135. Vampire Knight: ??? ~ Non - Human Pt. 2

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WARNING! This chapter contains a Incest. It's not a Lemon though,

I was going to die. My family wouldn't leave me alone, at night someone would be watching from my Window and during the day I would be followed. No one else noticed, of course. If I wasn't related to them by blood I wouldn't have noticed either. Right now, I was sitting in the Headmaster's office with Yuki, Zero and Toga - Sensei. I was surprised that the Night Class were all Vampires, I knew they existed and I thought they were going extinct. I also thought they were crazy and weren't in control of themselves so I never thought of them being civilized.

"Why tell me now?" I asked, looking at Headmaster Cross,

"Kaname knows of your issues with your family, if I transfer you to the Night Class you will be better protected. It would take time for you to adjust to their schedule, but, you will be a lot safer." Headmaster Cross said,

"From her family," Zero scowled,

"But I would be in danger of them sucking my blood dry and killing me," I said his and everyone else' thoughts out loud,

"Yes. They will follow Kaname's word, but if you get hurt and they smell your blood. I'm not sure if they will be able to control themselves." Headmaster Cross said, a small smile on his face

"It's your choice. You can say no, and you will be moved into the Headmaster's residence. You will be sharing a room with me," Toga - Sensei said, his arms crossed as he leaned against Headmaster Cross' desk

"Can I tell you something, and you can't over react to it. At least, in front of me." I squeezed my hands,

"You can tell us later." Yuki said, tugging at Zero's arm

He grumbled and left the room with Yuki, I waited until Toga - Sensei gave me the nod of go ahead. I took in a deep breathe before letting it out. I lowered my head, looking down at the floor.

"I would rather be a Vampire's food than go back to living with my family." I said, as I looked up at the two

"We will bring you to the Night Class' Class room, Kaname will help you move your things into your room. Which will be right next to his, so he can react right away if something were to happen." Headmaster Cross said with a smile,

I nodded, and followed the two out. Zero and Yuki were waiting outside, they came with us to the Night Class' Classroom, they were having a break right now so we weren't interrupting anything. Zero was tense and on guard. Yuki was more relaxed. And it makes you wonder who's the one who's human. Well. He's not afraid, more like he hates them. 

"Seiko - San is going to be moving into the Night Dorms and attending Class with you. Kaname, I am leaving her in your care." Headmaster Cross said, looking at Kaname

"I will make sure they behave themselves," Kaname said, with a creepy smile when he looked at the other Students

"Can I ask why?" Ruka rose her hand,

"Kaname will let you know, Toga and I have other business to attend to." Headmaster Cross said, leaving the room immediately after

"Yuki, I'm leaving him to you. Come on Zero." Toga said, grabbing Zero's arm tightly and dragging him out of the classroom, leaving a confused Yuki

"Is what you told them that bad?" Yuki frowned at me,

"It seems like Headmaster - Sama is upset about it, but I can't tell you how much. They didn't show me a reaction," I told her,

She nodded and took off, calling for Headmaster Cross. This, is going to be a fun transition.

~Time Skip, brought by a change in temperature,~

I hadn't been feeling good, I hadn't been able to get out of bed, I hadn't been able to eat, sleep or move. It hurt, my bones felt like they were breaking and if I did I would die. The windows were kept open, and someone stayed with me just to make sure I wouldn't be taken away while the others were in class and on the weekends, Kaname would stay in my room & Headmaster Cross would come over to check on me.

"...You have one minute." Kaname said, leaving the room

I groaned in pain, as I sat up to see who came in. Akio - Onii - San. I breathed a sigh of relief when he pushed me back down on the bed. He sat on the bed next to me.

"Grandfather passed away three days ago. His heart stopped when he heard you were in heat. Uncle Taro took over leadership and ordered everyone to leave you alone, Father wasn't happy about it...but he had to obey." Akio said, brushing my hair away from my face

"Wh-What?" I croaked out, not understanding what he was saying

"You can come home if you want to. Right now, after school. Or you can stay as far away from the Family as you can. Uncle Taro regrets everything he's ever done to you, so have I, Daiki and Shou. The other two are downstairs, they decided it was best if I came up here instead of them. They had a hard time with your smell." Akio snickered, staring at me

"C-C-Can you s-stop it?" I panted, my stomach turning

"Yes. Daiki or Shou can too, but if either of us helped you; you would be ours. You would have to come back to the family." Akio said, playing with my hair

"Minute's up." Kaname said, entering the room

I grabbed Akio's wrist before he could leave, I pushed everything down and looked him in the eyes.

"Please...I don't...care..." I whined,

The door slammed closed, as Akio placed a kiss on my forehead.


"Say that again." I stared at Uncle Uta with wide eyes,

"You can stay here, and you don't have to return to the Family. It's your decision. And I talked it over with the other two leaders, we're willing to teach the Vamps about us and stop hiding. No reason for us to be afraid of your kind anymore," Uncle Uta smirked at Toga - Sensei,

Toga - Sensei just scowled at him, a harsh glare on his face but Uncle Uta laughed saying that Aunty Yuna was scarier than he was. Headmaster Cross agreed and thanked him, after I told him I was fine with seeing my family and my kind. I wasn't human anymore. Well, I guess I've never been human.

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