155. Naruto: N/A ~ No Way in Hell

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"Damnit. You two, get by Obito." I said, arriving too late

"It's collapsing we - !" Rin started,

"Do as your told, we'll be fine." I glared at her,

The two went over to where Obito was, I moved my hands quickly and slammed them on the ground. The earth coming over us, I had fire balls hover around to give us some light as I worked on getting Obito out from under the rock. As soon as I got him out I started healing his body, telling the two to keep an eye out for anything that is out of place. I was able to get him stable, but he was unconsious.

"Help me tie him to my back, I'm getting the three of you out of here. Kakashi, I'm going to be counting on you," I told the two, looking at Kakashi


I leaned against the wall of the Hidden Leaf Hospital, waiting for someone to come out. Though, the person who came out wasn't someone I was expecting.

"Which Village are you affiliated with?" Kushina asked me,

"None. I'm a roamer, though, it's become harder to live out there," I laughed, arms crossed

"Well. Thank you for helping them, and bringing Obito back alive," Kushina lowered her head, bowing slightly with her eyes closed,

"Kushina! Is she - Hi!" Rin said, smiling brightly up at me, Kakashi & Minato coming out from behind her

"Hello. I'm glad you two are up and moving. Is the Uchiha boy going to be okay?" I asked Minato

"He will be fine, thanks' to your treatment on the field. Would you be considering joining the Hidden Leaf Village?" Minato asked me, moving so he was standing directly in front of me

"I will think about it. Oh, and do be careful if you ever have a child, Kushina. It will be the end of the Village, if you know what get's out." I told her, looking her directly in her eyes

"How do you know about that?" she asked, her eyes widening in shock, as she and Minato stood on guard, causing the other two to become on guard

"I know almost everything. Something else I know, is that we're being watched by three of Danzo's Anbu. I'm not an enemy of the Hidden Leaf Village," I told Minato, looking him directly into his eyes

"But?" he asked with a frown, lowering his guard

"Danzo Shimura. If I see him, I will not be able to control my anger." I closed my eyes and tilted my head back against the hospital building, willing my eyes to return to normal

"I take it you won't tell us why." Kushina said with a sigh,

"No. So. You three should go run off and tell him, oh. Something else he should know, I hate Snakes." I said, looking in the direction of where one of the Anbu were hidden,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat up with a gasp, my chest tightened as I fell out of the pod. I was caught by Neji,

"You were in deep, even after Kagura was defeated. What was it about?" Ino asked, as Neji put me on my feet

"Akane," Kakashi called out to me,

I kept my head lowered, as tears fell down. No. That wasn't - this is the - it's not...I'm in a Genjutsu. Everyone's okay, right? Minato, Obito...

"Obi..to..." I muttered,

"He's dead. He was with Madara," Guy told me, Neji squeezed my waist, as he held me up


"Neji, get back." Guy ordered him,

I dropped to my knees onto the ground when Neji let go and moved away from me. I gripped onto the dirt. This isn't reality.

"Release!" I kept on screaming and repeating over an over again,

I only looked up when a hand was placed on my head, my eyes meeting a pair of red ones. Sasuke. I knew my Sharingan was activated, and that he was the best person to look me in the eyes. Kakashi...used to be able to do this. He was the one. I leaned forward, dropping my head onto Sasuke's shoulder. We're the last ones...Obito...Itachi...Shisui...Mikoto....Fugaku...I bit down on my lip as I cried.

"Let's go home," Naruto said, putting his hand on top of my head

"Hai..." I muttered, getting onto my feet,

I stumbled backwards, I would have fallen if Asuma hadn't caught me. I looked up at him, and poked his cheek a few times. Making sure he was here and alive.

"Yes I'm here. I have you to thank for that," Asuma shook his head with a laugh

"Ah, I want Ramen." I sighed, looking up at the sky

"I'll buy you as much Ramen as you want when we get back," Shikaku said, messing up my already crazy hair

"...My heads a mess. I'm gonna sleep first...or maybe I should eat first," I muttered, keeping my gaze up at the blue sky

"You can sleep on the way, I'll carry you." Gaara said, wrapping me up in his sand,

I muttered a thanks' before I passed out from exhaustion and stress.

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