49.✔One Piece: Roronoa Zoro~Happy Birthday!

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Happy Birthday Zoro!!-Sorry if it's bad,
Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? That no one ever cared, or they all hate you. Well, that's what I feel like, and it's actually true. I am on the Navy's most wanted list. All because I'm a monster...that's what everyone in the town calls me. I'm part Mink and part Human, both of my parents are dead. No one cares about me, they all want me dead. It's not like I can leave the island, no one would allow me on their ship.

I was running from some men, they all gathered to chase me after I stole some food. I turned behind me to see how close they were, only to bump into someone. I fell on my but, and looked up. He had black hair, wore a straw hat and had a small cut under his eye. I knew who he was, Straw Hat Luffy. His crew was behind him, all except their shipwright. I turned hearing them come closer.

"Luffy!-Sorry, are you okay?" Nami asked

"Y-Yeah..." I stuttered

She helped me up, she wasn't afraid?

"...You're not afraid??" I asked

"Why would we be afraid of such a beautiful mademoiselle~" Sanji smiled

I flickered my tail and twitched my ears, they were getting closer.

"Because I'm a Monster. A freak," I said confused

They all looked at me with wide eyes, I hissed as a glass bowl made contact with my head and shattered. They all turned, it was just a scared little boy. I shook my head,

"There it is!-She's with pirates!" someone shouted

I tensed, I'm going to die. I turned, tail tucked between my legs and ears flattening. A firework went off in the direction of the bay, where the ships are.

"Looks like the navy's here." said Zoro

"Zoro, grab her and let's go!" Luffy laughed

I squeaked as he lifted me up bridal style and they all ran with the men who were after me running right after us. I squeaked as a bullet went past my head. Usopp shot something at the ground and blocked their path. I was sat down on a bench after we got on the ship,

"They have her! Fire at the Straw Hats!" a man shouted

Attention was drawn to us, I whimpered.

"I thought they didn't care about pirates?!" Nami yelled

"...It's because you took me, the Navy and everyone on that Island hates me." I said

My tail was still tucked between my legs and ears were flat on my head. I sniffled, a hand was placed on my head. I looked up at Zoro, who gave me a gentle smile. I smiled back,

"We're not gonna give you up," he said

They escaped easily, and I became a part of the crew, they were shocked when I told them my bounty. It was higher than Luffy. Mine only said Dead though.

"Why is it that high?!" Usopp shouted

"Because I'm a Monster.-Ow!" I yelped

Zoro hit me on the head, and Sanji yelled at him for hitting a lady. They started to fight, I giggled. Robin sat next to me,

"You're not a Monster, " she said

"...but, I have these ears and tail. And, I can have fur and look like a tiger and...and..." I sniffled

"Really!!! Cool!!! Show me!!!" Luffy grinned

I jumped in surprise,

"...You really want to see?" I asked

He nodded, Usopp, Chopper and Franky looked interested. I put my arm so it was covering my chest, and I put my hand over my lower regions. It confused them to why I was in that position until I changed. So I had fur too and my face transformed. I was completely naked, besides the fur.

"So cool!!" Luffy, Chopper and Usopp shouted

I blushed, and kept myself cover, a blanket was placed over my shoulder and covered me, I looked up at Zoro and smiled.

~Time skip, brought by Zoro really being a teddy bear~

I normally hung around Zoro, I would take naps with him. Which was a lot of naps but I liked it, he was warm. And smelled nice, no...he smelled great. Robin and Nami would tease me about it, Chopper would too sometimes. I knew what it meant, and I would always tackle chopper before he can say it. They got clothes for me, and I kept my fur out. It was nice to have people care of me,

Right now, my heart was hurting and I was pissed. And sad, Luffy was shot and he wasn't moving. We were betrayed...I growled, and let out a roar. My senses went crazy, I couldn't focus on anything.

~No one pov~

Her roar was ferocious, she was angry-no. She was pissed, her eyes turned into slits, her teeth were sharp as she yanked on the chains. She roared again, and pulled them off. She went on all fours, and she was scary. The straw hats knew, Zoro knew...she wasn't her anymore. She wasn't the sweet (Y/n) they knew, anger had consumed her.

"(Y/n)! Calm down!" Robin cried

"She can't hear us, she's full beast right now...Zoro!" said Chopper

Luffy was alive, he got up. She didn't notice, her eyes were only on the man who shot Luffy. He was scared, she knew it too. Her body was close to fully going into tiger mode, but was snapped out of it when she felt warmth through her body as she was lifted and taken away from there. She was calming down.

Soon enough they escaped, she was still calming down as Zoro held her.

"How did you know Zoro could calm her?" Brook asked

"Easy, he smells good to her. It's an animal thing," said Chopped

He was glad he was the only one to calm her down.

"That means Zoro can't die." said Robin

Her tail flickered and she clung to Zoro instantly once he let her go.

"No." she huffed

Luffy grinned, and everyone did a group hug. From then on, wherever Zoro was, (Y/n) was sure to be near. After all, Zoro is her mate.
1,034 Words,

"If I can be of any help, I'll become a real monster!"

- Tonry Tony Chopper

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