35.✔Diamond no Ace: Kuramochi Youichi~ The Cheetah Couple

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I used to be good at baseball, but ever since I broke my ankle I wasn't able to play. So, I stuck with doing manager work. I was told I can play baseball still, that I was still able to run fast. But it still haunts me. It's because I didn't tell anybody about an injury I had obtained during a game.

"Tachi-chan! Watch out!!" Rei shouted

A baseball was coming right at me, I had my hands full with water. I was knocked down as it hit me in the head. Footsteps were running straight for me.

"Are you okay Tachi-chan?" asked Haruhichii

He and everyone else was at my side, I hummed and looked up at Furuya, I grabbed a water and tossed it to him.

"You should drink, it's hot out and your not used to the heat yet, right?" I smiled

"Tachi-chan....Thank You." smiled Furuya

The coach looked at my cheek, he put a cold water bottle on it.

"Let's get you over to a bench. Kuramochi. Kominato Ryo. Help her over there." said Coach

The two helped me up, Furuya had apologized for hitting me. He was left field and totally missed first base. Rei was sitting beside me, she knew about my past.

"You know, you could get revenge." she smiled

"I can't play." I shook my head

"Yes you can, you just don't want to...Coach Kataoka." Rei nodded

"Yuki!" he hollered

Yuki ran over to us, he talked to him about something and nodded. He walked over to me, putting his helmet on my head. Eh?! I blinked as I was now standing in the batter's box, with Yuki behind me. Helping me get into position.

"Eh?!" I said

He walked away after I was in the correct position.

"Come on Tachi-Chan!" Sawamura cheered

I yelped and jumped, when Furuya's fast ball hit Miyuki's glove. To me it wasn't very fast, but still...

"Ano...I can't play." I said

"Yes you can! You just don't want to! Chicken!" said Rei

"I'm not a Chicken!" I huffed

I pulled the bat back and swung at his low inside ball. It made perfect contact with the bat and went all the way into left field.

"Run!" Rei yelled

It clicked in my head, I dropped the bat, I got into my stance and ran. I touched first, a normal person wouldn't be able to make a second, but I still ran. I got to the second right before Kuramochi got the ball. Everyone was shocked, I jumped on Kuramochi hugging him while squealing.

"I did it!" I grinned

"You..." said Kominato-Senpai

"She used to play baseball, but her ankle broke." said Coach

I was happy, Eijun was up to bat. He bunted, and I ran to third. He got out, but didn't mind. He grinned at me. Furuya looked at me annoyed, I smiled cutlery at him. He just pitched to Haruichii, he had gotten out, even though Yuki had the ball I still ran. I slid and avoided Miyuki's mit. I was safe, Sawamura helped me up giving me a high-five. I hummed, and took off the helmet.

"I think you're faster than Kuramochi." said Miyuki

"I used to swim, and do track. I would have to be able to outrun my brothers, because I would always make them mad...same with bullies. I don't, I just did it because it was fun. It got even more fun when I decided to play baseball!" I grinned

I went back to work, I would help out with batting practice from time to time seeing as I was good at pitching too. It took a lot out of me though, I didn't mind any of it. I was actually happy to be playing again, even if it wasn't officially.

~Time Skip, brought by The Cheetah!~

"Tachi-chan~ Kuramochi-" started Kominato-Senpai

His mouth was covered by Kuramochi's hand

"Kuramochi what?" I said

"It's nothing Tachi-chan." he smiled

"He likes you!" Sawamura shouted

I blinked and blushed red, Kuramochi seemed annoyed and ran after Sawamura who was running away from him. I ran behind him, I grabbed Kuramochi's arm and pulled him towards me. Giving him a kiss, I pulled away and walked away. The other managers teased me, I just huffed. He was still frozen in shock.

"Tachi! You broke him!" Rei sighed

He was there frozen with wide eyes, Miyuki was laughing at him. Which snapped him out of it and he started to yell at them. I hummed,

"Ah! The Cheetah Couple!" Sawamura said

Kuramochi started to chase him again, he tackled Sawamura and put him in a headlock. I giggled,

"I kind of like that," I hummed

I ran over to the two and flicked Sawamura on the forehead.

"Thanks', ano...Kuramochi~" I hummed

He blinked and blushed, letting Sawamura go.

"Let's play some games after practice today." I grinned

He nodded, and I helped him up. We got to Practice.
825 Words,

"I forgot how to be happy"

- Ciel Phantomhive

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