188. One Piece: N/A ~ Gol D. Roxie

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WARNING! Mention of Rape!
I never asked to be his child, but, even if I was. I would still say yes. When I turned sixteen, my uncle went with me to a newspaper outlet, and had them post information about me, since it was bound to come out when I set sail and joined a pirate crew. It was better to have it told correctly, than not.

~ Time Skip three years, brought by adventuring ~

I stood in front of the 12th Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Haruta, three other members of the crew were behind him. I attacked a village under his protection to get him here, but it hadn't worked and they sent a commander instead...maybe it's because I only threatened them and destroyed buildings that were empty...I clicked my tongue. Plan B then.


I sat at the beach with a bandaged and unconious Haruta beside me, he was tied up and his broken sword laid at my feet. I watched as the Moby Dick slowly came into view. I placed a hand on my hip when Namur came out of the water, he was pissed. Marco flew and landed between us, going back into his normal form.

"Namur. Go back to the ship - Yoi." Marco ordered him,

"It's your own fault. Should have listened to my request and his sword wouldn't have broken,"

"We weren't going to give into your demands. You're a child - yoi." Marco looked at me coldly.

"Oh? Should I kill him then?" I quirked an eyebrow, placing my foot on one of Haruta's injuries, making him wake up and cry out in pain & the wound to start bleeding again.

Namur attacked, I easily avoided his hits. I closed my eyes, as I dodged him. Marco picked up Haruta and took off into the sky, most likely to bring him to the ship to get medical attention. I opened my eyes and stabbed him right in the side, almost hitting his organs. I left my dagger in him, as I knocked him down onto his back. I hit a few pressure points on his legs, making him unable to move them.

The Moby Dick came closer and stopped close to the beach, the commanders and others were seen on the bow as Whitebeard jumped off and onto the beach. He was big. Namur's and Haruta's name's were shouted and people were being held back.

"It's your fault they were hurt. If you came in the first place none of this would have happened....where is it?" I glared up at him, not seeing his weapon.

He kneeled down in front of me, and lowered his head. Surprising everyone, and pissing me off.

"I am sorry, do not harm any more of my children. You may attack me as much as you wish," Whitebeard said, lifting his head to look me in the eyes.

I was pissed, I screamed and attacked. He didn't defend himself, or fought back. He let me stab, slash, kick and punch him. Even when both Namur and Haruta were brought back to the ship, he still let me beat him until I was exhausted. After, he pulled me into a tight hug. Apologizing to me again, as I started crying. He was supposed to look after me, he made the promise to my father but...I went through hell because of him.

"Will you let me protect you now?" Whitebeard asked me, as he lifted me up as he stood.

"...Sure...do whatever you want." I muttered, as I fell asleep out of exhaustion.


I got glares as I walked across the deck and over to Whitebeard's chair, even all of the commanders were glaring at me. Namur was sitting in a chair, and Haruta was in a wheelchair but they would be fine. They weren't seriously injured, but, Whitebeard's condition got worse. Though, when I saw the multiple ships coming towards us, I laughed painfully. Of course, he was never going to protect me. I guess this is it then. Uncle...Auntie...sorry. I'm not going to be seeing you again. I'll see my parents soon.

"I hope the Navy kills you." I looked Whitebeard in the eyes, erasing all emotion from my face.


"They deserved to know, especially since your injuries got worse. - Yoi." Marco looked him in the eyes, his face equally stern.

"WHERE IS SHE?!?!" "POPS! WHY DID YOU LET HER LIVE?!" Were the many shouts from the different captains.

"GO HOME! THAT IS MY DECISION TO MAKE! NONE OF YOU ARE TO HARM HER! IF YOU WISH TO YOU WILL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME!!" Whitebeard stood, as he shouted. Anger clear in his voice.

Everyone was surprised, no one said anything and no one made a sound. Except for me, I couldn't stop crying, the only people to ever ever say that they would protect me, were my Uncle & Aunt. Whitebeard knelt and placed his hand on top of my head, as I cried like a little kid. He wasn't lying. He would even fight his own children, just to protect me.

"No one will ever touch you again, my child." Whitebeard said, guilt lacing his voice.

"Pops...she hurt - !" someone started,

"She avoided hitting our organs, and she didn't hurt any of the villagers. Only destroyed buildings that were empty. And if Namur had noticed I was bandaged up, he wouldn't have gotten hurt." Haruta said, loud enough that the captains who were close could hear.

A bunch of snails were brought out, Whitebeard sat in his chair and held me on his lap as the nurses hooked him up again. And what Haruta said was relayed to everyone, about two thirds of them left, the rest I am sure hate my father.

"...Long ago, Rodger asked me to protect his baby girl, to keep her from harm. I had not kept that promise, and because of that, she had gone through life alone and in pain. I had only learned of this recently. I did not think she would boldly claim that her father was the King of the Pirates." Whitebeard looked down at me with a look of amusement.

"He's my father. Nothing will change that, and I'm not him. And I will never be like him, I will be myself."

After a couple minutes, they all left. They wanted nothing to do with me, and would stay away as long as I was on board the ship. Because I still had his blood in me.

"How old were you?" Izo asked, pity in his tone.

"...You don't want to know."

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