190. Naruto: N/A ~ Reincarnation

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I did not believe in Reincarnation, I always thought that God would bring me up to heaven instead of sending me straight to another body and with my memories of my previous life full intact. It had taken me 3.2 Seconds to realize I was a baby, and that I was not 'normal' in a sense. My Mother smiled down at me full of love, but I couldn't help but feel like I had seen her somewhere before.

"Mebuki, she's beautiful," a woman wearing a Nurses' outfit smiled down at me,

Mebuki? That's my Mother's name? It's weird...must be in a different country. I lifted my hands back up and stared at them. Ah, I'm a newborn, I shouldn't be able to do this already...oh well. Both my mother and the nurse looked at me in surprise, my hands are tiny...I wonder what I look like. I ignored them and kept on staring at my hands clenching and unclenching them.

"I know what I'm going to name her. Haruno, Akiara." Mother said, a bright smile on her face

Haruno? Haruno...eh?! That was when I realized, where I had seen my new mother from. It wasn't often, so I didn't recognize her right away. She was Sakura's mother, and now she's, my mother. So...is Sakura my older sister or is she going to be my younger sister? Or is she not going to exist because I'm here?! I started freaking out internally. I didn't want them to think I hated the name, which in all honesty I don't.

---Two Years Later---

My father was holding me in his arms, as he stood next to Mother's hospital bed. She had just given Birth to Sakura. She was a cute looking baby. I was two years older than her, and I knew the timeline of events – well, sort of. I don't remember a lot. I do know that when Naruto is born in a October the Nine Tails will attack the village because of Obito. Who is claiming to be Madara.

I didn't bother hiding the fact that I am smart and way more advanced than kids usually are at my age. I was enrolled at the Academy; it was difficult for me because I was small, but it was either the Academy or join the Anbu. I didn't want anything to do with Danzo.

"Oto-san, I want to go play." I tugged at his shirt,

"You don't want to hold your baby sister?" Mother asked, a tired smile on her face

"No." I shook my head,

"Alright, but make sure to head back home before it gets dark, okay?" Father said, kneeling to set me down

"I will." I nodded, holding my pinkie out to him

I knew my way around certain places, I knew my way from the Hospital to the house, and from the house to the training grounds. I also knew the way to the school from the training ground and from home. I wanted to keep on practicing my jutsu, though, my parents don't know that I don't play with anyone my age.

"Shi-Shi!" I grinned, running over to my favorite Uchiha, who was at the Training Grounds with a few other Uchiha

"Aki? What are you doing here alone?" Shisui asked, crouching down so he was closer to my height

"Momma was sleepy, I asked to play!" I smiled at him,

"This isn't a place to play kid," one of the Uchiha glared down at me

"Is to! I have fun here, so it's play place!" I shouted, glaring right back at him

"Aki, do you want to train with us?" Shisui asked, ignoring his friends looks of surprise and annoyance,

"Can I?!" I grinned up at him,

I practiced with them, his friends seemed to not despise me anymore because of how serious I was about learning and when I messed up I didn't scream or throw a tantrum. If I didn't have my memories from my past life, I wouldn't even be doing this.

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