.

"I should probably get going, will you let Kotetsu - san know that I went back?" I asked, as I rose out of my chair.

"Is that all you came to tell us? That you are pregnant with my son's child, whose way past the age to be having children. Then you're going to leave without cleaning up the mess you just made?" Anju, Kotetsu's mother glared harshly at me.

"I can tell when I'm not wanted, and I thought it would be best if you talked it over with your son. If you do not believe me, or want us to be in your lives. I will stay far away from all of you." I locked eyes with her.

She didn't say anything and I turned my back and left. It was raining, but I couldn't care any less. I walked all the way to the station, my feet were sore and I had just missed the last train back to the city. I wasn't going to go back to his house, so I sat down on a bench outside of the train station office. I would most likely be catching a cold. I pulled my phone out and called my manager.

"How did it go?" Kira asked. I could imagine her with a big grin on her face.

"Kiro, I'm not going to be able to preform for a few weeks, possibly a month." I said, ignoring her.

"What happened?" he sighed,

"I'm going to catch a cold. Also, I'm going to be on the next train ride back to the city, it's not going to work out with his family."

"Did you explain the situation to them?" Kiro asked,

"I didn't have a -" I got cut off by a sneeze, the wind blowing against my skin.

"Are you outside?!" both Kiro & Kira shouted, making me pull the phone away and flinch.

"I wasn't going to stay in a hostile environment."

"It couldn't have been that bad! Kotetsu was there right?" Kira said,

"We told them together, but Kaede ran out of the house. Kotetsu ran after her." I shrugged my shoulders, leaning back against the building as I hugged myself.

"He left you alone with his mother after dropping the bomb!?!" Kira yelled in anger,

"Kaede's his child, and it's not like he has any feelings for me. He's only taking responsibility for getting me pregnant, which is strange in itself.." I sighed, hugging myself and looking down at the ground.

"Did she say that?! - That's it! I'm coming down there!" Kira shouted in anger.

"Kira. I'll be back as soon as the first train gets here so you don't need to come down here. Plus, you'll only make it work. I can text Kotetsu and tell him to forget about it." I sighed, shivering as my clothes started sticking to my body.

"That's going to be hard to do," Kotetsu said, as he approached me.

I looked up in surprise, did he talk to his family already? I pulled my phone away and looked at the time. No way, did he use his power to get here?

"Is she still there?" I asked, looking away from him.

"No. I tried to stop her, but I didn't have any luck." Kiro said, nonchalantly. Which meant he didn't try at all.

"Ah, I'll call you later -" I started,

"She left her phone here. She's probably heading to Antonio's to get him to get Agnus to give her a ride out there. Oh, and talk with his family about what we had planned okay? You can even wait until Kira get's there for emotional support." Kiro said,

I was going to reply, but Kotetsu took the phone from me. He told Kiro I was with him, before he hung up. I lowered my head, I didn't feel like looking at him after he overheard what I had said. I knew, it wouldn't be easy to forget getting a young girl pregnant but I still said that.

"I'm sorry for leaving you there like that -" Kotetsu started,

"You don't need to apologize. She's your daughter, and it's not like I was in any danger." I gave him a closed eye smile.

"Kiro told me you had a bad childhood. I didn't think that they would react that way, or treat you the way they did. So I do owe you an apology," Kotetsu said, as he put his hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb soothingly.

I placed my hand on top of his and closed my eyes.

"It's cold, and the both of you need to get out of your wet clothes. You can talk and be lovey dovey later." Kaede said from our left.

I jumped in surprise, blushing in embarrassment while Kotetsu grinned at her.

"Right, you look cold." Kotetsu said, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for running out...I was in shock, and wasn't expecting dad to be dating anyone..." Kaede said, as we walked towards the car.

Kaede got in the front seat while Kotetsu and I got in the back seat. His brother was in the drivers seat, he turned around to look at me.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted, and Mom's got some good food going as an apology. None of us thought Kotetsu had it in him," his older brother smirked at Kotetsu before turning around and started driving towards their home.

"I shouldn't have ran off. I've never been good with words, which is why Kiro's always did the talking for me."

"I'm sure you're better at explaining the situation than I am," Kotetsu chuckled, placing a kiss on my temple.

"Ah...we could always get Kira to do the talking...after I calm her down..." I muttered the last part.

"Antonio's probably got her calmed down...maybe..." Kotetsu shrugged his shoulders.

"I actually have no doubt about that," I snickered to myself, knowing the best way to calm her down.

"Once we get there, you two should take a shower first. Make sure neither of you get a cold, especially you young lady." Muramasa said, giving me a pointed look through the rearview mirror.

"That's a good idea," I said, before I started sneezing.

"No funny business please, we don't need you even more pregnant." Kaede turned around with a smirk on her face.

"Kaede!" both Muramasa and Kotetsu shouted at her in a scolding tone, while I covered my face in embarrassment.

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