182. Haikyuu: Hinata Shoyou ~ Adopted Sister

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I ran as fast as I could, my legs were screaming at me to stop. To rest and take a break, but I couldn't. I had to see my big brother, I needed him to hug me and tell me whatever would comfort me. He should still be at school, in the gym practicing with his team.

The lights were still on, when I got to the gym door. I threw the door open, as I panted and looked around for my brother. I didn't care that I was interrupting, or that I looked like a mess and everyone was looking at me. I took a few steps in before I ran at my brother, I knocked the both of us to the ground as I hugged him and cried. I could tell he was freaking out,

"Hug her dumbass." (Tsukishima)

Shoyou wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly as I cried. Someone was rubbing my back gently, which helped a lot and I was able to calm down after a while. I ended up getting the hiccups though, a guy with silver hair helped me up while a guy with black hair helped up Shoyou. I was lead over to the bench and the coach handed me a water bottle, I downed the whole thing.

"What happened?? Weren't you going to see what's his face at Aoba??" Shoyou asked, looking at me with worry.

"H-He - He was k-k-kissing..." I croaked, as tears started falling again.

"....Am I allowed to kill him?" Shoyou asked the silver haired guy who helped me up.

"No. Did you take a picture?" (Sugawara)

I nodded my head while sniffling, I pulled my phone from my pocket and passed it over to him. He showed the others, no one recognized either of them, well. Shoyou recognized my now ex-boyfriend.

"I can ask Iwaizumi - Senpai, but..." (Kageyama)

"We can discuss this later, we should be getting back to practice." (Daichi)

"Can I sit and watch?" I looked at the coach.

"That's fine," he nodded his head.

~ Skipping Practice & a few days. A Practice Game against Aoba Josai ~

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Shoyou asked me, squeezing my hand as we walked to the Aoba Josai gym.

"For the Ninth time, Yes. Kiyoko - Senpai and Yachi - san will be with me the whole time. Well...Yachi - San at least. Kiyoko - Senpai has her duties as the head Manager." I gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"Uh oh." I heard the coach say, once we got in the gym.

Shoyou stiffened and squeezed my hand, I turned my head to where he was looking but Kageyama and Tsukishima blocked my view. Yachi - san grabbed my other hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Woah there Hinata!" Daichi - Senpai said, lifting Shoyou up before he could run.

"Chibi - Chan!! Tobio - Chan!!!~" (Oikawa) someone shouted cheerfully.

"Why are you guys just standing in the door way?" someone asked from behind us.

I turned around, my body going stiff as my eyes widened in surprise. The girl was the same one from the picture, she was pretty - no. That was an understatement. She was absolutely gorgeous. Yachi squeezed my hand tightly, and I squeezed it tighter back. Kiyoko - Senpai stepped in front of me so I wouldn't see her.

"Sorry, we'll move out of the way." Kiyoko - Senpai said softly, turning around and ushering me forward.

Everyone was quiet, as we all went to the bench. I could hear the other team voice their confusion, on how Karasuno was normally energetic and bright.

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